A small tool to view real-world ActivityPub objects as JSON! Enter a URL
or username from Mastodon or a similar service below, and we'll send a
request with
the right
to the server to view the underlying object.
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"content": "Day 12: Bear clan warrior",
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"content": "Good morning!!! I hope everyone has a good Friday!!!!!!!",
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"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1559582533383884812",
"published": "2023-10-13T15:04:10+00:00",
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"content": "Good morning!!! I hope everyone has a good Friday!!!!!!!",
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"content": "A Peculiar General Store<br /><br />When asking for assistance with a particular personal issue, Alex’s friends told him to come to the corner of Brown and Conningway. They sounded rather serious when they insisted that everything would make sense once he arrived if he genuinely desired a resolution. However, Alex found their insistence odd as he could not recall anything ever occupying this particular building during his previous trips to this part of town. “Maybe they were toying with me.” Alex thought as he approached the building.<br /><br />Yet, the shop before him ultimately betrayed the memories of a dusty, dilapidated storefront. The once-weathered paint is currently shining with vibrancy as if to mock the passage of time. The windows, now clean and repaired, show numerous shelves containing items he can’t quite make out due to the light of the late afternoon sun shining down. Rather than squinting to make out the objects from the dusty window, Alex decided it would be easier on his eyes if he went inside to continue his observation. As Alex approached the antique mahogany door to the shop, he wondered what all would be waiting for him inside.<br /><br />As he went in and the contents of the shelves became clearer, Alex grew perplexed at the sight before him. The items lining the shelves are nothing more than random odds and ends that anyone would find in a local thrift store. From a glance, he could find a fountain pen, a rusty toy truck, and a microwave that looked lost as it missed the 70s by about a couple of decades. The random odds and ends made the place look less like a store and more like the garage of an eccentric collector.<br /><br />As Alex continued his search for the owner, his eyes noticed a rather ornate-looking snow globe. Its craftsman-quality carvings of pine trees and candy canes on the wood cradled the crystal shelter of the sleepy winter village. The object in front of Alex was honestly the most beautiful item in this store. Without thinking, he slowly approached the snow globe, almost as if the thing was luring him. A vague fear crept up as Alex realized his body was not listening, and the rest of the world seemed to slowly melt away. Nothing else seemed to matter except the festive decoration right before him.<br /><br />Just as the rest of the world began to fade away, a soft touch on his shoulder brought him out of his trance and back to reality. When Alex noticed he had control of his movements again, he averted his gaze from the snow globe as quickly as possible and turned to his savior. The first thing he noticed was her eyes, piercing icy blue, as if someone had taken all the properties of a cold winter day and turned them into an eye color. She had a fair complexion with a light amount of freckling peppering her nose and parts of her cheeks. Combined with a warm smile that, while nervous, contrasted nicely with her wintery blue eyes. <br /><br />She had an odd taste in hats, though; Alex noticed a somewhat sizable, noticeably floppy wizard-looking hat resting on her head. He also couldn’t help but see the large, flowy cloak that seemed to envelop much of her body. She remained enigmatic, save for her hands, shoes, and white and deep dark blue sliver from her shirt and pants. She looked about as lost to time as the rest of the store, as if she was a character in a fantasy novel come to life.<br /><br />Alex snapped out of his daze as he heard the woman say, “Are you alright?”. Alex could only manage a simple yes. His mind attempted to wobble back to a sense of equilibrium, like a person exiting a tea cup ride after trying to discover its maximum rotational velocity.<br /><br />“Apologies, it’s only supposed to discourage theft. We get so few people to come in through that door that it might have forgotten what an actual customer looked like”, she said, glaring daggers at the snow globe before continuing. “Anyway, welcome to Catherine’s Curios! I am the owner of this establishment”, She said with the excitement and enthusiasm of a new employee. “Is there anything in particular that you’re looking for? I know this hasn’t been the best introduction, so to make it up, the first item you get is on the house!” she said. Catherine was still cheerful but showed a slight concern, almost as if she picked up on Alex’s internal debate to either continue his search or leave and never return.<br /><br />As tempting as it is to vacate as quickly as possible, he felt that this walking example of medieval fashion would help him with his current predicament. Alex’s tenacious curiosity won out. He piped up, “I am looking for something that would help make it easier to approach the woman I like. Do you have anything that can help?”. Alex looked again at the items lining the shelves. He knew it was likely that the things around him wouldn’t help much, but somehow, the hopeful feeling remained.<br /><br />“Hmm. I just might. Follow me, please”, Catherine said as she waved forward. Once he began following, she continued, “I know these items don’t look like much, but each one holds a specific purpose. Each item holds a single property or skill that has proven time and time again useful to the person who buys it. I can assure you that what you pick will be useful when the time comes,though they don’t seem like much. Now if you don’t mind, please sit on this chair,” she gestures to the chairs on either side of an antique coffee table in what appears to be the store’s back room.<br /><br />As Alex sat and waited for whatever came next, Catherine returned, sitting on the other side of the coffee table holding a giant magic eight ball. He stared at her perplexed, thinking about leaving this place and washing his hands of this entire mess before she continued. “I know this looks odd, but trust me, it will help me find what you need. Now place your hands on this ball, and we’ll get started”.<br /><br />Thinking to at least humor her before escaping, he laid his hands on the eight ball. He then proceeded to jump as the lights began to flicker violently. Lights and electronics went haywire as if a significant power surge decided to happen as soon as he placed his hands on the object. His attempts to grab Catherine’s attention failed as she blankly stared ahead, quietly mumbling to herself, clearly in her own world. What was only a few seconds felt like minutes before the lights went back to normal, and Catherine came to.<br /><br />She approached Alex with a bright smile that could light up the store alone. “After searching, the best object that can help you would be this door,” she said as she closed the door and clicked the button on the doorknob. Alex wanted to protest and argue how a door could solve anything. However, as he stood up to begin his protest, Catherine turned the doorknob and opened the previously thought-locked door. Bright light greeted him as he cautiously approached the doorway. “Here’s my card. If you ever need help, that’s how you can find me,” Catherine said as she gave Alex a few gentle pats on the back before nudging him out the door and into the blinding light.<br /><br />As Alex blindly meandered outside, trying to make out where he was, he was blindsided by a relatively fast-moving something. Alex noticed, as his vision returned that the fast-moving object looked to be a person that, before now, was in the middle of a spirited jog to who knows where. Looking further, Alex saw a shirt with his school’s standard black and gold colors; a sizeable pit in his stomach formed once a familiar blood-red crystal appeared at the end of a simple chain necklace. Realization hit as he met the soft, golden eyes of the woman he’s been attempting to approach.<br /><br />Alex looked on, suddenly unable to speak as she looked at him. She was a bit confused about where the sudden sidewalk obstacle came from, but overall she was unharmed. He closed his eyes and steeled himself before uttering a simple yet confident “Hello.”",
"to": [
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"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1509974531756789774",
"published": "2023-05-29T17:39:41+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "A Peculiar General Store\n\nWhen asking for assistance with a particular personal issue, Alex’s friends told him to come to the corner of Brown and Conningway. They sounded rather serious when they insisted that everything would make sense once he arrived if he genuinely desired a resolution. However, Alex found their insistence odd as he could not recall anything ever occupying this particular building during his previous trips to this part of town. “Maybe they were toying with me.” Alex thought as he approached the building.\n\nYet, the shop before him ultimately betrayed the memories of a dusty, dilapidated storefront. The once-weathered paint is currently shining with vibrancy as if to mock the passage of time. The windows, now clean and repaired, show numerous shelves containing items he can’t quite make out due to the light of the late afternoon sun shining down. Rather than squinting to make out the objects from the dusty window, Alex decided it would be easier on his eyes if he went inside to continue his observation. As Alex approached the antique mahogany door to the shop, he wondered what all would be waiting for him inside.\n\nAs he went in and the contents of the shelves became clearer, Alex grew perplexed at the sight before him. The items lining the shelves are nothing more than random odds and ends that anyone would find in a local thrift store. From a glance, he could find a fountain pen, a rusty toy truck, and a microwave that looked lost as it missed the 70s by about a couple of decades. The random odds and ends made the place look less like a store and more like the garage of an eccentric collector.\n\nAs Alex continued his search for the owner, his eyes noticed a rather ornate-looking snow globe. Its craftsman-quality carvings of pine trees and candy canes on the wood cradled the crystal shelter of the sleepy winter village. The object in front of Alex was honestly the most beautiful item in this store. Without thinking, he slowly approached the snow globe, almost as if the thing was luring him. A vague fear crept up as Alex realized his body was not listening, and the rest of the world seemed to slowly melt away. Nothing else seemed to matter except the festive decoration right before him.\n\nJust as the rest of the world began to fade away, a soft touch on his shoulder brought him out of his trance and back to reality. When Alex noticed he had control of his movements again, he averted his gaze from the snow globe as quickly as possible and turned to his savior. The first thing he noticed was her eyes, piercing icy blue, as if someone had taken all the properties of a cold winter day and turned them into an eye color. She had a fair complexion with a light amount of freckling peppering her nose and parts of her cheeks. Combined with a warm smile that, while nervous, contrasted nicely with her wintery blue eyes. \n\nShe had an odd taste in hats, though; Alex noticed a somewhat sizable, noticeably floppy wizard-looking hat resting on her head. He also couldn’t help but see the large, flowy cloak that seemed to envelop much of her body. She remained enigmatic, save for her hands, shoes, and white and deep dark blue sliver from her shirt and pants. She looked about as lost to time as the rest of the store, as if she was a character in a fantasy novel come to life.\n\nAlex snapped out of his daze as he heard the woman say, “Are you alright?”. Alex could only manage a simple yes. His mind attempted to wobble back to a sense of equilibrium, like a person exiting a tea cup ride after trying to discover its maximum rotational velocity.\n\n“Apologies, it’s only supposed to discourage theft. We get so few people to come in through that door that it might have forgotten what an actual customer looked like”, she said, glaring daggers at the snow globe before continuing. “Anyway, welcome to Catherine’s Curios! I am the owner of this establishment”, She said with the excitement and enthusiasm of a new employee. “Is there anything in particular that you’re looking for? I know this hasn’t been the best introduction, so to make it up, the first item you get is on the house!” she said. Catherine was still cheerful but showed a slight concern, almost as if she picked up on Alex’s internal debate to either continue his search or leave and never return.\n\nAs tempting as it is to vacate as quickly as possible, he felt that this walking example of medieval fashion would help him with his current predicament. Alex’s tenacious curiosity won out. He piped up, “I am looking for something that would help make it easier to approach the woman I like. Do you have anything that can help?”. Alex looked again at the items lining the shelves. He knew it was likely that the things around him wouldn’t help much, but somehow, the hopeful feeling remained.\n\n“Hmm. I just might. Follow me, please”, Catherine said as she waved forward. Once he began following, she continued, “I know these items don’t look like much, but each one holds a specific purpose. Each item holds a single property or skill that has proven time and time again useful to the person who buys it. I can assure you that what you pick will be useful when the time comes,though they don’t seem like much. Now if you don’t mind, please sit on this chair,” she gestures to the chairs on either side of an antique coffee table in what appears to be the store’s back room.\n\nAs Alex sat and waited for whatever came next, Catherine returned, sitting on the other side of the coffee table holding a giant magic eight ball. He stared at her perplexed, thinking about leaving this place and washing his hands of this entire mess before she continued. “I know this looks odd, but trust me, it will help me find what you need. Now place your hands on this ball, and we’ll get started”.\n\nThinking to at least humor her before escaping, he laid his hands on the eight ball. He then proceeded to jump as the lights began to flicker violently. Lights and electronics went haywire as if a significant power surge decided to happen as soon as he placed his hands on the object. His attempts to grab Catherine’s attention failed as she blankly stared ahead, quietly mumbling to herself, clearly in her own world. What was only a few seconds felt like minutes before the lights went back to normal, and Catherine came to.\n\nShe approached Alex with a bright smile that could light up the store alone. “After searching, the best object that can help you would be this door,” she said as she closed the door and clicked the button on the doorknob. Alex wanted to protest and argue how a door could solve anything. However, as he stood up to begin his protest, Catherine turned the doorknob and opened the previously thought-locked door. Bright light greeted him as he cautiously approached the doorway. “Here’s my card. If you ever need help, that’s how you can find me,” Catherine said as she gave Alex a few gentle pats on the back before nudging him out the door and into the blinding light.\n\nAs Alex blindly meandered outside, trying to make out where he was, he was blindsided by a relatively fast-moving something. Alex noticed, as his vision returned that the fast-moving object looked to be a person that, before now, was in the middle of a spirited jog to who knows where. Looking further, Alex saw a shirt with his school’s standard black and gold colors; a sizeable pit in his stomach formed once a familiar blood-red crystal appeared at the end of a simple chain necklace. Realization hit as he met the soft, golden eyes of the woman he’s been attempting to approach.\n\nAlex looked on, suddenly unable to speak as she looked at him. She was a bit confused about where the sudden sidewalk obstacle came from, but overall she was unharmed. He closed his eyes and steeled himself before uttering a simple yet confident “Hello.”",
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"content": "It Is What It Is<br />I got dain bramage",
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"content": "good night lads!<br />",
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"published": "2023-03-14T17:51:30+00:00",
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"content": "Southpark is eternal <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1482473248540069892\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1482473248540069892</a>",
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"published": "2023-03-14T20:19:24+00:00",
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"content": "🎨 GIn00_POi",
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"content": "🎨 ECC12_8",
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"content": "Feels like giving up the ghost... 🦊👻 <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=art\" title=\"#art\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#art</a> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=artist\" title=\"#artist\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#artist</a> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=illustration\" title=\"#illustration\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#illustration</a>",
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"content": "Feels like giving up the ghost... 🦊👻 #art #artist #illustration",
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"content": "Wife is attempting to make 150 dragons for a booth later on this year. Here are some of the little ones she’s made so far!!!",
"to": [
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"published": "2023-02-23T16:59:32+00:00",
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"content": "Wife is attempting to make 150 dragons for a booth later on this year. Here are some of the little ones she’s made so far!!!",
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"content": "Helping wife make stuffed animals for a booth later on this year. I have made a bear!",
"to": [
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"content": "Helping wife make stuffed animals for a booth later on this year. I have made a bear!",
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"content": "🎨 Aleriia_V",
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