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{ "@context": "", "type": "OrderedCollectionPage", "orderedItems": [ { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "Posted 9/11/2022 to Facebook:<br /><br />I wrote the below post here on April 3rd of 2020, a month after the US government started taking COVID-19 seriously. I'm reposting it here some 16 months later because we can now test all the predictions I made back then. Many people scorned me for this heresy. But I was right.<br /><br />The official stats say we got near 826k deaths in the US from COVID-19 by the end of 2021. So we certainly did hit the 34k mark and then some. But this is also a dubious stat because flu deaths dropped to essentially zero at the same time. Which is a more than curious fact about how we have measured this pandemic. And by now most of you know that these stats are likely very overstated because many people who simply died with COVID-19 were treated as though they died from it. I think it's fair to say that this is not how we've measured the impacts of epidemics before.<br /><br />Nevertheless COVID-19 has a significant body count. Having said that, I think we need to consider where we are now. We are nearly done with year 2 of this pandemic. The US has officially lost a little over 1M people to (with) COVID-19. The number of Americans officially \"confirmed\" to have gotten COVID-19 is 95M. That's not an estimate. I think by now we know somewhere between 60% (CDC estimate in April) and 100% of Americans have caught COVID-19 along the way. 60% of a population of 332M is 200M. Which means the upper end estimate of the death rate is 1M/200M = 0.5%. The lower end, given the above flawed statistics, should be around 0.3%. About 93% of those who died were 50 and older.<br /><br />For comparison, the CDC estimated that the 2018-19 flu season infected 29M Americans and killed 28K of them. That's a mortality rate of 0.01%. So COVID-19 has clearly been more deadly than influenza has in recent years. But at this point we also know we aren't going to be seeing anywhere near these rates now that most of us have had COVID-19.<br /><br />And more importantly because COVID-19 followed a well-understood pattern. The first couple variants of it were virulent (transmissible) and relatively deadly. Omicron has been far more virulent and yet far less deadly. Most people don't even know that there are many variants now. Or that they too have gotten progressively less deadly. This is how respiratory viruses generally evolve in human populations. And the most likely reason we don't see more dead every year from influenza. They evolve to survive in humans while minimally killing them. Dead people don't spread COVID-19 or influenza. Only living people do.<br /><br />Meanwhile the medical interventions have been of little value in my opinion. Have medical masks saved lives? Maybe some. The official Mayo Clinic statement is that \"Yes. Face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as getting vaccinated, frequent hand-washing and physical distancing, can help slow the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19.\" See how watered down that is? They could just as well have thrown \"party balloons\" in there and come up with the same substantial statement. The kinds of masks Americans have worn and the ways we have worn them have not been demonstrated to have reduced the spread of COVID-19. Except by people who are clearly sick and symptomatic. The plastic barriers we put up everywhere to prevent the spread of spoken words have actually been shown to promote the spread of COVID-19. The 6-foot social distancing number that was arbitrarily chosen has similarly not been shown to alter the spread. Hand-washing has also been shown to be completely worthless for this. And the CDC has walked back its strident claims that the MRNA \"vaccines\" we got actually protect against infection or spreading the disease. You have to read into it by how they dance around it. \"CDC will continue to focus efforts on preventing severe illness and post-COVID conditions, while ensuring everyone have the information and tools, they need to lower their risk.\" At this point their main claim is that vaccination reduces risk of death and severe illness.<br /><br />One thing the past couple years have done is increased excess deaths due to causes beyond COVID-19. Foregone healthcare, suicides, drug and alchol overconsumption, and other alarming health risks rose a lot. I’m going to leave it at that because this is a big topic that is still under much study.<br /><br />Meanwhile the actions our government took along the way and the permanent changes have been devastating and dark. We are in a deep recession now. Coupled with the worst inflation we've seen in decades. We might be entering an economic depression. But since there is no widely accepted definition of what that is, we'll no doubt debate that for a long time to come. Money-printing policies have been used around the world to \"stimulate\" national economies. They are what is actually making the inflation and recession worse. But the pace of government deficit spending has barely slowed down even now that we're past the bulk of the pandemic. Meanwhile most Americans are seeing the effects of inflation in energy, food, and housing prices. Those are the pretty much the main things people pay for that are not optional.<br /><br />The most troubling aspects of this pandemic are the permanent changes to our government and the governments around the world. Nobody seems to have noticed that we suddenly got universal healthcare in the form of free screenings and vaccinations 100% controlled and administered by our governments. Without Congress ever voting on whether Americans wanted universal healthcare. You better believe this process will quickly spread over the next few years to include more and more aspects of healthcare. We are likely to get to fully socialized medicine here soon without much consideration by our elected legislative representatives. And with all the trappings of politically governed healthcare. We saw some of the healthiest people getting vaccinated first. And vaccines distributed based on racist ideology as well. And we have had an enormous amount of wasted vaccine all along the way. All of this is corrupt. Get ready for more of this as the socialism virus spreads throughout healthcare.<br /><br />Perhaps the biggest blow has been an erosion of freedom of speech in the west. Even the American government has repeatedly admitted to coercing social media companies to suppress stories about this pandemic that they thought did not suit their policy goals. Many legitimate doctors have had their careers ended for questioning anything about the official narratives. Even though almost every one of those narratives have broken down along the way. The rest of us who take an interest in this topic are effectively told we are not allowed to publicly question anything about pandemic policies. It will be a miracle if you actually get to see this post of mine.<br /><br />Our government has also used this new lever of power over social media to flat out rig elections. Facebook’s CEO recently revealed that the FBI approached Facebook warning the platform about \"Russian propaganda\" ahead of the bombshell Hunter Biden laptop story leading up to the 2020 presidential election. The New York Post reported that “nearly four of five Americans who’ve been following the Hunter Biden laptop scandal believe that ‘truthful’ coverage would have changed the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, according to a new poll.”<br /><br />Meanwhile the pandemic was used as an excuse to sway election outcomes by people capriciously changing election rules in many states without going through the legal processes required to. NPR reports that “The Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled that most ballot drop boxes aren't allowed in the state and that a voter can't have someone else return — in person — their completed absentee ballot on their behalf.” But we all know that the results in Wisconsin will not somehow be overturned as a consequence of this belated ruling. And there’s every reason to believe that these illegal drop boxes boosted Democrat vote tallies significantly in Wisconsin and other states.<br /><br />It’s also clear that a year of BLM riots devastating many cities is a direct consequence of leftists stewing under lockdowns and Democrat mayors and governors egging rioters on to destroy their and more often other people’s communities. Governments and even healthcare professionals around the country brazenly argued that the BLM riots did not increase the spread of COVID-19. While also arguing that conservatives peacefully assembling to protest lockdowns constituted “superspreader events”. And thus making a mockery of the actual pandemic and American healthcare.<br /><br />All the above political changes to our country surely led directly to the events of January 6th, 2021. Large numbers of conservatives descended on Washington DC because they were fed up with being lied to and coerced in many ways. They didn’t believe that the presidential election was legitimate for reasons above, among other things. When some of them stormed the capitol building, the people in charge of securing that building argued that they were low on staff because of COVID-19 policies. And now we have a burgeoning witch hunt being fronted by the FBI to arrest Democrats’ most outspoken political enemies.<br /><br />So yeah. My predictions have mostly come true. And it’s generally worse than I expected.<br /><br />------<br />Posted 4/3/2020 to Facebook:<br /><br />Regarding COVID-19. My earlier prediction that this will kill an order of magnitude fewer Americans than influenza did turn out to be wrong. The CDC estimates that 35.5M people in the US got flu infections and over 34k died from it in the 2018-2019 flu season. An order of magnitude fewer would be about 3,400. As of today some 7,000 Americans have died from COVID-19. And the odds look very good that we will reach the 34k mark sometime this year.<br /><br />Note that some of this calendar year's deaths will accrue to the 2020-2021 flu season. And the CDC can't report on the 2019-2020 flu season because it is not technically over yet. But from October 2019 - March 28 2020 they report that there were 39 - 55k flu illnesses and 24 - 63k deaths in the US.<br /><br />The bottom line is that this is hitting the US harder than I expected it to. I know I upset many of you by focusing nearly a month ago on the distinct downsides of the dramatic action our governments have taken and not much on the dangers. Those dangers are real. And I acknowledge that we do need to take action. People who are actually infected with COVID-19 should be isolated from others. By mandated quarantines and even arrests if they chose to put others in danger. People who are over 70 should self-isolate because they are the ones most likely to die if they catch COVID-19. All relevant institutions should be encouraging and supporting that isolation.<br /><br />And since we live in a welfare state, the burden really is on the federal and state governments to deal with the fallout of their bad healthcare policies.<br /><br />All that said, I still stand by the fears I expressed. I truly don't believe that the draconian measures taken by our federal government — let alone our state governments — are warranted. Many of them are flat out dangerous to human life. Some can even make the spread of COVID-19 worse. And there is every reason to believe that the dramatic shutdowns we've seen across the board are going to dramatically increase deaths from suicide, drug overdoses, and other knock-on effects of enforced isolation and lost jobs. And there's plenty of reason to believe that regulatory red tape is getting in the way of the rapid progress a freer market would naturally give us.<br /><br />There are also an awful lot of reasons to believe that we have already dropped off a cliff into the start of an economic depression as a result of our bold efforts to deal with this pandemic. This does not have to happen. Even now it's not too late to turn this around.<br /><br />I remain angry at the failures of our federal and state governments in dealing with COVID-19. We are fast losing our basic liberties. It's doubtful that these draconian measures are even genuinely slowing the spread of this disease. And just keep in mind that the odds are good you will get and survive COVID-19 eventually. This isn't a race to prevent people from getting sick. It's only a race to delay that a bit longer. COVID-19 will be here in 2021. And 2022. And probably for many years to come. We're going to get through this year okay. Not all of us. But most of us.<br /><br />I still think it's important for us all to remain angry and afraid of this brave new world we have rushed headlong into.<br /><br />This isn't about me per se. I'm faring very well. I have a good job (for now), a full refrigerator, and a perfect housemate to share space with. Many of my friends are not so lucky. I'm watching them lose their jobs, eat through whatever savings they have, and suffer mental illness effects from this.<br /><br />I help my friends and neighbors in whatever ways I can. And maybe the best help I can give is encouragement to all of you to push back at least a little. We don't need this treatment. It's not okay.<br /><br />Stay safe. Be well.<br />", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2022-09-11T12:30:55+00:00", "source": { "content": "Posted 9/11/2022 to Facebook:\n\nI wrote the below post here on April 3rd of 2020, a month after the US government started taking COVID-19 seriously. I'm reposting it here some 16 months later because we can now test all the predictions I made back then. Many people scorned me for this heresy. But I was right.\n\nThe official stats say we got near 826k deaths in the US from COVID-19 by the end of 2021. So we certainly did hit the 34k mark and then some. But this is also a dubious stat because flu deaths dropped to essentially zero at the same time. Which is a more than curious fact about how we have measured this pandemic. And by now most of you know that these stats are likely very overstated because many people who simply died with COVID-19 were treated as though they died from it. I think it's fair to say that this is not how we've measured the impacts of epidemics before.\n\nNevertheless COVID-19 has a significant body count. Having said that, I think we need to consider where we are now. We are nearly done with year 2 of this pandemic. The US has officially lost a little over 1M people to (with) COVID-19. The number of Americans officially \"confirmed\" to have gotten COVID-19 is 95M. That's not an estimate. I think by now we know somewhere between 60% (CDC estimate in April) and 100% of Americans have caught COVID-19 along the way. 60% of a population of 332M is 200M. Which means the upper end estimate of the death rate is 1M/200M = 0.5%. The lower end, given the above flawed statistics, should be around 0.3%. About 93% of those who died were 50 and older.\n\nFor comparison, the CDC estimated that the 2018-19 flu season infected 29M Americans and killed 28K of them. That's a mortality rate of 0.01%. So COVID-19 has clearly been more deadly than influenza has in recent years. But at this point we also know we aren't going to be seeing anywhere near these rates now that most of us have had COVID-19.\n\nAnd more importantly because COVID-19 followed a well-understood pattern. The first couple variants of it were virulent (transmissible) and relatively deadly. Omicron has been far more virulent and yet far less deadly. Most people don't even know that there are many variants now. Or that they too have gotten progressively less deadly. This is how respiratory viruses generally evolve in human populations. And the most likely reason we don't see more dead every year from influenza. They evolve to survive in humans while minimally killing them. Dead people don't spread COVID-19 or influenza. Only living people do.\n\nMeanwhile the medical interventions have been of little value in my opinion. Have medical masks saved lives? Maybe some. The official Mayo Clinic statement is that \"Yes. Face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as getting vaccinated, frequent hand-washing and physical distancing, can help slow the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19.\" See how watered down that is? They could just as well have thrown \"party balloons\" in there and come up with the same substantial statement. The kinds of masks Americans have worn and the ways we have worn them have not been demonstrated to have reduced the spread of COVID-19. Except by people who are clearly sick and symptomatic. The plastic barriers we put up everywhere to prevent the spread of spoken words have actually been shown to promote the spread of COVID-19. The 6-foot social distancing number that was arbitrarily chosen has similarly not been shown to alter the spread. Hand-washing has also been shown to be completely worthless for this. And the CDC has walked back its strident claims that the MRNA \"vaccines\" we got actually protect against infection or spreading the disease. You have to read into it by how they dance around it. \"CDC will continue to focus efforts on preventing severe illness and post-COVID conditions, while ensuring everyone have the information and tools, they need to lower their risk.\" At this point their main claim is that vaccination reduces risk of death and severe illness.\n\nOne thing the past couple years have done is increased excess deaths due to causes beyond COVID-19. Foregone healthcare, suicides, drug and alchol overconsumption, and other alarming health risks rose a lot. I’m going to leave it at that because this is a big topic that is still under much study.\n\nMeanwhile the actions our government took along the way and the permanent changes have been devastating and dark. We are in a deep recession now. Coupled with the worst inflation we've seen in decades. We might be entering an economic depression. But since there is no widely accepted definition of what that is, we'll no doubt debate that for a long time to come. Money-printing policies have been used around the world to \"stimulate\" national economies. They are what is actually making the inflation and recession worse. But the pace of government deficit spending has barely slowed down even now that we're past the bulk of the pandemic. Meanwhile most Americans are seeing the effects of inflation in energy, food, and housing prices. Those are the pretty much the main things people pay for that are not optional.\n\nThe most troubling aspects of this pandemic are the permanent changes to our government and the governments around the world. Nobody seems to have noticed that we suddenly got universal healthcare in the form of free screenings and vaccinations 100% controlled and administered by our governments. Without Congress ever voting on whether Americans wanted universal healthcare. You better believe this process will quickly spread over the next few years to include more and more aspects of healthcare. We are likely to get to fully socialized medicine here soon without much consideration by our elected legislative representatives. And with all the trappings of politically governed healthcare. We saw some of the healthiest people getting vaccinated first. And vaccines distributed based on racist ideology as well. And we have had an enormous amount of wasted vaccine all along the way. All of this is corrupt. Get ready for more of this as the socialism virus spreads throughout healthcare.\n\nPerhaps the biggest blow has been an erosion of freedom of speech in the west. Even the American government has repeatedly admitted to coercing social media companies to suppress stories about this pandemic that they thought did not suit their policy goals. Many legitimate doctors have had their careers ended for questioning anything about the official narratives. Even though almost every one of those narratives have broken down along the way. The rest of us who take an interest in this topic are effectively told we are not allowed to publicly question anything about pandemic policies. It will be a miracle if you actually get to see this post of mine.\n\nOur government has also used this new lever of power over social media to flat out rig elections. Facebook’s CEO recently revealed that the FBI approached Facebook warning the platform about \"Russian propaganda\" ahead of the bombshell Hunter Biden laptop story leading up to the 2020 presidential election. The New York Post reported that “nearly four of five Americans who’ve been following the Hunter Biden laptop scandal believe that ‘truthful’ coverage would have changed the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, according to a new poll.”\n\nMeanwhile the pandemic was used as an excuse to sway election outcomes by people capriciously changing election rules in many states without going through the legal processes required to. NPR reports that “The Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled that most ballot drop boxes aren't allowed in the state and that a voter can't have someone else return — in person — their completed absentee ballot on their behalf.” But we all know that the results in Wisconsin will not somehow be overturned as a consequence of this belated ruling. And there’s every reason to believe that these illegal drop boxes boosted Democrat vote tallies significantly in Wisconsin and other states.\n\nIt’s also clear that a year of BLM riots devastating many cities is a direct consequence of leftists stewing under lockdowns and Democrat mayors and governors egging rioters on to destroy their and more often other people’s communities. Governments and even healthcare professionals around the country brazenly argued that the BLM riots did not increase the spread of COVID-19. While also arguing that conservatives peacefully assembling to protest lockdowns constituted “superspreader events”. And thus making a mockery of the actual pandemic and American healthcare.\n\nAll the above political changes to our country surely led directly to the events of January 6th, 2021. Large numbers of conservatives descended on Washington DC because they were fed up with being lied to and coerced in many ways. They didn’t believe that the presidential election was legitimate for reasons above, among other things. When some of them stormed the capitol building, the people in charge of securing that building argued that they were low on staff because of COVID-19 policies. And now we have a burgeoning witch hunt being fronted by the FBI to arrest Democrats’ most outspoken political enemies.\n\nSo yeah. My predictions have mostly come true. And it’s generally worse than I expected.\n\n------\nPosted 4/3/2020 to Facebook:\n\nRegarding COVID-19. My earlier prediction that this will kill an order of magnitude fewer Americans than influenza did turn out to be wrong. The CDC estimates that 35.5M people in the US got flu infections and over 34k died from it in the 2018-2019 flu season. An order of magnitude fewer would be about 3,400. As of today some 7,000 Americans have died from COVID-19. And the odds look very good that we will reach the 34k mark sometime this year.\n\nNote that some of this calendar year's deaths will accrue to the 2020-2021 flu season. And the CDC can't report on the 2019-2020 flu season because it is not technically over yet. But from October 2019 - March 28 2020 they report that there were 39 - 55k flu illnesses and 24 - 63k deaths in the US.\n\nThe bottom line is that this is hitting the US harder than I expected it to. I know I upset many of you by focusing nearly a month ago on the distinct downsides of the dramatic action our governments have taken and not much on the dangers. Those dangers are real. And I acknowledge that we do need to take action. People who are actually infected with COVID-19 should be isolated from others. By mandated quarantines and even arrests if they chose to put others in danger. People who are over 70 should self-isolate because they are the ones most likely to die if they catch COVID-19. All relevant institutions should be encouraging and supporting that isolation.\n\nAnd since we live in a welfare state, the burden really is on the federal and state governments to deal with the fallout of their bad healthcare policies.\n\nAll that said, I still stand by the fears I expressed. I truly don't believe that the draconian measures taken by our federal government — let alone our state governments — are warranted. Many of them are flat out dangerous to human life. Some can even make the spread of COVID-19 worse. And there is every reason to believe that the dramatic shutdowns we've seen across the board are going to dramatically increase deaths from suicide, drug overdoses, and other knock-on effects of enforced isolation and lost jobs. And there's plenty of reason to believe that regulatory red tape is getting in the way of the rapid progress a freer market would naturally give us.\n\nThere are also an awful lot of reasons to believe that we have already dropped off a cliff into the start of an economic depression as a result of our bold efforts to deal with this pandemic. This does not have to happen. Even now it's not too late to turn this around.\n\nI remain angry at the failures of our federal and state governments in dealing with COVID-19. We are fast losing our basic liberties. It's doubtful that these draconian measures are even genuinely slowing the spread of this disease. And just keep in mind that the odds are good you will get and survive COVID-19 eventually. This isn't a race to prevent people from getting sick. It's only a race to delay that a bit longer. COVID-19 will be here in 2021. And 2022. And probably for many years to come. We're going to get through this year okay. Not all of us. But most of us.\n\nI still think it's important for us all to remain angry and afraid of this brave new world we have rushed headlong into.\n\nThis isn't about me per se. I'm faring very well. I have a good job (for now), a full refrigerator, and a perfect housemate to share space with. Many of my friends are not so lucky. I'm watching them lose their jobs, eat through whatever savings they have, and suffer mental illness effects from this.\n\nI help my friends and neighbors in whatever ways I can. And maybe the best help I can give is encouragement to all of you to push back at least a little. We don't need this treatment. It's not okay.\n\nStay safe. Be well.\n", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2022-01-27T20:05:40+00:00", "source": { "content": "", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "I just introduced Kira to the term \"short squeeze\". And now she has a new nickname.", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2022-01-26T19:32:24+00:00", "source": { "content": "I just introduced Kira to the term \"short squeeze\". And now she has a new nickname.", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "I have to use my phone several times a day to finish logging into websites. I'm going to be SOL one day when I lose my phone or leave it at a restaurant for a few hours.<br />", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2022-01-26T14:26:54+00:00", "source": { "content": "I have to use my phone several times a day to finish logging into websites. I'm going to be SOL one day when I lose my phone or leave it at a restaurant for a few hours.\n", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2022-01-26T14:12:40+00:00", "source": { "content": "", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2022-01-26T13:34:09+00:00", "source": { "content": "", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "Probably the most unusual record in my collection! In post WWII Russia, Stalin banned the possession of any western music. All records allowed in the country had to be of Russian composers. But there was an underground hungry for Western popular music—everything from jazz and blues to rock & roll. But smuggling vinyl was dangerous, and acquiring the scarce material to make copies of those records that did make it into the country was expensive and very risky.<br /><br />An ingenuous solution to this problem began to emerge in the form of “bone music,\" or sometimes called \"bones 'n' ribs\" music, or simply Ribs.<br /><br />A young 19 year-old sound engineer Ruslan Bogoslowski in Leningrad changed the game when he created a device to bootleg western albums so he could distribute them across Russia. Problem was he couldn't find material to bootleg his pressings onto, vinyl was scare as were all petroleum products after the war. Then, one day he stumbled upon a pile of discarded X-rays. It worked. At the time, Russian law mandated that all X-rays had to be destroyed after 1 year of storage because they were flammable so he dug through trash bins and paid off orderlies for x-rays and for 20 years he handmade about 1,000,000 bootlegs onto X-ray film of everything from classical to the Beach Boys, eventually spending five years imprisoned in Siberia for this rebellion.<br /><br />For over 20 years, Bone Music was the only way Russian music lovers could get western music, which they played at \"music and coffee parties\" in their kitchens, away from the KGB ears and eyes.<br /><br />So I had to find one. This is a 78 rpm recording of the Indian Song \"Awaara\" by Raj Kapoor on an exposed Chest X-ray. Probably around 1951. Each Rib, was handmade, and one of a kind.<br /><br />Bone Music. A testament to the underground courage to subvert authority, rebellion, and the love of music. The spirit of rock n roll.", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2022-01-26T13:27:10+00:00", "source": { "content": "Probably the most unusual record in my collection! In post WWII Russia, Stalin banned the possession of any western music. All records allowed in the country had to be of Russian composers. But there was an underground hungry for Western popular music—everything from jazz and blues to rock & roll. But smuggling vinyl was dangerous, and acquiring the scarce material to make copies of those records that did make it into the country was expensive and very risky.\n\nAn ingenuous solution to this problem began to emerge in the form of “bone music,\" or sometimes called \"bones 'n' ribs\" music, or simply Ribs.\n\nA young 19 year-old sound engineer Ruslan Bogoslowski in Leningrad changed the game when he created a device to bootleg western albums so he could distribute them across Russia. Problem was he couldn't find material to bootleg his pressings onto, vinyl was scare as were all petroleum products after the war. Then, one day he stumbled upon a pile of discarded X-rays. It worked. At the time, Russian law mandated that all X-rays had to be destroyed after 1 year of storage because they were flammable so he dug through trash bins and paid off orderlies for x-rays and for 20 years he handmade about 1,000,000 bootlegs onto X-ray film of everything from classical to the Beach Boys, eventually spending five years imprisoned in Siberia for this rebellion.\n\nFor over 20 years, Bone Music was the only way Russian music lovers could get western music, which they played at \"music and coffee parties\" in their kitchens, away from the KGB ears and eyes.\n\nSo I had to find one. This is a 78 rpm recording of the Indian Song \"Awaara\" by Raj Kapoor on an exposed Chest X-ray. Probably around 1951. Each Rib, was handmade, and one of a kind.\n\nBone Music. A testament to the underground courage to subvert authority, rebellion, and the love of music. The spirit of rock n roll.", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "The most isolated lighthouse in the world, Þrídrangaviti Lighthouse, perched atop a rock pillar in the Westman Islands, off the coast of Iceland, sits about forty meters above the raging Atlantic Ocean, was built in 1939.", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2022-01-26T13:26:42+00:00", "source": { "content": "The most isolated lighthouse in the world, Þrídrangaviti Lighthouse, perched atop a rock pillar in the Westman Islands, off the coast of Iceland, sits about forty meters above the raging Atlantic Ocean, was built in 1939.", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2022-01-26T13:26:17+00:00", "source": { "content": "", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2022-01-26T13:26:06+00:00", "source": { "content": "", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2022-01-24T13:50:32+00:00", "source": { "content": "", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2022-01-24T12:29:37+00:00", "source": { "content": "", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2022-01-24T12:20:22+00:00", "source": { "content": "", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" } ], "id": "", "partOf": "" }