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"content": "It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of an ultra powerful energetic alignment on May 1st to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and trigger the process that will lead us into the new golden age.<br /><br />Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can share the news about this activation on other social media. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube, Bitchute or Odysee.<br /><br />Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the new golden age closer to us:<br /><br /><a href=\"http://thespiritscience.net/2015/06/18/studies-show-group-meditation-lowers-crime-suicide-deaths-in-surrounding-areas/\" target=\"_blank\">http://thespiritscience.net/2015/06/18/studies-show-group-meditation-lowers-crime-suicide-deaths-in-surrounding-areas/</a><br /><br /><a href=\"http://www.worldpeacegroup.org/washington_crime_study.html\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.worldpeacegroup.org/washington_crime_study.html</a><br /><br />This activation comes at the moment of the completion of a very powerful cycle. This moment demarcates the point when the energy from the Galactic center will begin to flow towards the surface of this planet with full force, as the time is running out. If we manage to gather 144,000 volunteers doing this activation, the energy from the Galactic center will be anchored on the surface of the planet in a balanced way. This will ensure the fastest and most harmonious transition for this planet and will actually create an energetic upgrade for the whole planet. If the critical mass is not reached, the ultra powerful energies from the Galactic center will reach the surface of the planet anyway, but this will then manifest in a much more chaotic and disharmonious way.<br /><br />We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide. <br /><br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <br />This is the most powerful planetary activation of our lifetimes until now!<br /><br />The wave of the Portal of Light will begin to be felt already on March 23rd, when Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time after more than 200 years, will reach its peak intensity on May 1st when Pluto turns retrograde, and will then slowly phase out until June 11th when Pluto exits Aquarius again:<br /><br /><a href=\"https://chaninicholas.com/what-you-need-to-know-about-pluto-in-aquarius/\" target=\"_blank\">https://chaninicholas.com/what-you-need-to-know-about-pluto-in-aquarius/</a><br /><br /><a href=\"https://whimsysoul.com/pluto-in-aquarius/\" target=\"_blank\">https://whimsysoul.com/pluto-in-aquarius/</a><br /><br />At the moment of the activation of the Portal of Light on May 1st, Pluto will be at 0 degrees 21 minutes Aquarius, which is almost exactly the position of great Jupiter Saturn conjunction which marked our final part of the Age of Aquarius activation:<br /><br /><a href=\"http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2020/11/make-this-viral-age-of-aquarius-final.html\" target=\"_blank\">http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2020/11/make-this-viral-age-of-aquarius-final.html</a><br /><br />Therefore the Portal of Light activation will bring the energies of the Age of Aquarius to the next level.<br /><br />Also at the moment of the activation, Pluto will make an exact grand trine with Alcyone (our local central sun in the Pleiades) at 0 degrees 18 minutes Gemini, and M87 galaxy (a major galaxy in the Virgo cluster, as source of galactic love for this sector of the universe) at 1 degrees 14 minutes Libra. This grand trine will bring extremely powerful energies of cosmic love to the planet and this will be the trigger that will allow the energies from the Galactic center to start flowing to our planet freely. The flash of cosmic love energies will originate from the M87 galaxy in Virgo supercluster and it will be much more powerful than the flash which reached the Earth from M87 during the AION portal activation:<br /><br /><a href=\"http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2013/11/intel-update-before-aion-portal.html\" target=\"_blank\">http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2013/11/intel-update-before-aion-portal.html</a><br /><br />It will also be more powerful than the flash which happened during the final Age of Aquarius activation.<br /><br />This grand trine will be active for the whole period Pluto is in Aquarius, from March 23rd to June 11th. Pluto in Aquarius will signify a focused effort of positive extraterrestrial races towards the First Contact, and Pleiadians will have a very active role in this.<br /><br /> <br /><br />We will be doing our Portal of Light meditation at the best possible moment that will have the maximum positive effect on humanity. It will be at 10:06 am PDT on May 1st in Los Angeles. This equals 11:06 am MDT in Denver, 12:06 pm CDT in Chicago, 1:06 pm EDT in Newy York, 6:06 pm BST in London, 7:06 pm CEDT in Paris, 8:06 pm EET in Cairo, 1:06 am CST on May 2nd in Taipei and Beijing, 2:06 am JST on May 2nd in Tokyo and 3:06 am AEST on May 2nd in Sydney.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:<br /><br /><a href=\"https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=PORTAL+OF,LIGHT&iso=20230501T1906&p1=195\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=PORTAL+OF,LIGHT&iso=20230501T1906&p1=195</a><br /><br /><br /><br />Instructions:<br /><br />1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.<br /><br />2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool that will help opening the Portal of Light.<br /><br />3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.<br /><br />4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe, flowing also through the Central Sun of the M87 Galaxy. Then visualize this light activating the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.<br /><br />5. Visualize this Light transmuting all remaining darkness on Earth, healing all inequalities, ending all wars, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize a grand spiritual awakening of humanity and contact with positive extraterrestrial races. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Suggested time for our meditation is 20 minutes.<br /><br />Updates about the Portal of Light:<br /><br /><a href=\"http://2012portal.blogspot.com\" target=\"_blank\">http://2012portal.blogspot.com</a><br /><br />",
"to": [
"cc": [
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"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1499140005841342468",
"published": "2023-04-29T20:07:09+00:00",
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"content": "It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of an ultra powerful energetic alignment on May 1st to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and trigger the process that will lead us into the new golden age.\n\nMake this viral! Share it worldwide! Post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can share the news about this activation on other social media. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube, Bitchute or Odysee.\n\nScientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the new golden age closer to us:\n\nhttp://thespiritscience.net/2015/06/18/studies-show-group-meditation-lowers-crime-suicide-deaths-in-surrounding-areas/\n\nhttp://www.worldpeacegroup.org/washington_crime_study.html\n\nThis activation comes at the moment of the completion of a very powerful cycle. This moment demarcates the point when the energy from the Galactic center will begin to flow towards the surface of this planet with full force, as the time is running out. If we manage to gather 144,000 volunteers doing this activation, the energy from the Galactic center will be anchored on the surface of the planet in a balanced way. This will ensure the fastest and most harmonious transition for this planet and will actually create an energetic upgrade for the whole planet. If the critical mass is not reached, the ultra powerful energies from the Galactic center will reach the surface of the planet anyway, but this will then manifest in a much more chaotic and disharmonious way.\n\nWe can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide. \n\n \n\n\n\n\n \nThis is the most powerful planetary activation of our lifetimes until now!\n\nThe wave of the Portal of Light will begin to be felt already on March 23rd, when Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time after more than 200 years, will reach its peak intensity on May 1st when Pluto turns retrograde, and will then slowly phase out until June 11th when Pluto exits Aquarius again:\n\nhttps://chaninicholas.com/what-you-need-to-know-about-pluto-in-aquarius/\n\nhttps://whimsysoul.com/pluto-in-aquarius/\n\nAt the moment of the activation of the Portal of Light on May 1st, Pluto will be at 0 degrees 21 minutes Aquarius, which is almost exactly the position of great Jupiter Saturn conjunction which marked our final part of the Age of Aquarius activation:\n\nhttp://2012portal.blogspot.com/2020/11/make-this-viral-age-of-aquarius-final.html\n\nTherefore the Portal of Light activation will bring the energies of the Age of Aquarius to the next level.\n\nAlso at the moment of the activation, Pluto will make an exact grand trine with Alcyone (our local central sun in the Pleiades) at 0 degrees 18 minutes Gemini, and M87 galaxy (a major galaxy in the Virgo cluster, as source of galactic love for this sector of the universe) at 1 degrees 14 minutes Libra. This grand trine will bring extremely powerful energies of cosmic love to the planet and this will be the trigger that will allow the energies from the Galactic center to start flowing to our planet freely. The flash of cosmic love energies will originate from the M87 galaxy in Virgo supercluster and it will be much more powerful than the flash which reached the Earth from M87 during the AION portal activation:\n\nhttp://2012portal.blogspot.com/2013/11/intel-update-before-aion-portal.html\n\nIt will also be more powerful than the flash which happened during the final Age of Aquarius activation.\n\nThis grand trine will be active for the whole period Pluto is in Aquarius, from March 23rd to June 11th. Pluto in Aquarius will signify a focused effort of positive extraterrestrial races towards the First Contact, and Pleiadians will have a very active role in this.\n\n \n\nWe will be doing our Portal of Light meditation at the best possible moment that will have the maximum positive effect on humanity. It will be at 10:06 am PDT on May 1st in Los Angeles. This equals 11:06 am MDT in Denver, 12:06 pm CDT in Chicago, 1:06 pm EDT in Newy York, 6:06 pm BST in London, 7:06 pm CEDT in Paris, 8:06 pm EET in Cairo, 1:06 am CST on May 2nd in Taipei and Beijing, 2:06 am JST on May 2nd in Tokyo and 3:06 am AEST on May 2nd in Sydney.\n\n \n\n \n\n\n\n\n\nYou can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:\n\nhttps://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=PORTAL+OF,LIGHT&iso=20230501T1906&p1=195\n\n\n\nInstructions:\n\n1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.\n\n2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool that will help opening the Portal of Light.\n\n3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.\n\n4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe, flowing also through the Central Sun of the M87 Galaxy. Then visualize this light activating the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.\n\n5. Visualize this Light transmuting all remaining darkness on Earth, healing all inequalities, ending all wars, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize a grand spiritual awakening of humanity and contact with positive extraterrestrial races. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth. \n\n \n\nSuggested time for our meditation is 20 minutes.\n\nUpdates about the Portal of Light:\n\nhttp://2012portal.blogspot.com\n\n",
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"content": "For every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat\" - Sun Tzu<br /><br />To know the enemy requires starting with identification of the enemy. Who and what is the enemy? In this World War III, the enemy is hidden, an enigma and yet very close. Justine Trudeau is a puppet, used to obfuscate the true enemy and fulfill the agenda. Canada is a fictional construct used to hoodwink those who do not know who they are, but especially fails to \"see\" what \"Canada\" is. <br /><br />Canada does not exist but in the minds of citizens (feudal serfs). It is a lightning rod to accumulate energy from the masses and direct it towards those that are corrupted with greed and lust for power. But the true enemy peers back at each of us when we look in a mirror. <br />Each of us were born into slavery and as such we had no idea what was going on. However, if we do our healing work and start integrating our shadows we are confronted with a stark realization that our relationship with the state is extremely abusive and violent. Through our own ignorance we have been hoodwinked into being dependent on this idea of \"Canada\" while our energy is sucked away from us as a result of our sovereign right to contract which enslaves ourselves. It also immobilized us into feeling powerless and hopeless against those that would rape and pillage this land and engage in genocide along the way. We enslaved ourselves out of ignorance, but once the truth is discovered, it is our duty to stand up in our truth.<br /><br />My truth is that I AM a spiritual being having a physical experience. I acknowledge there is a higher law form, that of natural and spiritual law. Man's law governs feudal serfs and fictional constructs. That is all it does. It will make claims outside of this jurisdiction, but those are lies full of deceit and wickedness. <br /><br />The challenge is that each of us must dismantle what we believed to be true and start to explore what is actually true. I was angry for months when I discovered that the government is not actually here to protect me and look after me. That is NOT the governments job, despite their claims to the contrary. The state is a war and conquest machine designed to harvest everything it can and solicit people to do the work for it. This makes all citizens complicit in their war crimes that violate natural and spiritual law. <br /><br />Protests are not going to fix the problem because the state is not the root cause to these problems. The root cause is people giving their energy to animate a fictional construct that is dead and could not do anything without their complicit participation. People flying the Canadian Flag are at war. Citizens are at war until they resign their commission and stand as sovereign beings under spiritual and natural law, the Law of Love. As such, we are our own enemy as our energy is being used against us. We withdraw that energy the feedback loop breaks and the war ends without a single shot being fired. <br />This World War III is a spiritual war which manifests in the physical and the fictional. To win this war requires that we take a spiritual approach as everything in the physical and fictional are manifestations of spirit. That requires a spiritual evolution in order to prevent war or revolution. Those who sold their soul to do the devils work want war and to harvest souls. This must not be allowed to happen. <br /><br />I believe that when we tap into spirit, they are rendered incompetent and impotent as a result. <br />Sun Tzu also said:<br />To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill. <br />I believe this to be true! What that requires is a leap of faith and a burning desire to connect to spirit, reconcile one's relationship and accept the duty of being a steward of Mother Earth for the establishment of Heaven on Earth. Spirit will manifest that and there is NOTHING the evil doers can do to stop it! <br /><br />Know thyself. Be the change.<br /><br />written by White walking feather<br />",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1464354274841464851",
"published": "2023-01-23T20:21:04+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "For every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat\" - Sun Tzu\n\nTo know the enemy requires starting with identification of the enemy. Who and what is the enemy? In this World War III, the enemy is hidden, an enigma and yet very close. Justine Trudeau is a puppet, used to obfuscate the true enemy and fulfill the agenda. Canada is a fictional construct used to hoodwink those who do not know who they are, but especially fails to \"see\" what \"Canada\" is. \n\nCanada does not exist but in the minds of citizens (feudal serfs). It is a lightning rod to accumulate energy from the masses and direct it towards those that are corrupted with greed and lust for power. But the true enemy peers back at each of us when we look in a mirror. \nEach of us were born into slavery and as such we had no idea what was going on. However, if we do our healing work and start integrating our shadows we are confronted with a stark realization that our relationship with the state is extremely abusive and violent. Through our own ignorance we have been hoodwinked into being dependent on this idea of \"Canada\" while our energy is sucked away from us as a result of our sovereign right to contract which enslaves ourselves. It also immobilized us into feeling powerless and hopeless against those that would rape and pillage this land and engage in genocide along the way. We enslaved ourselves out of ignorance, but once the truth is discovered, it is our duty to stand up in our truth.\n\nMy truth is that I AM a spiritual being having a physical experience. I acknowledge there is a higher law form, that of natural and spiritual law. Man's law governs feudal serfs and fictional constructs. That is all it does. It will make claims outside of this jurisdiction, but those are lies full of deceit and wickedness. \n\nThe challenge is that each of us must dismantle what we believed to be true and start to explore what is actually true. I was angry for months when I discovered that the government is not actually here to protect me and look after me. That is NOT the governments job, despite their claims to the contrary. The state is a war and conquest machine designed to harvest everything it can and solicit people to do the work for it. This makes all citizens complicit in their war crimes that violate natural and spiritual law. \n\nProtests are not going to fix the problem because the state is not the root cause to these problems. The root cause is people giving their energy to animate a fictional construct that is dead and could not do anything without their complicit participation. People flying the Canadian Flag are at war. Citizens are at war until they resign their commission and stand as sovereign beings under spiritual and natural law, the Law of Love. As such, we are our own enemy as our energy is being used against us. We withdraw that energy the feedback loop breaks and the war ends without a single shot being fired. \nThis World War III is a spiritual war which manifests in the physical and the fictional. To win this war requires that we take a spiritual approach as everything in the physical and fictional are manifestations of spirit. That requires a spiritual evolution in order to prevent war or revolution. Those who sold their soul to do the devils work want war and to harvest souls. This must not be allowed to happen. \n\nI believe that when we tap into spirit, they are rendered incompetent and impotent as a result. \nSun Tzu also said:\nTo win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill. \nI believe this to be true! What that requires is a leap of faith and a burning desire to connect to spirit, reconcile one's relationship and accept the duty of being a steward of Mother Earth for the establishment of Heaven on Earth. Spirit will manifest that and there is NOTHING the evil doers can do to stop it! \n\nKnow thyself. Be the change.\n\nwritten by White walking feather\n",
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"content": "~ Let's get back to our roots ~<br /><br />We are called Talking Trees. This is so much more than just a name, because we know that nature can speak to us through the symbiotic relationship between all elements. We believe that we can find teachers in the voice of the forest, and we cannot deny the wisdom of the voiceless. <br /><br />By observing nature, we can understand some fundamental concepts that we have not yet mastered as a species. In nature, the concept of waste is nonexistent; all matter is reused & renewed in a constant spiral, ever-evolving, with the goal of always moving closer to the ultimate law of nature –The Golden Ratio. Everything in nature is embedded with complex, sacred geometric ratios. We believe the home we live in should represent the same ratio, and take care of our needs –especially considering we spend a lot of our time in & around our dwellings. <br /><br />We believe in a different type of dwelling; one that respects the sacredness of all the elements, by using only natural, up-cycled & recycled materials in its fabrication. It uses the laws of nature to heat itself, using the sun with maximum solar orientation, and the principal of convection which allows for natural, cool air to flow. <br /><br />The building catches rainwater falling freely from the sky, and uses it several times before returning to the Earth. After being used to cleanse our bodies, this sacred water is filled with our DNA. It is then directed to planter cells in the greenhouse to nourish the plants. This establishes a deep connection with the plant beings in our home, who can then better read our needs for nutrients. Then, the water finally goes back into the sacred water cycle. <br /><br />This type of home truly respects the sacredness of the beings residing inside them, and those in its surroundings. This structure follows the rhythms & flows of nature, and helps us to synchronize with the changing seasons. This building is powered by the elements –like all living things- and it honours the land by providing for the residents with sustainable input from nature. <br /><br />We have a choice in every moment <br /><br />–the path of Peace, Harmony and Tranquility, <br /><br />or <br /><br />–the path of illusions, fear, war and self-destruction. <br /><br />Listen to your elders. They are standing behind you in every moment. You are the culmination of the Love of Thousands.<br /><br />\"Fear is the only disease.\"<br /><br />\"Only love is contagious''<br /><br />www.talkingtrees.love",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1199219594812768256",
"published": "2021-01-22T05:10:30+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "~ Let's get back to our roots ~\n\nWe are called Talking Trees. This is so much more than just a name, because we know that nature can speak to us through the symbiotic relationship between all elements. We believe that we can find teachers in the voice of the forest, and we cannot deny the wisdom of the voiceless. \n\nBy observing nature, we can understand some fundamental concepts that we have not yet mastered as a species. In nature, the concept of waste is nonexistent; all matter is reused & renewed in a constant spiral, ever-evolving, with the goal of always moving closer to the ultimate law of nature –The Golden Ratio. Everything in nature is embedded with complex, sacred geometric ratios. We believe the home we live in should represent the same ratio, and take care of our needs –especially considering we spend a lot of our time in & around our dwellings. \n\nWe believe in a different type of dwelling; one that respects the sacredness of all the elements, by using only natural, up-cycled & recycled materials in its fabrication. It uses the laws of nature to heat itself, using the sun with maximum solar orientation, and the principal of convection which allows for natural, cool air to flow. \n\nThe building catches rainwater falling freely from the sky, and uses it several times before returning to the Earth. After being used to cleanse our bodies, this sacred water is filled with our DNA. It is then directed to planter cells in the greenhouse to nourish the plants. This establishes a deep connection with the plant beings in our home, who can then better read our needs for nutrients. Then, the water finally goes back into the sacred water cycle. \n\nThis type of home truly respects the sacredness of the beings residing inside them, and those in its surroundings. This structure follows the rhythms & flows of nature, and helps us to synchronize with the changing seasons. This building is powered by the elements –like all living things- and it honours the land by providing for the residents with sustainable input from nature. \n\nWe have a choice in every moment \n\n–the path of Peace, Harmony and Tranquility, \n\nor \n\n–the path of illusions, fear, war and self-destruction. \n\nListen to your elders. They are standing behind you in every moment. You are the culmination of the Love of Thousands.\n\n\"Fear is the only disease.\"\n\n\"Only love is contagious''\n\nwww.talkingtrees.love",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
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"content": "Open letter to family, friends, neighbours, brothers and sisters;<br /><br />I believe that my body is my responsibility. I acknowledge that life on Mother Earth is not easy or safe. There are all kinds of pearls in life and in the end we will all die. Death is the ultimate ceremony to balance life and we must ALL go through this ceremony. I am not afraid of it, nor do I want to avoid confronting my fear of it. I AM a spiritual being, I cannot die. What passes away is my physical vessel and my opportunity to experience this physical realm, gifted to me by Creator.<br /><br />If I get sick, I will not blame others. In order for me to accept 100% responsibility for my life, blame must be replaced with forgiveness. Whether it was done on purpose or through ignorance makes no difference. If I get sick, it is my responsibility to reach out for help if I need or want it. I also have the choice to tackle it on my own. If I’m aware that I am sick, it is my responsibility to ensure I don’t spread it to others, unless they want to catch it to build immunity, strength and resilience. Yes, disease can help make us stronger or end us if we are weak. That is the balance of life here on Mother Earth, a truth we must all confront. We need these physical experiences, they serve us in more ways than we can imagine. However, if I willfully spread sickness to those who don’t consent, that would be a violent act against another. Being consciously aware of my health and well being is my responsibility and duty, it belongs to nobody else.<br /><br />Where I must draw the line is when others use force, coercion, guilt, shame or other covert or overt violent means to dictate medical procedures and make decisions on what I can or cannot do with my own body. If you are a citizen, then you have abdicated the ultimate decision and granted a power of attorney to the state to have the final say. You are a medical slave as you depend on an external authority to look after you and make decisions for you like a child.<br /><br />We are entering an era where people are treated like they are sick before being proven well. How is that any different that guilty until proven innocent? Do you not see the violence behind what is unfolding around us? Is this violence okay to you? Does it help you feel save and secure knowing that others are being violated so that you can feel okay with yourself and your environment? Are you okay with government over reach so that you can feel safe? Are you willing to pay the price for the consequences of those choices?<br /><br />I am working hard to forgive you all as our collective choices have manifested medical and government tyranny. I’m sure some people are even angry with me and thinking to themselves that I don’t care about my elders, that I'm willing to risk lives and that I’m selfish. Read over that last sentence and ask yourself if it is okay to engage in shaming and guilt to express yourself and manipulate me. Those types of responses are violent and are exactly the point that I’m confronting in this letter. The medical mafia and government tyranny manifests because each of us has abdicated personal responsibility for our lives. Hate on me all you want for confronting you on this point.<br /><br />Let me be clear, my master is the Creator, not any one of you. I’ve worked hard to walk my life being responsible for my life and holding space to help others do the same. There is nobody to blame. If you want to blame somebody, look in the mirror. We are here to learn forgiveness, compassion, empathy, freedom, prosperity and love. What I see unfolding in Alberta right now is fear, poverty, depression, suicide, bankruptcy, loneliness, isolation, violation, anger, violence and greed.<br />This approach will cause more harm and kill more people than this ‘pandemic’ ever will. Sure, this flu appears to be a bit more virulent, but the fear being pumped around this season is being done out of hysteria and complete obedience to authority. What if that authority is corrupted and lying to you? Would you even know or be able to figure it out? Are people so obedient that they willfully surrender sovereignty over their body to an expert? Do experts make mistakes or are they susceptible to corruption, false ego, greed, power or other human failings? Absolutely, so why the blind faith?<br /><br />Even in your courts, both parties bring experts in and they often disagree with one another. However, anybody who disagrees now is silenced, fired, looses their license to practice or faces social ridicule and banishment. How is this loving or express compassion? Are we so blind and afraid that we are willing to destroy others to save ourselves? Is our fear so powerful that we abandon human spirit? Is our faith in Creator so weak that we would rather engage in violence than declare peace and trust in the journey being laid out before us?<br /><br />I find being a witness to what is unfolding around me to be profoundly disturbing. I cry a lot watching people justify violence against one another and they are not even consciously aware of it. The violence has been deemed ‘legal’, so that is enough justification to dehumanize one another in the name of safety and security. What we don’t realize is the scope and level of the emotional, mental and especially the spiritual harm being done to one another.<br /><br />I cry out to the spirit of my brothers and sisters, to search your hearts and awaken the eyes to see and the ears to hear what is going on around us. It is our duty to always question authority, to challenge them at all times and place the burden on them. They must always function within a very small box and never step outside of that box. It is the duty of the citizen to provide the checks and balances to that authority. The moment we no longer fulfill that duty, authority will step outside of that box and wreak havoc as authority often attracts the corruptible, the sociopaths and psychopaths. We must never surrender our authority to anybody else, lest we do harm to them by participating in their corruption. We must never surrender our responsibility to anybody else either for the exact same reason. <br /><br /> Forgiveness is the solution to the violence that unfolds around us. In that light, I forgive you. I forgive you all for not taking responsibility and for abdicating that responsibility to others. I forgive you for the mistakes you have made and for not being aware of the absolute covert ways we have been hoodwinked into surrendering our authority, duties and responsibilities to centralized authorities. I forgive you for all the harm that has been done as a result and for the millions of people who have been harmed or even killed as a result of government tyranny. I forgive you for not being aware as we have all been raised to be children and not really encouraged to grow up to be fully functional, responsible, accountable adults. I forgive you for thinking that government benefits and privileges was the right thing to do, making you completely dependent and unable to then take responsibility for your life and work towards full independence. I forgive you for not having anybody to teach you how to be independent so that we can build inter-independent relationships. I forgive you for not knowing how to hold our families together, forming strong bonds with our clans and find protection within our tribes. I forgive you for thinking that the government could replace our tribes without realizing that government is far too big to care for each and every single individual in the tribe. I forgive you for abdicating your duty and responsibility within the tribe thinking that government could provide better service and paying them to do so would result in a better life.<br />In the Pacem Arts, we must confront ourselves on all of these errors in judgment and explore what it means to be fully responsible and accountable adult. Do we engage in war or do we find peaceful ways to walk off the battle field? Great teachers like Christ, Buddha, Muhammad, elders, our ancestors and others often speak of forgiveness, peace, love and compassion. In order to embrace these principles we CANNOT use the coercive power of the state to FORCE others into compliance. Persuasion is better than force and I humbly ask that you contemplate a starkly different approach to addressing the problems we face, or there will be war. I see war, poverty, violence and death if we don’t embrace peace, forgiveness, compassion, freedom and love. The state does not create peace. Violence against others is not peace. Violence against others is not forgiveness or love either.<br /><br /><br />Please share as this seed of peace and forgiveness must be planted far and wide. May the seed fall upon fertile ground and grow in the hearts and minds of all my brothers and sisters. Nobody has my consent to violate or engage in violence against my physical, mental, emotional or spiritual body. I pray we all can ‘see’ the significance of that declaration.",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1192881097896640512",
"published": "2021-01-04T17:23:36+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "Open letter to family, friends, neighbours, brothers and sisters;\n\nI believe that my body is my responsibility. I acknowledge that life on Mother Earth is not easy or safe. There are all kinds of pearls in life and in the end we will all die. Death is the ultimate ceremony to balance life and we must ALL go through this ceremony. I am not afraid of it, nor do I want to avoid confronting my fear of it. I AM a spiritual being, I cannot die. What passes away is my physical vessel and my opportunity to experience this physical realm, gifted to me by Creator.\n\nIf I get sick, I will not blame others. In order for me to accept 100% responsibility for my life, blame must be replaced with forgiveness. Whether it was done on purpose or through ignorance makes no difference. If I get sick, it is my responsibility to reach out for help if I need or want it. I also have the choice to tackle it on my own. If I’m aware that I am sick, it is my responsibility to ensure I don’t spread it to others, unless they want to catch it to build immunity, strength and resilience. Yes, disease can help make us stronger or end us if we are weak. That is the balance of life here on Mother Earth, a truth we must all confront. We need these physical experiences, they serve us in more ways than we can imagine. However, if I willfully spread sickness to those who don’t consent, that would be a violent act against another. Being consciously aware of my health and well being is my responsibility and duty, it belongs to nobody else.\n\nWhere I must draw the line is when others use force, coercion, guilt, shame or other covert or overt violent means to dictate medical procedures and make decisions on what I can or cannot do with my own body. If you are a citizen, then you have abdicated the ultimate decision and granted a power of attorney to the state to have the final say. You are a medical slave as you depend on an external authority to look after you and make decisions for you like a child.\n\nWe are entering an era where people are treated like they are sick before being proven well. How is that any different that guilty until proven innocent? Do you not see the violence behind what is unfolding around us? Is this violence okay to you? Does it help you feel save and secure knowing that others are being violated so that you can feel okay with yourself and your environment? Are you okay with government over reach so that you can feel safe? Are you willing to pay the price for the consequences of those choices?\n\nI am working hard to forgive you all as our collective choices have manifested medical and government tyranny. I’m sure some people are even angry with me and thinking to themselves that I don’t care about my elders, that I'm willing to risk lives and that I’m selfish. Read over that last sentence and ask yourself if it is okay to engage in shaming and guilt to express yourself and manipulate me. Those types of responses are violent and are exactly the point that I’m confronting in this letter. The medical mafia and government tyranny manifests because each of us has abdicated personal responsibility for our lives. Hate on me all you want for confronting you on this point.\n\nLet me be clear, my master is the Creator, not any one of you. I’ve worked hard to walk my life being responsible for my life and holding space to help others do the same. There is nobody to blame. If you want to blame somebody, look in the mirror. We are here to learn forgiveness, compassion, empathy, freedom, prosperity and love. What I see unfolding in Alberta right now is fear, poverty, depression, suicide, bankruptcy, loneliness, isolation, violation, anger, violence and greed.\nThis approach will cause more harm and kill more people than this ‘pandemic’ ever will. Sure, this flu appears to be a bit more virulent, but the fear being pumped around this season is being done out of hysteria and complete obedience to authority. What if that authority is corrupted and lying to you? Would you even know or be able to figure it out? Are people so obedient that they willfully surrender sovereignty over their body to an expert? Do experts make mistakes or are they susceptible to corruption, false ego, greed, power or other human failings? Absolutely, so why the blind faith?\n\nEven in your courts, both parties bring experts in and they often disagree with one another. However, anybody who disagrees now is silenced, fired, looses their license to practice or faces social ridicule and banishment. How is this loving or express compassion? Are we so blind and afraid that we are willing to destroy others to save ourselves? Is our fear so powerful that we abandon human spirit? Is our faith in Creator so weak that we would rather engage in violence than declare peace and trust in the journey being laid out before us?\n\nI find being a witness to what is unfolding around me to be profoundly disturbing. I cry a lot watching people justify violence against one another and they are not even consciously aware of it. The violence has been deemed ‘legal’, so that is enough justification to dehumanize one another in the name of safety and security. What we don’t realize is the scope and level of the emotional, mental and especially the spiritual harm being done to one another.\n\nI cry out to the spirit of my brothers and sisters, to search your hearts and awaken the eyes to see and the ears to hear what is going on around us. It is our duty to always question authority, to challenge them at all times and place the burden on them. They must always function within a very small box and never step outside of that box. It is the duty of the citizen to provide the checks and balances to that authority. The moment we no longer fulfill that duty, authority will step outside of that box and wreak havoc as authority often attracts the corruptible, the sociopaths and psychopaths. We must never surrender our authority to anybody else, lest we do harm to them by participating in their corruption. We must never surrender our responsibility to anybody else either for the exact same reason. \n\n Forgiveness is the solution to the violence that unfolds around us. In that light, I forgive you. I forgive you all for not taking responsibility and for abdicating that responsibility to others. I forgive you for the mistakes you have made and for not being aware of the absolute covert ways we have been hoodwinked into surrendering our authority, duties and responsibilities to centralized authorities. I forgive you for all the harm that has been done as a result and for the millions of people who have been harmed or even killed as a result of government tyranny. I forgive you for not being aware as we have all been raised to be children and not really encouraged to grow up to be fully functional, responsible, accountable adults. I forgive you for thinking that government benefits and privileges was the right thing to do, making you completely dependent and unable to then take responsibility for your life and work towards full independence. I forgive you for not having anybody to teach you how to be independent so that we can build inter-independent relationships. I forgive you for not knowing how to hold our families together, forming strong bonds with our clans and find protection within our tribes. I forgive you for thinking that the government could replace our tribes without realizing that government is far too big to care for each and every single individual in the tribe. I forgive you for abdicating your duty and responsibility within the tribe thinking that government could provide better service and paying them to do so would result in a better life.\nIn the Pacem Arts, we must confront ourselves on all of these errors in judgment and explore what it means to be fully responsible and accountable adult. Do we engage in war or do we find peaceful ways to walk off the battle field? Great teachers like Christ, Buddha, Muhammad, elders, our ancestors and others often speak of forgiveness, peace, love and compassion. In order to embrace these principles we CANNOT use the coercive power of the state to FORCE others into compliance. Persuasion is better than force and I humbly ask that you contemplate a starkly different approach to addressing the problems we face, or there will be war. I see war, poverty, violence and death if we don’t embrace peace, forgiveness, compassion, freedom and love. The state does not create peace. Violence against others is not peace. Violence against others is not forgiveness or love either.\n\n\nPlease share as this seed of peace and forgiveness must be planted far and wide. May the seed fall upon fertile ground and grow in the hearts and minds of all my brothers and sisters. Nobody has my consent to violate or engage in violence against my physical, mental, emotional or spiritual body. I pray we all can ‘see’ the significance of that declaration.",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/entities/urn:activity:1192881097896640512/activity"
"type": "Create",
"actor": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253",
"object": {
"type": "Note",
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/entities/urn:activity:1192880941323272192",
"attributedTo": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253",
"content": "Open letter to family, friends, neighbours, brothers and sisters;<br /><br />I believe that my body is my responsibility. I acknowledge that life on Mother Earth is not easy or safe. There are all kinds of pearls in life and in the end we will all die. Death is the ultimate ceremony to balance life and we must ALL go through this ceremony. I am not afraid of it, nor do I want to avoid confronting my fear of it. I AM a spiritual being, I cannot die. What passes away is my physical vessel and my opportunity to experience this physical realm, gifted to me by Creator.<br /><br />If I get sick, I will not blame others. In order for me to accept 100% responsibility for my life, blame must be replaced with forgiveness. Whether it was done on purpose or through ignorance makes no difference. If I get sick, it is my responsibility to reach out for help if I need or want it. I also have the choice to tackle it on my own. If I’m aware that I am sick, it is my responsibility to ensure I don’t spread it to others, unless they want to catch it to build immunity, strength and resilience. Yes, disease can help make us stronger or end us if we are weak. That is the balance of life here on Mother Earth, a truth we must all confront. We need these physical experiences, they serve us in more ways than we can imagine. However, if I willfully spread sickness to those who don’t consent, that would be a violent act against another. Being consciously aware of my health and well being is my responsibility and duty, it belongs to nobody else.<br /><br />Where I must draw the line is when others use force, coercion, guilt, shame or other covert or overt violent means to dictate medical procedures and make decisions on what I can or cannot do with my own body. If you are a citizen, then you have abdicated the ultimate decision and granted a power of attorney to the state to have the final say. You are a medical slave as you depend on an external authority to look after you and make decisions for you like a child.<br /><br />We are entering an era where people are treated like they are sick before being proven well. How is that any different that guilty until proven innocent? Do you not see the violence behind what is unfolding around us? Is this violence okay to you? Does it help you feel save and secure knowing that others are being violated so that you can feel okay with yourself and your environment? Are you okay with government over reach so that you can feel safe? Are you willing to pay the price for the consequences of those choices?<br /><br />I am working hard to forgive you all as our collective choices have manifested medical and government tyranny. I’m sure some people are even angry with me and thinking to themselves that I don’t care about my elders, that I'm willing to risk lives and that I’m selfish. Read over that last sentence and ask yourself if it is okay to engage in shaming and guilt to express yourself and manipulate me. Those types of responses are violent and are exactly the point that I’m confronting in this letter. The medical mafia and government tyranny manifests because each of us has abdicated personal responsibility for our lives. Hate on me all you want for confronting you on this point.<br /><br />Let me be clear, my master is the Creator, not any one of you. I’ve worked hard to walk my life being responsible for my life and holding space to help others do the same. There is nobody to blame. If you want to blame somebody, look in the mirror. We are here to learn forgiveness, compassion, empathy, freedom, prosperity and love. What I see unfolding in Alberta right now is fear, poverty, depression, suicide, bankruptcy, loneliness, isolation, violation, anger, violence and greed.<br />This approach will cause more harm and kill more people than this ‘pandemic’ ever will. Sure, this flu appears to be a bit more virulent, but the fear being pumped around this season is being done out of hysteria and complete obedience to authority. What if that authority is corrupted and lying to you? Would you even know or be able to figure it out? Are people so obedient that they willfully surrender sovereignty over their body to an expert? Do experts make mistakes or are they susceptible to corruption, false ego, greed, power or other human failings? Absolutely, so why the blind faith?<br /><br />Even in your courts, both parties bring experts in and they often disagree with one another. However, anybody who disagrees now is silenced, fired, looses their license to practice or faces social ridicule and banishment. How is this loving or express compassion? Are we so blind and afraid that we are willing to destroy others to save ourselves? Is our fear so powerful that we abandon human spirit? Is our faith in Creator so weak that we would rather engage in violence than declare peace and trust in the journey being laid out before us?<br /><br />I find being a witness to what is unfolding around me to be profoundly disturbing. I cry a lot watching people justify violence against one another and they are not even consciously aware of it. The violence has been deemed ‘legal’, so that is enough justification to dehumanize one another in the name of safety and security. What we don’t realize is the scope and level of the emotional, mental and especially the spiritual harm being done to one another.<br /><br />I cry out to the spirit of my brothers and sisters, to search your hearts and awaken the eyes to see and the ears to hear what is going on around us. It is our duty to always question authority, to challenge them at all times and place the burden on them. They must always function within a very small box and never step outside of that box. It is the duty of the citizen to provide the checks and balances to that authority. The moment we no longer fulfill that duty, authority will step outside of that box and wreak havoc as authority often attracts the corruptible, the sociopaths and psychopaths. We must never surrender our authority to anybody else, lest we do harm to them by participating in their corruption. We must never surrender our responsibility to anybody else either for the exact same reason. <br /><br /> Forgiveness is the solution to the violence that unfolds around us. In that light, I forgive you. I forgive you all for not taking responsibility and for abdicating that responsibility to others. I forgive you for the mistakes you have made and for not being aware of the absolute covert ways we have been hoodwinked into surrendering our authority, duties and responsibilities to centralized authorities. I forgive you for all the harm that has been done as a result and for the millions of people who have been harmed or even killed as a result of government tyranny. I forgive you for not being aware as we have all been raised to be children and not really encouraged to grow up to be fully functional, responsible, accountable adults. I forgive you for thinking that government benefits and privileges was the right thing to do, making you completely dependent and unable to then take responsibility for your life and work towards full independence. I forgive you for not having anybody to teach you how to be independent so that we can build inter-independent relationships. I forgive you for not knowing how to hold our families together, forming strong bonds with our clans and find protection within our tribes. I forgive you for thinking that the government could replace our tribes without realizing that government is far too big to care for each and every single individual in the tribe. I forgive you for abdicating your duty and responsibility within the tribe thinking that government could provide better service and paying them to do so would result in a better life.<br />In the Pacem Arts, we must confront ourselves on all of these errors in judgment and explore what it means to be fully responsible and accountable adult. Do we engage in war or do we find peaceful ways to walk off the battle field? Great teachers like Christ, Buddha, Muhammad, elders, our ancestors and others often speak of forgiveness, peace, love and compassion. In order to embrace these principles we CANNOT use the coercive power of the state to FORCE others into compliance. Persuasion is better than force and I humbly ask that you contemplate a starkly different approach to addressing the problems we face, or there will be war. I see war, poverty, violence and death if we don’t embrace peace, forgiveness, compassion, freedom and love. The state does not create peace. Violence against others is not peace. Violence against others is not forgiveness or love either.<br /><br /><br />Please share as this seed of peace and forgiveness must be planted far and wide. May the seed fall upon fertile ground and grow in the hearts and minds of all my brothers and sisters. Nobody has my consent to violate or engage in violence against my physical, mental, emotional or spiritual body. I pray we all can ‘see’ the significance of that declaration.",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1192880941323272192",
"published": "2021-01-04T17:22:59+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "Open letter to family, friends, neighbours, brothers and sisters;\n\nI believe that my body is my responsibility. I acknowledge that life on Mother Earth is not easy or safe. There are all kinds of pearls in life and in the end we will all die. Death is the ultimate ceremony to balance life and we must ALL go through this ceremony. I am not afraid of it, nor do I want to avoid confronting my fear of it. I AM a spiritual being, I cannot die. What passes away is my physical vessel and my opportunity to experience this physical realm, gifted to me by Creator.\n\nIf I get sick, I will not blame others. In order for me to accept 100% responsibility for my life, blame must be replaced with forgiveness. Whether it was done on purpose or through ignorance makes no difference. If I get sick, it is my responsibility to reach out for help if I need or want it. I also have the choice to tackle it on my own. If I’m aware that I am sick, it is my responsibility to ensure I don’t spread it to others, unless they want to catch it to build immunity, strength and resilience. Yes, disease can help make us stronger or end us if we are weak. That is the balance of life here on Mother Earth, a truth we must all confront. We need these physical experiences, they serve us in more ways than we can imagine. However, if I willfully spread sickness to those who don’t consent, that would be a violent act against another. Being consciously aware of my health and well being is my responsibility and duty, it belongs to nobody else.\n\nWhere I must draw the line is when others use force, coercion, guilt, shame or other covert or overt violent means to dictate medical procedures and make decisions on what I can or cannot do with my own body. If you are a citizen, then you have abdicated the ultimate decision and granted a power of attorney to the state to have the final say. You are a medical slave as you depend on an external authority to look after you and make decisions for you like a child.\n\nWe are entering an era where people are treated like they are sick before being proven well. How is that any different that guilty until proven innocent? Do you not see the violence behind what is unfolding around us? Is this violence okay to you? Does it help you feel save and secure knowing that others are being violated so that you can feel okay with yourself and your environment? Are you okay with government over reach so that you can feel safe? Are you willing to pay the price for the consequences of those choices?\n\nI am working hard to forgive you all as our collective choices have manifested medical and government tyranny. I’m sure some people are even angry with me and thinking to themselves that I don’t care about my elders, that I'm willing to risk lives and that I’m selfish. Read over that last sentence and ask yourself if it is okay to engage in shaming and guilt to express yourself and manipulate me. Those types of responses are violent and are exactly the point that I’m confronting in this letter. The medical mafia and government tyranny manifests because each of us has abdicated personal responsibility for our lives. Hate on me all you want for confronting you on this point.\n\nLet me be clear, my master is the Creator, not any one of you. I’ve worked hard to walk my life being responsible for my life and holding space to help others do the same. There is nobody to blame. If you want to blame somebody, look in the mirror. We are here to learn forgiveness, compassion, empathy, freedom, prosperity and love. What I see unfolding in Alberta right now is fear, poverty, depression, suicide, bankruptcy, loneliness, isolation, violation, anger, violence and greed.\nThis approach will cause more harm and kill more people than this ‘pandemic’ ever will. Sure, this flu appears to be a bit more virulent, but the fear being pumped around this season is being done out of hysteria and complete obedience to authority. What if that authority is corrupted and lying to you? Would you even know or be able to figure it out? Are people so obedient that they willfully surrender sovereignty over their body to an expert? Do experts make mistakes or are they susceptible to corruption, false ego, greed, power or other human failings? Absolutely, so why the blind faith?\n\nEven in your courts, both parties bring experts in and they often disagree with one another. However, anybody who disagrees now is silenced, fired, looses their license to practice or faces social ridicule and banishment. How is this loving or express compassion? Are we so blind and afraid that we are willing to destroy others to save ourselves? Is our fear so powerful that we abandon human spirit? Is our faith in Creator so weak that we would rather engage in violence than declare peace and trust in the journey being laid out before us?\n\nI find being a witness to what is unfolding around me to be profoundly disturbing. I cry a lot watching people justify violence against one another and they are not even consciously aware of it. The violence has been deemed ‘legal’, so that is enough justification to dehumanize one another in the name of safety and security. What we don’t realize is the scope and level of the emotional, mental and especially the spiritual harm being done to one another.\n\nI cry out to the spirit of my brothers and sisters, to search your hearts and awaken the eyes to see and the ears to hear what is going on around us. It is our duty to always question authority, to challenge them at all times and place the burden on them. They must always function within a very small box and never step outside of that box. It is the duty of the citizen to provide the checks and balances to that authority. The moment we no longer fulfill that duty, authority will step outside of that box and wreak havoc as authority often attracts the corruptible, the sociopaths and psychopaths. We must never surrender our authority to anybody else, lest we do harm to them by participating in their corruption. We must never surrender our responsibility to anybody else either for the exact same reason. \n\n Forgiveness is the solution to the violence that unfolds around us. In that light, I forgive you. I forgive you all for not taking responsibility and for abdicating that responsibility to others. I forgive you for the mistakes you have made and for not being aware of the absolute covert ways we have been hoodwinked into surrendering our authority, duties and responsibilities to centralized authorities. I forgive you for all the harm that has been done as a result and for the millions of people who have been harmed or even killed as a result of government tyranny. I forgive you for not being aware as we have all been raised to be children and not really encouraged to grow up to be fully functional, responsible, accountable adults. I forgive you for thinking that government benefits and privileges was the right thing to do, making you completely dependent and unable to then take responsibility for your life and work towards full independence. I forgive you for not having anybody to teach you how to be independent so that we can build inter-independent relationships. I forgive you for not knowing how to hold our families together, forming strong bonds with our clans and find protection within our tribes. I forgive you for thinking that the government could replace our tribes without realizing that government is far too big to care for each and every single individual in the tribe. I forgive you for abdicating your duty and responsibility within the tribe thinking that government could provide better service and paying them to do so would result in a better life.\nIn the Pacem Arts, we must confront ourselves on all of these errors in judgment and explore what it means to be fully responsible and accountable adult. Do we engage in war or do we find peaceful ways to walk off the battle field? Great teachers like Christ, Buddha, Muhammad, elders, our ancestors and others often speak of forgiveness, peace, love and compassion. In order to embrace these principles we CANNOT use the coercive power of the state to FORCE others into compliance. Persuasion is better than force and I humbly ask that you contemplate a starkly different approach to addressing the problems we face, or there will be war. I see war, poverty, violence and death if we don’t embrace peace, forgiveness, compassion, freedom and love. The state does not create peace. Violence against others is not peace. Violence against others is not forgiveness or love either.\n\n\nPlease share as this seed of peace and forgiveness must be planted far and wide. May the seed fall upon fertile ground and grow in the hearts and minds of all my brothers and sisters. Nobody has my consent to violate or engage in violence against my physical, mental, emotional or spiritual body. I pray we all can ‘see’ the significance of that declaration.",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/entities/urn:activity:1192880941323272192/activity"
"type": "Create",
"actor": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253",
"object": {
"type": "Note",
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/entities/urn:activity:1192880180335243264",
"attributedTo": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253",
"content": "Open letter to family, friends, neighbours, brothers and sisters;<br /><br />I believe that my body is my responsibility. I acknowledge that life on Mother Earth is not easy or safe. There are all kinds of pearls in life and in the end we will all die. Death is the ultimate ceremony to balance life and we must ALL go through this ceremony. I am not afraid of it, nor do I want to avoid confronting my fear of it. I AM a spiritual being, I cannot die. What passes away is my physical vessel and my opportunity to experience this physical realm, gifted to me by Creator.<br /><br />If I get sick, I will not blame others. In order for me to accept 100% responsibility for my life, blame must be replaced with forgiveness. Whether it was done on purpose or through ignorance makes no difference. If I get sick, it is my responsibility to reach out for help if I need or want it. I also have the choice to tackle it on my own. If I’m aware that I am sick, it is my responsibility to ensure I don’t spread it to others, unless they want to catch it to build immunity, strength and resilience. Yes, disease can help make us stronger or end us if we are weak. That is the balance of life here on Mother Earth, a truth we must all confront. We need these physical experiences, they serve us in more ways than we can imagine. However, if I willfully spread sickness to those who don’t consent, that would be a violent act against another. Being consciously aware of my health and well being is my responsibility and duty, it belongs to nobody else.<br /><br />Where I must draw the line is when others use force, coercion, guilt, shame or other covert or overt violent means to dictate medical procedures and make decisions on what I can or cannot do with my own body. If you are a citizen, then you have abdicated the ultimate decision and granted a power of attorney to the state to have the final say. You are a medical slave as you depend on an external authority to look after you and make decisions for you like a child.<br /><br />We are entering an era where people are treated like they are sick before being proven well. How is that any different that guilty until proven innocent? Do you not see the violence behind what is unfolding around us? Is this violence okay to you? Does it help you feel save and secure knowing that others are being violated so that you can feel okay with yourself and your environment? Are you okay with government over reach so that you can feel safe? Are you willing to pay the price for the consequences of those choices?<br /><br />I am working hard to forgive you all as our collective choices have manifested medical and government tyranny. I’m sure some people are even angry with me and thinking to themselves that I don’t care about my elders, that I'm willing to risk lives and that I’m selfish. Read over that last sentence and ask yourself if it is okay to engage in shaming and guilt to express yourself and manipulate me. Those types of responses are violent and are exactly the point that I’m confronting in this letter. The medical mafia and government tyranny manifests because each of us has abdicated personal responsibility for our lives. Hate on me all you want for confronting you on this point.<br /><br />Let me be clear, my master is the Creator, not any one of you. I’ve worked hard to walk my life being responsible for my life and holding space to help others do the same. There is nobody to blame. If you want to blame somebody, look in the mirror. We are here to learn forgiveness, compassion, empathy, freedom, prosperity and love. What I see unfolding in Alberta right now is fear, poverty, depression, suicide, bankruptcy, loneliness, isolation, violation, anger, violence and greed.<br />This approach will cause more harm and kill more people than this ‘pandemic’ ever will. Sure, this flu appears to be a bit more virulent, but the fear being pumped around this season is being done out of hysteria and complete obedience to authority. What if that authority is corrupted and lying to you? Would you even know or be able to figure it out? Are people so obedient that they willfully surrender sovereignty over their body to an expert? Do experts make mistakes or are they susceptible to corruption, false ego, greed, power or other human failings? Absolutely, so why the blind faith?<br /><br />Even in your courts, both parties bring experts in and they often disagree with one another. However, anybody who disagrees now is silenced, fired, looses their license to practice or faces social ridicule and banishment. How is this loving or express compassion? Are we so blind and afraid that we are willing to destroy others to save ourselves? Is our fear so powerful that we abandon human spirit? Is our faith in Creator so weak that we would rather engage in violence than declare peace and trust in the journey being laid out before us?<br /><br />I find being a witness to what is unfolding around me to be profoundly disturbing. I cry a lot watching people justify violence against one another and they are not even consciously aware of it. The violence has been deemed ‘legal’, so that is enough justification to dehumanize one another in the name of safety and security. What we don’t realize is the scope and level of the emotional, mental and especially the spiritual harm being done to one another.<br /><br />I cry out to the spirit of my brothers and sisters, to search your hearts and awaken the eyes to see and the ears to hear what is going on around us. It is our duty to always question authority, to challenge them at all times and place the burden on them. They must always function within a very small box and never step outside of that box. It is the duty of the citizen to provide the checks and balances to that authority. The moment we no longer fulfill that duty, authority will step outside of that box and wreak havoc as authority often attracts the corruptible, the sociopaths and psychopaths. We must never surrender our authority to anybody else, lest we do harm to them by participating in their corruption. We must never surrender our responsibility to anybody else either for the exact same reason. <br /><br /> Forgiveness is the solution to the violence that unfolds around us. In that light, I forgive you. I forgive you all for not taking responsibility and for abdicating that responsibility to others. I forgive you for the mistakes you have made and for not being aware of the absolute covert ways we have been hoodwinked into surrendering our authority, duties and responsibilities to centralized authorities. I forgive you for all the harm that has been done as a result and for the millions of people who have been harmed or even killed as a result of government tyranny. I forgive you for not being aware as we have all been raised to be children and not really encouraged to grow up to be fully functional, responsible, accountable adults. I forgive you for thinking that government benefits and privileges was the right thing to do, making you completely dependent and unable to then take responsibility for your life and work towards full independence. I forgive you for not having anybody to teach you how to be independent so that we can build inter-independent relationships. I forgive you for not knowing how to hold our families together, forming strong bonds with our clans and find protection within our tribes. I forgive you for thinking that the government could replace our tribes without realizing that government is far too big to care for each and every single individual in the tribe. I forgive you for abdicating your duty and responsibility within the tribe thinking that government could provide better service and paying them to do so would result in a better life.<br />In the Pacem Arts, we must confront ourselves on all of these errors in judgment and explore what it means to be fully responsible and accountable adult. Do we engage in war or do we find peaceful ways to walk off the battle field? Great teachers like Christ, Buddha, Muhammad, elders, our ancestors and others often speak of forgiveness, peace, love and compassion. In order to embrace these principles we CANNOT use the coercive power of the state to FORCE others into compliance. Persuasion is better than force and I humbly ask that you contemplate a starkly different approach to addressing the problems we face, or there will be war. I see war, poverty, violence and death if we don’t embrace peace, forgiveness, compassion, freedom and love. The state does not create peace. Violence against others is not peace. Violence against others is not forgiveness or love either.<br /><br /><br />Please share as this seed of peace and forgiveness must be planted far and wide. May the seed fall upon fertile ground and grow in the hearts and minds of all my brothers and sisters. Nobody has my consent to violate or engage in violence against my physical, mental, emotional or spiritual body. I pray we all can ‘see’ the significance of that declaration.<br /><br />White Walking Feather",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1192880180335243264",
"published": "2021-01-04T17:19:57+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "Open letter to family, friends, neighbours, brothers and sisters;\n\nI believe that my body is my responsibility. I acknowledge that life on Mother Earth is not easy or safe. There are all kinds of pearls in life and in the end we will all die. Death is the ultimate ceremony to balance life and we must ALL go through this ceremony. I am not afraid of it, nor do I want to avoid confronting my fear of it. I AM a spiritual being, I cannot die. What passes away is my physical vessel and my opportunity to experience this physical realm, gifted to me by Creator.\n\nIf I get sick, I will not blame others. In order for me to accept 100% responsibility for my life, blame must be replaced with forgiveness. Whether it was done on purpose or through ignorance makes no difference. If I get sick, it is my responsibility to reach out for help if I need or want it. I also have the choice to tackle it on my own. If I’m aware that I am sick, it is my responsibility to ensure I don’t spread it to others, unless they want to catch it to build immunity, strength and resilience. Yes, disease can help make us stronger or end us if we are weak. That is the balance of life here on Mother Earth, a truth we must all confront. We need these physical experiences, they serve us in more ways than we can imagine. However, if I willfully spread sickness to those who don’t consent, that would be a violent act against another. Being consciously aware of my health and well being is my responsibility and duty, it belongs to nobody else.\n\nWhere I must draw the line is when others use force, coercion, guilt, shame or other covert or overt violent means to dictate medical procedures and make decisions on what I can or cannot do with my own body. If you are a citizen, then you have abdicated the ultimate decision and granted a power of attorney to the state to have the final say. You are a medical slave as you depend on an external authority to look after you and make decisions for you like a child.\n\nWe are entering an era where people are treated like they are sick before being proven well. How is that any different that guilty until proven innocent? Do you not see the violence behind what is unfolding around us? Is this violence okay to you? Does it help you feel save and secure knowing that others are being violated so that you can feel okay with yourself and your environment? Are you okay with government over reach so that you can feel safe? Are you willing to pay the price for the consequences of those choices?\n\nI am working hard to forgive you all as our collective choices have manifested medical and government tyranny. I’m sure some people are even angry with me and thinking to themselves that I don’t care about my elders, that I'm willing to risk lives and that I’m selfish. Read over that last sentence and ask yourself if it is okay to engage in shaming and guilt to express yourself and manipulate me. Those types of responses are violent and are exactly the point that I’m confronting in this letter. The medical mafia and government tyranny manifests because each of us has abdicated personal responsibility for our lives. Hate on me all you want for confronting you on this point.\n\nLet me be clear, my master is the Creator, not any one of you. I’ve worked hard to walk my life being responsible for my life and holding space to help others do the same. There is nobody to blame. If you want to blame somebody, look in the mirror. We are here to learn forgiveness, compassion, empathy, freedom, prosperity and love. What I see unfolding in Alberta right now is fear, poverty, depression, suicide, bankruptcy, loneliness, isolation, violation, anger, violence and greed.\nThis approach will cause more harm and kill more people than this ‘pandemic’ ever will. Sure, this flu appears to be a bit more virulent, but the fear being pumped around this season is being done out of hysteria and complete obedience to authority. What if that authority is corrupted and lying to you? Would you even know or be able to figure it out? Are people so obedient that they willfully surrender sovereignty over their body to an expert? Do experts make mistakes or are they susceptible to corruption, false ego, greed, power or other human failings? Absolutely, so why the blind faith?\n\nEven in your courts, both parties bring experts in and they often disagree with one another. However, anybody who disagrees now is silenced, fired, looses their license to practice or faces social ridicule and banishment. How is this loving or express compassion? Are we so blind and afraid that we are willing to destroy others to save ourselves? Is our fear so powerful that we abandon human spirit? Is our faith in Creator so weak that we would rather engage in violence than declare peace and trust in the journey being laid out before us?\n\nI find being a witness to what is unfolding around me to be profoundly disturbing. I cry a lot watching people justify violence against one another and they are not even consciously aware of it. The violence has been deemed ‘legal’, so that is enough justification to dehumanize one another in the name of safety and security. What we don’t realize is the scope and level of the emotional, mental and especially the spiritual harm being done to one another.\n\nI cry out to the spirit of my brothers and sisters, to search your hearts and awaken the eyes to see and the ears to hear what is going on around us. It is our duty to always question authority, to challenge them at all times and place the burden on them. They must always function within a very small box and never step outside of that box. It is the duty of the citizen to provide the checks and balances to that authority. The moment we no longer fulfill that duty, authority will step outside of that box and wreak havoc as authority often attracts the corruptible, the sociopaths and psychopaths. We must never surrender our authority to anybody else, lest we do harm to them by participating in their corruption. We must never surrender our responsibility to anybody else either for the exact same reason. \n\n Forgiveness is the solution to the violence that unfolds around us. In that light, I forgive you. I forgive you all for not taking responsibility and for abdicating that responsibility to others. I forgive you for the mistakes you have made and for not being aware of the absolute covert ways we have been hoodwinked into surrendering our authority, duties and responsibilities to centralized authorities. I forgive you for all the harm that has been done as a result and for the millions of people who have been harmed or even killed as a result of government tyranny. I forgive you for not being aware as we have all been raised to be children and not really encouraged to grow up to be fully functional, responsible, accountable adults. I forgive you for thinking that government benefits and privileges was the right thing to do, making you completely dependent and unable to then take responsibility for your life and work towards full independence. I forgive you for not having anybody to teach you how to be independent so that we can build inter-independent relationships. I forgive you for not knowing how to hold our families together, forming strong bonds with our clans and find protection within our tribes. I forgive you for thinking that the government could replace our tribes without realizing that government is far too big to care for each and every single individual in the tribe. I forgive you for abdicating your duty and responsibility within the tribe thinking that government could provide better service and paying them to do so would result in a better life.\nIn the Pacem Arts, we must confront ourselves on all of these errors in judgment and explore what it means to be fully responsible and accountable adult. Do we engage in war or do we find peaceful ways to walk off the battle field? Great teachers like Christ, Buddha, Muhammad, elders, our ancestors and others often speak of forgiveness, peace, love and compassion. In order to embrace these principles we CANNOT use the coercive power of the state to FORCE others into compliance. Persuasion is better than force and I humbly ask that you contemplate a starkly different approach to addressing the problems we face, or there will be war. I see war, poverty, violence and death if we don’t embrace peace, forgiveness, compassion, freedom and love. The state does not create peace. Violence against others is not peace. Violence against others is not forgiveness or love either.\n\n\nPlease share as this seed of peace and forgiveness must be planted far and wide. May the seed fall upon fertile ground and grow in the hearts and minds of all my brothers and sisters. Nobody has my consent to violate or engage in violence against my physical, mental, emotional or spiritual body. I pray we all can ‘see’ the significance of that declaration.\n\nWhite Walking Feather",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/entities/urn:activity:1192880180335243264/activity"
"type": "Create",
"actor": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253",
"object": {
"type": "Note",
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/entities/urn:activity:1040329975310036992",
"attributedTo": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253",
"content": "MAKE THIS VIRAL! THE SILVER TRIGGER 11-11-2019<br />It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Mercury transit on November 11th to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and enlighten the energy of the worldwide financial system.<br /><br />Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.<br /><br />Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the Breakthrough closer to us:<br /><br />This activation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to resolve the deadlock inside the debt-slavery financial system, finally setting humanity free. Number of people doing that activation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.<br /><br />We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide.<br /><br />November 11th is the yearly day of the 11:11 portal and this year it is also the day of a rare transit of Mercury across the Sun:<br /><br />If you plan to observe the transit with your eyes or telescope, never look directly to the Sun, this may damage your eyesight, as it was already clearly stated at the previous transit in 2016:<br /><br />Transits of Mercury across the Sun are very rare and the next one will happen in 2032. The transit of November 11th, 2019 will be the most precise alignment of Mercury and Sun in the 21st century, as Mercury will be only 76 arc seconds from the geometrical center of the Sun at the peak of the transit as seen from Earth.<br /><br />Astrologically, transits of Mercury across the Sun are the best possible moments for everything related to finances.<br /><br />We all know that current financial system is not fair and that it was in fact designed to enslave humanity.<br /><br />The coming systemic collapse of the current financial system is actually the collapse of the debt-slavery bubble:<br /><br />Current shocks in repo market are just the tip of the iceberg signs of the underlying systemic instability of the system. The mega bank behind those shocks is JP Morgan, the bank at the very core of the global financial system:<br /><br />Another structural weakness of the current system is the large amount of counterfeit US notes. If this information goes mainstream, it could undermine trust in US dollar as the global reserve currency:<br /><br />Much greater threat to the current financial system are quantum supercomputers, which can easily break all encryption that protects financial data stored at the supercomputers in central banks and other financial institutions:<br /><br />Quantum computers that can break all military grade encryption and could theoretically take over the current financial system are already here:<br /><br />Theoretically, anyone could take advantage of that quantum computing power by simply signing in its cloud servers here ( the first minute of quantum computing time is free!):<br /><br />The awakened part of the human population needs a hedge against the systemic collapse of the financial system.<br /><br />Therefore the Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to buy as much silver as they feel guided, on the day of the Mercury transit on Monday, November 11th, 2019. It is very important that you buy your silver (physically or online) on November 11th and NOT before or after, to ensure the coherence and harmonic efficiency of our action.<br /><br />Those without much money need to know that silver coins are not expensive. You can buy a single half ounce silver coin for about $12, which equals a few coffees at Starbucks.<br /><br />Those who feel guided can buy enough silver to finance them for about 1-2 weeks (the expected time of reboot after the systemic financial collapse).<br /><br />Those who would like to invest can buy more silver, as silver is an undervalued asset and the price is likely to rise:<br /><br />Large investors reading this blog who would like to participate need to buy physical silver which needs to be stored at their own location, NOT paper silver such as ETF or ETN.<br /><br />You can buy silver as coins or bars at your local dealer, online, on ebay or in a bank:<br /><br />If the critical mass of 144,000 people buy silver on November 11th, this will create the needed trigger to globally expose the manipulation of silver and gold prices by JP Morgan:<br /><br />In the mid 1970s, Hunt brothers almost dominated silver market for a few years against the global Cabal:<br /><br />If a few brothers can do that, can you imagine what our collective power is!<br /><br />If this knowledge goes into mainstream global consciousness, it will create some of the needed conditions for the global financial Reset that will set the foundations of the new fair financial system.<br /><br />Esoterically speaking, silver is the metal that connects us to abundance and to the Goddess energy:<br /><br /><br />Energetically speaking, buying silver will be a symbolic act of bringing abundance into your life.<br /><br />We will be also doing a mass meditation which will energetically support our physical action of buying silver.<br /><br />The purpose of our meditation is to anchor as much Light as possible in the global financial system to ease and harmonize the transition.<br /><br />We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Mercury transit on Monday, November 11th at 15:15 pm GMT in London. This equals 11:15 pm CST in Taipei and Beijing, 5:15 pm EET in Cairo, 4:15 pm CET in Paris, 10:15 am EST in New York, 9:15 am CST in Chicago, 8:15 am MST in Denver and 7:15 am PST in Los Angeles. Japan and Australia will already have November 12th and the meditation will take place at 2:15 AEST in Sydney and 0:15 am JST in Tokyo.<br /><br />Source: <a href=\"http://2012portal.blogspot.com\" target=\"_blank\">http://2012portal.blogspot.com</a>",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1040329975310036992",
"published": "2019-11-10T18:19:54+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "MAKE THIS VIRAL! THE SILVER TRIGGER 11-11-2019\nIt is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Mercury transit on November 11th to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and enlighten the energy of the worldwide financial system.\n\nMake this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.\n\nScientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the Breakthrough closer to us:\n\nThis activation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to resolve the deadlock inside the debt-slavery financial system, finally setting humanity free. Number of people doing that activation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.\n\nWe can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide.\n\nNovember 11th is the yearly day of the 11:11 portal and this year it is also the day of a rare transit of Mercury across the Sun:\n\nIf you plan to observe the transit with your eyes or telescope, never look directly to the Sun, this may damage your eyesight, as it was already clearly stated at the previous transit in 2016:\n\nTransits of Mercury across the Sun are very rare and the next one will happen in 2032. The transit of November 11th, 2019 will be the most precise alignment of Mercury and Sun in the 21st century, as Mercury will be only 76 arc seconds from the geometrical center of the Sun at the peak of the transit as seen from Earth.\n\nAstrologically, transits of Mercury across the Sun are the best possible moments for everything related to finances.\n\nWe all know that current financial system is not fair and that it was in fact designed to enslave humanity.\n\nThe coming systemic collapse of the current financial system is actually the collapse of the debt-slavery bubble:\n\nCurrent shocks in repo market are just the tip of the iceberg signs of the underlying systemic instability of the system. The mega bank behind those shocks is JP Morgan, the bank at the very core of the global financial system:\n\nAnother structural weakness of the current system is the large amount of counterfeit US notes. If this information goes mainstream, it could undermine trust in US dollar as the global reserve currency:\n\nMuch greater threat to the current financial system are quantum supercomputers, which can easily break all encryption that protects financial data stored at the supercomputers in central banks and other financial institutions:\n\nQuantum computers that can break all military grade encryption and could theoretically take over the current financial system are already here:\n\nTheoretically, anyone could take advantage of that quantum computing power by simply signing in its cloud servers here ( the first minute of quantum computing time is free!):\n\nThe awakened part of the human population needs a hedge against the systemic collapse of the financial system.\n\nTherefore the Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to buy as much silver as they feel guided, on the day of the Mercury transit on Monday, November 11th, 2019. It is very important that you buy your silver (physically or online) on November 11th and NOT before or after, to ensure the coherence and harmonic efficiency of our action.\n\nThose without much money need to know that silver coins are not expensive. You can buy a single half ounce silver coin for about $12, which equals a few coffees at Starbucks.\n\nThose who feel guided can buy enough silver to finance them for about 1-2 weeks (the expected time of reboot after the systemic financial collapse).\n\nThose who would like to invest can buy more silver, as silver is an undervalued asset and the price is likely to rise:\n\nLarge investors reading this blog who would like to participate need to buy physical silver which needs to be stored at their own location, NOT paper silver such as ETF or ETN.\n\nYou can buy silver as coins or bars at your local dealer, online, on ebay or in a bank:\n\nIf the critical mass of 144,000 people buy silver on November 11th, this will create the needed trigger to globally expose the manipulation of silver and gold prices by JP Morgan:\n\nIn the mid 1970s, Hunt brothers almost dominated silver market for a few years against the global Cabal:\n\nIf a few brothers can do that, can you imagine what our collective power is!\n\nIf this knowledge goes into mainstream global consciousness, it will create some of the needed conditions for the global financial Reset that will set the foundations of the new fair financial system.\n\nEsoterically speaking, silver is the metal that connects us to abundance and to the Goddess energy:\n\n\nEnergetically speaking, buying silver will be a symbolic act of bringing abundance into your life.\n\nWe will be also doing a mass meditation which will energetically support our physical action of buying silver.\n\nThe purpose of our meditation is to anchor as much Light as possible in the global financial system to ease and harmonize the transition.\n\nWe will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Mercury transit on Monday, November 11th at 15:15 pm GMT in London. This equals 11:15 pm CST in Taipei and Beijing, 5:15 pm EET in Cairo, 4:15 pm CET in Paris, 10:15 am EST in New York, 9:15 am CST in Chicago, 8:15 am MST in Denver and 7:15 am PST in Los Angeles. Japan and Australia will already have November 12th and the meditation will take place at 2:15 AEST in Sydney and 0:15 am JST in Tokyo.\n\nSource: http://2012portal.blogspot.com",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/entities/urn:activity:1040329975310036992/activity"
"type": "Create",
"actor": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253",
"object": {
"type": "Note",
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/entities/urn:activity:1023356866060017664",
"attributedTo": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253",
"content": "New Earth starts in the heart, not in the mind.<br /><br />It is in the heart that the feeling of hope begins to shine, the knowing that humanity as all it needs to step to the next level, All the manifestation ability, technologies and expertise to create a truly abundant civilization where all humans thrive. To manifest this reality, we must first unite as one heart, one people, using our collective intention to stop the false kings, arresting master of corruption and deception. This fiat monetary system is disabling our ability to access the next level of our planetary evolution as it denies all new technology making it obsolete, inventions that are not profitable to corporations are for most of them classified and use only for the benefits of private company. Unity will show a way to put a term to the reign of the non physical domination of corporation, as they are construct of our collective mind. <br /><br />Imagine humanity liberated form the control system and a mass disclosure of all the secrets that have been hidden by these criminals for centuries, with a disclosure of all the technology that have been kept secret. We would be ready for a fresh start and the voice would be in the hand of the people true democracy could start and with tools like internet we could have the power to be part of the decision that actually affects us. For some that could be hard to imagine the world changing but it is normal because New earth starts in the hearth, not in the mind.<br /><br />So open you heart and connect with New earth it is already here, we just need to open our eyes. ",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1023356866060017664",
"published": "2019-09-24T22:14:49+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "New Earth starts in the heart, not in the mind.\n\nIt is in the heart that the feeling of hope begins to shine, the knowing that humanity as all it needs to step to the next level, All the manifestation ability, technologies and expertise to create a truly abundant civilization where all humans thrive. To manifest this reality, we must first unite as one heart, one people, using our collective intention to stop the false kings, arresting master of corruption and deception. This fiat monetary system is disabling our ability to access the next level of our planetary evolution as it denies all new technology making it obsolete, inventions that are not profitable to corporations are for most of them classified and use only for the benefits of private company. Unity will show a way to put a term to the reign of the non physical domination of corporation, as they are construct of our collective mind. \n\nImagine humanity liberated form the control system and a mass disclosure of all the secrets that have been hidden by these criminals for centuries, with a disclosure of all the technology that have been kept secret. We would be ready for a fresh start and the voice would be in the hand of the people true democracy could start and with tools like internet we could have the power to be part of the decision that actually affects us. For some that could be hard to imagine the world changing but it is normal because New earth starts in the hearth, not in the mind.\n\nSo open you heart and connect with New earth it is already here, we just need to open our eyes. ",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/entities/urn:activity:1023356866060017664/activity"
"type": "Create",
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"object": {
"type": "Note",
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/entities/urn:activity:1017562909264707584",
"attributedTo": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253",
"content": "How we shape our neighborhoods has far-reaching effects on the environment, our social well-being, our sense of community and connectedness. Our neighborhoods should reflect what we value as human beings. <br /><br />Did you know that by 2050, 75% of nearly 10 billion people could live in crowded, coastal, mega cities. These cities do not reflect our deepest values. They promote social alienation and ecological degradation. <br />Did you also know that being socially connected can help people overcome adversity and lead longer, happier lives?<br /><br />Our group is called Talking Trees and our mission is to create communities in which humans can live well AND dramatically reduce their consumption and waste. We strive to redefine neighborhood development for future generations by building communities in which humans live with nature, and not separate from it. <br />community<br />Inside this community, you can buy or rent an energy-positive home called an Earthship;<br /><br />you can volunteer your time for the betterment of the community and in exchange receive food grown on the land or local goods;<br /><br />you can benefit from a supportive network of neighbors with whom you can share the joys and sorrows of life;<br /><br />you can even contribute your own talents and skills for the greatest benefit of the COMMUNITY.<br />SO WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL? WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? <br /><br />MODERN LIVING has a dark side. It’s so easy to get our food from the store, or get clean water from the tap, that we believe there is an endless supply of resources. The production, processing, and consumption, of commodities is causing us to take our Earth’s resources for GRANTED. Meanwhile, we are quite literally hitting the physical limits of our finite planet!<br /><br />We are extracting and using our natural resources at a terrifying speed and this has serious repercussions.<br />It is clear that our current human systems are unsustainable. We are supposed to be the guardians of the Earth, but we are destroying our beautiful planet. All because we want more. <br /><br />What happens when there is no more? <br /><br />Putting a stop to modernity’s unsustainable legacy<br /><br />There is no gray area when it comes to survival. Either we go on as a civilization or we don’t. As human beings with families and children, we know that rapid change is required so that we can protect our planet. What we do or don’t do right now will affect our lives, the lives of our children, and those of ourgrandchildren. This is why at Talking Trees, we are committed to social and ecological sustainability. We are growing neighborhoods instead of building them. By living off the land, we have a deeper appreciation for our planet and each other. It’s time we take responsibility for Earth’s welfare.<br /><br />Why We Care<br /><br />We are a team of people from all walks of life. We are innovators, researchers, entrepreneurs, teachers, and builders, growing a community like no other, close to Canada’s CAPITAL, where humans will live in harmony with each other, with other living beings, and with the Earth. <br /><br />We use a practice called Permaculture. Permaculture seeks to minimize waste produced by daily human activities through technologies such as composting of food and agricultural waste, the use of renewable energy resources, the recycling of gray water into food production and the use of local organic building materials.<br />Are you concerned with the state of our planet?<br />If you are, we need YOUR help.<br /><br />How we treat our planet is a direct reflection of how we live as communities. There’s no question our current societal practices conflict with Earth’s natural systems. By proving it is not only possible to live in tune with nature but to thrive, Permaculture can ensure that we can continue to live here and have a good life for generation after generation indefinitely. <br /><br />For the past 100 years Permaculture has shown us this is possible on an individual scale. Talking Trees is expanding that knowledge for any community in the world to learn how to create a sustainable and just food system. <br /><br /><br /><br />For more details on the business plan, development or how to join this community please contact us through the Talking Trees Facebook Page <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/TalkingTrees1111/\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.facebook.com/TalkingTrees1111/</a> or our project website at <a href=\"https://www.talkingtrees.love/\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.talkingtrees.love/</a><br />",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1017562909264707584",
"published": "2019-09-08T22:31:42+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "How we shape our neighborhoods has far-reaching effects on the environment, our social well-being, our sense of community and connectedness. Our neighborhoods should reflect what we value as human beings. \n\nDid you know that by 2050, 75% of nearly 10 billion people could live in crowded, coastal, mega cities. These cities do not reflect our deepest values. They promote social alienation and ecological degradation. \nDid you also know that being socially connected can help people overcome adversity and lead longer, happier lives?\n\nOur group is called Talking Trees and our mission is to create communities in which humans can live well AND dramatically reduce their consumption and waste. We strive to redefine neighborhood development for future generations by building communities in which humans live with nature, and not separate from it. \ncommunity\nInside this community, you can buy or rent an energy-positive home called an Earthship;\n\nyou can volunteer your time for the betterment of the community and in exchange receive food grown on the land or local goods;\n\nyou can benefit from a supportive network of neighbors with whom you can share the joys and sorrows of life;\n\nyou can even contribute your own talents and skills for the greatest benefit of the COMMUNITY.\nSO WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL? WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? \n\nMODERN LIVING has a dark side. It’s so easy to get our food from the store, or get clean water from the tap, that we believe there is an endless supply of resources. The production, processing, and consumption, of commodities is causing us to take our Earth’s resources for GRANTED. Meanwhile, we are quite literally hitting the physical limits of our finite planet!\n\nWe are extracting and using our natural resources at a terrifying speed and this has serious repercussions.\nIt is clear that our current human systems are unsustainable. We are supposed to be the guardians of the Earth, but we are destroying our beautiful planet. All because we want more. \n\nWhat happens when there is no more? \n\nPutting a stop to modernity’s unsustainable legacy\n\nThere is no gray area when it comes to survival. Either we go on as a civilization or we don’t. As human beings with families and children, we know that rapid change is required so that we can protect our planet. What we do or don’t do right now will affect our lives, the lives of our children, and those of ourgrandchildren. This is why at Talking Trees, we are committed to social and ecological sustainability. We are growing neighborhoods instead of building them. By living off the land, we have a deeper appreciation for our planet and each other. It’s time we take responsibility for Earth’s welfare.\n\nWhy We Care\n\nWe are a team of people from all walks of life. We are innovators, researchers, entrepreneurs, teachers, and builders, growing a community like no other, close to Canada’s CAPITAL, where humans will live in harmony with each other, with other living beings, and with the Earth. \n\nWe use a practice called Permaculture. Permaculture seeks to minimize waste produced by daily human activities through technologies such as composting of food and agricultural waste, the use of renewable energy resources, the recycling of gray water into food production and the use of local organic building materials.\nAre you concerned with the state of our planet?\nIf you are, we need YOUR help.\n\nHow we treat our planet is a direct reflection of how we live as communities. There’s no question our current societal practices conflict with Earth’s natural systems. By proving it is not only possible to live in tune with nature but to thrive, Permaculture can ensure that we can continue to live here and have a good life for generation after generation indefinitely. \n\nFor the past 100 years Permaculture has shown us this is possible on an individual scale. Talking Trees is expanding that knowledge for any community in the world to learn how to create a sustainable and just food system. \n\n\n\nFor more details on the business plan, development or how to join this community please contact us through the Talking Trees Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/TalkingTrees1111/ or our project website at https://www.talkingtrees.love/\n",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/entities/urn:activity:1017562909264707584/activity"
"type": "Create",
"actor": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253",
"object": {
"type": "Note",
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/entities/urn:activity:947994005607636992",
"attributedTo": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253",
"content": "The name New earth community come's from my personal perspective on talking trees involvement in the One small town initiative in North Frontenac, Ontario. Once the project is fully anchored into physical reality it will truly represent the energy of this name.<br /><br />The project includes a sub-division of self-sustainable housing following the earthship principles filled with cooperatives and businesses working in unity to create abundance. The second aspect of the project includes a complex of different type of ecological and autonomous housing to host tourist and future residents while experiencing the community from the inside with comfortable accommodations. <br /><br />For more information visit our page <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/NewEarthCommunity\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.minds.com/NewEarthCommunity</a><br /><br /><br /><br /> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=sustainability\" title=\"#sustainability\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#sustainability</a> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=freedom\" title=\"#freedom\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#freedom</a> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=permaculture\" title=\"#permaculture\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#permaculture</a> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=nature\" title=\"#nature\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#nature</a> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=newearth\" title=\"#newearth\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#newearth</a> abundance",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/947994005607636992",
"published": "2019-02-28T23:09:43+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "The name New earth community come's from my personal perspective on talking trees involvement in the One small town initiative in North Frontenac, Ontario. Once the project is fully anchored into physical reality it will truly represent the energy of this name.\n\nThe project includes a sub-division of self-sustainable housing following the earthship principles filled with cooperatives and businesses working in unity to create abundance. The second aspect of the project includes a complex of different type of ecological and autonomous housing to host tourist and future residents while experiencing the community from the inside with comfortable accommodations. \n\nFor more information visit our page https://www.minds.com/NewEarthCommunity\n\n\n\n #sustainability #freedom #permaculture #nature #newearth abundance",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/entities/urn:activity:947994005607636992/activity"
"type": "Create",
"actor": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253",
"object": {
"type": "Note",
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/entities/urn:activity:943263353872510976",
"attributedTo": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253",
"content": "<br />Just taught I would share one of the open source project We are working on making happen as one of our community projects. This project is happening worldwide in hundreds of small workshop and is making a change in the plastic recycling industry. Visit the website below for All the information!<br /><br /> www.preciousplastic.com<br /><br /> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=recycling\" title=\"#recycling\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#recycling</a> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=opensource\" title=\"#opensource\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#opensource</a> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=sustainability\" title=\"#sustainability\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#sustainability</a>",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/943263353872510976",
"published": "2019-02-15T21:51:48+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "\nJust taught I would share one of the open source project We are working on making happen as one of our community projects. This project is happening worldwide in hundreds of small workshop and is making a change in the plastic recycling industry. Visit the website below for All the information!\n\n www.preciousplastic.com\n\n #recycling #opensource #sustainability",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/entities/urn:activity:943263353872510976/activity"
"type": "Create",
"actor": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253",
"object": {
"type": "Note",
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/entities/urn:activity:929866234687381504",
"attributedTo": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253",
"content": "Creating a path of love. Embodying your true self<br /><br />Everyone is on their own heroes journey since the day of their incarnation. <br /><br />Planet Earth is creating an abundance of different realities and experiences for each of us to learn from.<br /><br />In most countries people are born into a society which resembles slavery in a lot of ways. Individuals are indoctrinated by the collective to believe and support a set of corporations/fictional entities to which the individual should associate. Example in Canada when your birth certificate is signed and you grow up, you're Canadian (representative of the corp. of Canada). <br /><br />When you associate yourself with a fictional entity, you disassociate from your true self.<br /><br /> Most modern countries want their citizens to be patriotic to their country, tricking people into a divide and conquer principle. <br /><br />We need to remember as a collective that the planet we are sharing is one entity and any border is there to divide our team, no one alive today created these borders, they are part of an old paradigm that humanity is still holding on to. To take a leap forward in our evolution a shift will need to occur on many levels. <br /><br />The collective is created by our individual expressions, we are the ones creating and sustaining this reality that a lot of us see as unhealthy for human evolution. The journey we are on together is similar to the evolution of a human from teenage to adulthood. <br /><br />Mistakes, we made them all, and from that will stem a new age, where we embody the insight that we learned in our past and now transforming into a more mindful and sustainable being. <br /><br />The first step into this transition implies a lot of self awareness on an individual level and dedication to explore alternatives. <br /><br />The behavior of a mature species would resemble the laws of nature where energy flows freely and the concept of waste is non-existent. <br /><br />All the other species on this planet, all the animals, plants, insects and astral bodies are yelling at us to wake up to this reality! <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=evolution\" title=\"#evolution\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#evolution</a> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=mindful\" title=\"#mindful\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#mindful</a> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=conscious\" title=\"#conscious\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#conscious</a> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=change\" title=\"#change\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#change</a> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=newearth\" title=\"#newearth\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#newearth</a>",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/929866234687381504",
"published": "2019-01-09T22:36:26+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "Creating a path of love. Embodying your true self\n\nEveryone is on their own heroes journey since the day of their incarnation. \n\nPlanet Earth is creating an abundance of different realities and experiences for each of us to learn from.\n\nIn most countries people are born into a society which resembles slavery in a lot of ways. Individuals are indoctrinated by the collective to believe and support a set of corporations/fictional entities to which the individual should associate. Example in Canada when your birth certificate is signed and you grow up, you're Canadian (representative of the corp. of Canada). \n\nWhen you associate yourself with a fictional entity, you disassociate from your true self.\n\n Most modern countries want their citizens to be patriotic to their country, tricking people into a divide and conquer principle. \n\nWe need to remember as a collective that the planet we are sharing is one entity and any border is there to divide our team, no one alive today created these borders, they are part of an old paradigm that humanity is still holding on to. To take a leap forward in our evolution a shift will need to occur on many levels. \n\nThe collective is created by our individual expressions, we are the ones creating and sustaining this reality that a lot of us see as unhealthy for human evolution. The journey we are on together is similar to the evolution of a human from teenage to adulthood. \n\nMistakes, we made them all, and from that will stem a new age, where we embody the insight that we learned in our past and now transforming into a more mindful and sustainable being. \n\nThe first step into this transition implies a lot of self awareness on an individual level and dedication to explore alternatives. \n\nThe behavior of a mature species would resemble the laws of nature where energy flows freely and the concept of waste is non-existent. \n\nAll the other species on this planet, all the animals, plants, insects and astral bodies are yelling at us to wake up to this reality! #evolution #mindful #conscious #change #newearth",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/entities/urn:activity:929866234687381504/activity"
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/outbox",
"partOf": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/919663053581066253/outboxoutbox"