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"content": "Friday night show trailer for Andromeda 7 Celestial Gateway, 9pm EST 6/6<br /><br /><a href=\"https://youtu.be/D5zvFOaO9IQ\" target=\"_blank\">https://youtu.be/D5zvFOaO9IQ</a>",
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"published": "2023-06-06T16:25:09+00:00",
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"content": "Friday night show trailer for Andromeda 7 Celestial Gateway, 9pm EST 6/6\n\nhttps://youtu.be/D5zvFOaO9IQ",
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"content": "Friday night 6/16 9pm EST on Andromeda 7 Celestial Gateway <br />Featuring Mohamed Ibrahim and special guest panelist Robert Bower!<br /><br />Welcome back Egyptologist, Hieroglyphics Expert, and Tour Guide Mohamed Ibrahim. Our bridge between mainstream egyptology and the esoteric archeological community; explaining ancient technolgies and alternative history.<br /><br />Greetings and a warm welcome to special guest panelist Robert Bower aka \"The Professor\". He professes himself to be \"fortunate and blessed, as his journey has been eclectic from Health & Wellness, Global Technology, Sound & Music, Philosophy, and Science.<br /><br /><a href=\"https://youtu.be/q5JD9feJ1lA\" target=\"_blank\">https://youtu.be/q5JD9feJ1lA</a>",
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"published": "2023-06-13T15:48:24+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "Friday night 6/16 9pm EST on Andromeda 7 Celestial Gateway \nFeaturing Mohamed Ibrahim and special guest panelist Robert Bower!\n\nWelcome back Egyptologist, Hieroglyphics Expert, and Tour Guide Mohamed Ibrahim. Our bridge between mainstream egyptology and the esoteric archeological community; explaining ancient technolgies and alternative history.\n\nGreetings and a warm welcome to special guest panelist Robert Bower aka \"The Professor\". He professes himself to be \"fortunate and blessed, as his journey has been eclectic from Health & Wellness, Global Technology, Sound & Music, Philosophy, and Science.\n\nhttps://youtu.be/q5JD9feJ1lA",
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"content": "Wowza!<br /><br />Andromeda 7 Celestial Gateway Update<br /><br />We had a discussion today with Mohamed Ibrahim and Robert Bower. What a fantastic discussion! Two great guys.<br />Check out our show trailer when you can. Live link coming soon for friday night! <br /><br />This will not be your typical Stargate coverage folks!<br /><br /><a href=\"https://youtu.be/q5JD9feJ1lA\" target=\"_blank\">https://youtu.be/q5JD9feJ1lA</a>",
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"published": "2023-06-15T01:25:11+00:00",
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"content": "Wowza!\n\nAndromeda 7 Celestial Gateway Update\n\nWe had a discussion today with Mohamed Ibrahim and Robert Bower. What a fantastic discussion! Two great guys.\nCheck out our show trailer when you can. Live link coming soon for friday night! \n\nThis will not be your typical Stargate coverage folks!\n\nhttps://youtu.be/q5JD9feJ1lA",
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"content": "MY INNERSIGHT BLOG <br />6/18/2023<br />Are Demons Real?<br /><br />\"Focus on resolving your own feelings of powerlessness to the cruelty of others, and this includes coming up with direct strategies for creating safety.\"<br /><br />- Teal Swan<br /><br />Last month I spoke about oppression versus possession and I still feel there's a lot more to cover with this topic so with all the emphasis here lately on demonology, I'm feeling lead to weigh in on things. I've got years and years of paranormal investigation under my belt as well as some personal spiritual experiences in this regard. Here is my thinking on the subject. Maybe it will be of help to some. So for those of you who know me, hang on because it might not be what you think!<br /><br />People have been talking about demons for centuries and there are various perspectives on the whole thing, and particularly within the new age thinking that Angels, Demons, Spirit Guides, Masters, even alien beings, are one in the same; that they are all your besties and they all love you very much. Demons they say, just want to help you through experiencing the darkness in life. NOT!<br /><br />Yes there are those who generally do perceive them to be the complete opposite of angels, darker entities with malevolencet spirits out to get you no matter what. Well yes that is my truth! They can appear to be false guides deliberately leading you down a path you wouldn't normally head for by manipulating your thoughts and actions. One must learn a great deal of discernment to find the truth in their messages and the thoughts they are giving you.<br /><br />So what then are demons? I do not care what religions have to say about it. Yes there are many perspectives out there. But this is my take on things and nobody has to agree with it. Take it or leave it, like it or don't like it. Feel free to write your own blogs about it. I am writing this in a spirit of love and gratitude for all the experiences I have had to date.<br /><br />There are various kinds of demons. Most demons were originally one of us! That's right they were creations and are creations of conscious thoughts. Our degraded negative energy thoughts and actions, built up throughout all of time in many incarnations. Other demons are those beings who failed their initiations time after time, again and again, until they degraded themselves to a point of no return! Some of them are fallen angels who became narcissists and fell into the material cycles.<br /><br />They were not \"put here\" to test us, though we can learn things about ourselves through interactions with them. Nor were they created as overlords to punish us for crimes we have committed. These created energy beings think of themselves as being completely separated from Source and all other higher energy beings of light and love. In fact, they think they are better than all other forms. If given the opportunity they will take out everything that stands in their way of proving that point! Demons exist on the opposite side of the higher vibrational energies in the universe. Their domain consists of lower vibrations of hatred, isolation, fear, manipulation, physical pleasures and self serving desires: greed, envy, lust, power. All are darker aspects of our higher collective selves (the All that is: alien beings from other worlds, fallen angels, humans, masters) All are born of the negative energies the collective sends out into the universe while on our journies; you can think of it as a primordial soup of bad karma!<br /><br />Because they are so out of alignment with source energy in the greater aspects of the universe, they have cut themselves off from those energies and need other ways to feed and exist. They do so by taking energy from other things and beings. I truly resonnate with Teal Swan's take on demons: <br /><br />\"When a being within a system perceives itself to be powerless relative to what it needs and what it wants, and when it perceives the other elements of that system that it is a part of to be against its needs and wants, and therefore it's best interests, instead of love it feels harmed. Instead of unified it feels disconnected. It decides to separate itself further by pushing away and becoming oppositional to what it perceives to be it's adversary. Only this time that adversary is the system of the universe at large; the other beings within that system. From there, unencumberd by the rule of not harming others, It begins to get its needs met, and in whatever way is most effective. And that way is usually harmful in some way to something. You could come to understand demons through the very simple act of understanding narcissism and code dependency within the human race.\"<br /><br />Boom!<br /><br />Are you perhaps subconconciously contracting with perceived demons? Hmmmm.....<br />Watch this short 16 min video clip! It has some good examples and suggestions.<br /><br /><a href=\"https://youtu.be/-KMKXs8DC3o\" target=\"_blank\">https://youtu.be/-KMKXs8DC3o</a><br /><br />Many blessing upon all of you perfectly created spiritual beings! Thoughts are Things! Careful what you send out there 🙂🙏. Much love to all,<br /><br />- Theresa",
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"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1516886426623414289",
"published": "2023-06-17T19:25:05+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "MY INNERSIGHT BLOG \n6/18/2023\nAre Demons Real?\n\n\"Focus on resolving your own feelings of powerlessness to the cruelty of others, and this includes coming up with direct strategies for creating safety.\"\n\n- Teal Swan\n\nLast month I spoke about oppression versus possession and I still feel there's a lot more to cover with this topic so with all the emphasis here lately on demonology, I'm feeling lead to weigh in on things. I've got years and years of paranormal investigation under my belt as well as some personal spiritual experiences in this regard. Here is my thinking on the subject. Maybe it will be of help to some. So for those of you who know me, hang on because it might not be what you think!\n\nPeople have been talking about demons for centuries and there are various perspectives on the whole thing, and particularly within the new age thinking that Angels, Demons, Spirit Guides, Masters, even alien beings, are one in the same; that they are all your besties and they all love you very much. Demons they say, just want to help you through experiencing the darkness in life. NOT!\n\nYes there are those who generally do perceive them to be the complete opposite of angels, darker entities with malevolencet spirits out to get you no matter what. Well yes that is my truth! They can appear to be false guides deliberately leading you down a path you wouldn't normally head for by manipulating your thoughts and actions. One must learn a great deal of discernment to find the truth in their messages and the thoughts they are giving you.\n\nSo what then are demons? I do not care what religions have to say about it. Yes there are many perspectives out there. But this is my take on things and nobody has to agree with it. Take it or leave it, like it or don't like it. Feel free to write your own blogs about it. I am writing this in a spirit of love and gratitude for all the experiences I have had to date.\n\nThere are various kinds of demons. Most demons were originally one of us! That's right they were creations and are creations of conscious thoughts. Our degraded negative energy thoughts and actions, built up throughout all of time in many incarnations. Other demons are those beings who failed their initiations time after time, again and again, until they degraded themselves to a point of no return! Some of them are fallen angels who became narcissists and fell into the material cycles.\n\nThey were not \"put here\" to test us, though we can learn things about ourselves through interactions with them. Nor were they created as overlords to punish us for crimes we have committed. These created energy beings think of themselves as being completely separated from Source and all other higher energy beings of light and love. In fact, they think they are better than all other forms. If given the opportunity they will take out everything that stands in their way of proving that point! Demons exist on the opposite side of the higher vibrational energies in the universe. Their domain consists of lower vibrations of hatred, isolation, fear, manipulation, physical pleasures and self serving desires: greed, envy, lust, power. All are darker aspects of our higher collective selves (the All that is: alien beings from other worlds, fallen angels, humans, masters) All are born of the negative energies the collective sends out into the universe while on our journies; you can think of it as a primordial soup of bad karma!\n\nBecause they are so out of alignment with source energy in the greater aspects of the universe, they have cut themselves off from those energies and need other ways to feed and exist. They do so by taking energy from other things and beings. I truly resonnate with Teal Swan's take on demons: \n\n\"When a being within a system perceives itself to be powerless relative to what it needs and what it wants, and when it perceives the other elements of that system that it is a part of to be against its needs and wants, and therefore it's best interests, instead of love it feels harmed. Instead of unified it feels disconnected. It decides to separate itself further by pushing away and becoming oppositional to what it perceives to be it's adversary. Only this time that adversary is the system of the universe at large; the other beings within that system. From there, unencumberd by the rule of not harming others, It begins to get its needs met, and in whatever way is most effective. And that way is usually harmful in some way to something. You could come to understand demons through the very simple act of understanding narcissism and code dependency within the human race.\"\n\nBoom!\n\nAre you perhaps subconconciously contracting with perceived demons? Hmmmm.....\nWatch this short 16 min video clip! It has some good examples and suggestions.\n\nhttps://youtu.be/-KMKXs8DC3o\n\nMany blessing upon all of you perfectly created spiritual beings! Thoughts are Things! Careful what you send out there 🙂🙏. Much love to all,\n\n- Theresa",
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"content": "Friday night 9pm Andromeda 7 Celestial Gateway<br /><a href=\"https://youtu.be/gwbDPBHnmFQ\" target=\"_blank\">https://youtu.be/gwbDPBHnmFQ</a>",
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"published": "2023-06-20T18:33:46+00:00",
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"content": "Friday night 9pm Andromeda 7 Celestial Gateway\nhttps://youtu.be/gwbDPBHnmFQ",
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