A small tool to view real-world ActivityPub objects as JSON! Enter a URL
or username from Mastodon or a similar service below, and we'll send a
request with
the right
to the server to view the underlying object.
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"content": "🤡😂😂😍Great satire! <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1523739544027926546\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1523739544027926546</a>",
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"published": "2023-07-07T08:00:00+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "🤡😂😂😍Great satire! https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1523739544027926546",
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"published": "2023-05-11T23:37:13+00:00",
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"content": "New Bill Seeks $25k Fine If You Utter “Harmful Remarks” Within 100 Meters Of A 2SLGBTQI+LMNOP Event!<br />DONATE ➜ <a href=\"https://pressfortruth.ca/donate/\" target=\"_blank\">https://pressfortruth.ca/donate/</a><br />SUBSCRIBESTAR ➜ <a href=\"https://www.subscribestar.com/pressfortruth\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.subscribestar.com/pressfortruth</a><br />According to a new bill any anti-2SLGBTQI+ harassment, intimidation, and hate speech within 100 metres of a designated address could receive a provincial fine of up to $25,000.<br /><br />This comes just days after violent transgender activists assaulted Chris Elston aka Billboard Chris which went viral due to PFT’s coverage.<br /><br />In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth breaks down this latest bill and why it should be absolutely rejected by any right minded and thinking individuals.<br /><br />If you appreciate my efforts please consider making a contribution here:<br />DONATE ➜ <a href=\"https://pressfortruth.ca/donate/\" target=\"_blank\">https://pressfortruth.ca/donate/</a><br />SUBSCRIBESTAR ➜ <a href=\"https://www.subscribestar.com/pressfortruth\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.subscribestar.com/pressfortruth</a><br />DONATE via Paypal ➜ <a href=\"https://www.paypal.me/PressforTruth\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.paypal.me/PressforTruth</a><br />GoGetFunding ➜ <a href=\"https://goget.fund/2UBhENH\" target=\"_blank\">https://goget.fund/2UBhENH</a><br />Bitcoin ➜ 19pNb9m5NyeDNXqTEAgZ5pyAXJwNroPKwq<br />Other Cryptocurrencies ➜ <a href=\"https://pressfortruth.ca/donate-crypto/\" target=\"_blank\">https://pressfortruth.ca/donate-crypto/</a><br /><br />Or you can send an e-transfer to dan@pressfortruth.ca<br />If you’re old fashioned like we are and prefer to keep it old school, we also accept cash, cheques, equipment and words of encouragement! You can send us those things here: <br /><br />Dan Dicks P.O. Box 1521 Squamish BC V8B 0B1<br /><br />SUBSCRIBE:<br />BITCHUTE ➜ <a href=\"https://www.bitchute.com/pressfortruth/\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.bitchute.com/pressfortruth/</a><br />ODYSEE ➜ <a href=\"https://lbry.tv/@PressForTruth\" target=\"_blank\">https://lbry.tv/@PressForTruth</a><br />BAYSTON➜ <a href=\"https://bastyon.com/dandickspft\" target=\"_blank\">https://bastyon.com/dandickspft</a><br />MINDS ➜ <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/pressfortruth\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.minds.com/pressfortruth</a><br />RUMBLE➜ <a href=\"https://rumble.com/user/PressForTruth\" target=\"_blank\">https://rumble.com/user/PressForTruth</a><br />HIVE ➜ <a href=\"https://hive.blog/@pressfortruth/posts\" target=\"_blank\">https://hive.blog/@pressfortruth/posts</a><br />BANNED ➜ <a href=\"https://banned.video/channel/press-for-truth\" target=\"_blank\">https://banned.video/channel/press-for-truth</a><br /><br /><br />Sources:<br /><br /><a href=\"https://twitter.com/DanDicksPFT/status/1643484125691789314\" target=\"_blank\">https://twitter.com/DanDicksPFT/status/1643484125691789314</a><br /><br /><a href=\"https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FtCrd-3aEAI7mRU?format=jpg&name=medium\" target=\"_blank\">https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FtCrd-3aEAI7mRU?format=jpg&name=medium</a><br /><br /><a href=\"https://www.ontariondp.ca/news/drag-artists-support-wong-tams-legislation-protect-2slgbtqi-communities-rising-hate-crimes\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.ontariondp.ca/news/drag-artists-support-wong-tams-legislation-protect-2slgbtqi-communities-rising-hate-crimes</a><br /><br />BUSTED: VPD’s Constable Frederike Buchmann Badge 3081 EXPOSED FOR MISCONDUCT! This Cannot Be Ignored!!!<br /><a href=\"https://pressfortruth.ca/busted-vpds-constable-frederike-buchmann-badge-3081-exposed-for-misconduct-this-cannot-be-ignored/\" target=\"_blank\">https://pressfortruth.ca/busted-vpds-constable-frederike-buchmann-badge-3081-exposed-for-misconduct-this-cannot-be-ignored/</a><br /> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1490824750354665482\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1490824750354665482</a>",
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"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1490824750354665482",
"published": "2023-04-06T21:25:17+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "New Bill Seeks $25k Fine If You Utter “Harmful Remarks” Within 100 Meters Of A 2SLGBTQI+LMNOP Event!\nDONATE ➜ https://pressfortruth.ca/donate/\nSUBSCRIBESTAR ➜ https://www.subscribestar.com/pressfortruth\nAccording to a new bill any anti-2SLGBTQI+ harassment, intimidation, and hate speech within 100 metres of a designated address could receive a provincial fine of up to $25,000.\n\nThis comes just days after violent transgender activists assaulted Chris Elston aka Billboard Chris which went viral due to PFT’s coverage.\n\nIn this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth breaks down this latest bill and why it should be absolutely rejected by any right minded and thinking individuals.\n\nIf you appreciate my efforts please consider making a contribution here:\nDONATE ➜ https://pressfortruth.ca/donate/\nSUBSCRIBESTAR ➜ https://www.subscribestar.com/pressfortruth\nDONATE via Paypal ➜ https://www.paypal.me/PressforTruth\nGoGetFunding ➜ https://goget.fund/2UBhENH\nBitcoin ➜ 19pNb9m5NyeDNXqTEAgZ5pyAXJwNroPKwq\nOther Cryptocurrencies ➜ https://pressfortruth.ca/donate-crypto/\n\nOr you can send an e-transfer to dan@pressfortruth.ca\nIf you’re old fashioned like we are and prefer to keep it old school, we also accept cash, cheques, equipment and words of encouragement! You can send us those things here: \n\nDan Dicks P.O. Box 1521 Squamish BC V8B 0B1\n\nSUBSCRIBE:\nBITCHUTE ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/pressfortruth/\nODYSEE ➜ https://lbry.tv/@PressForTruth\nBAYSTON➜ https://bastyon.com/dandickspft\nMINDS ➜ https://www.minds.com/pressfortruth\nRUMBLE➜ https://rumble.com/user/PressForTruth\nHIVE ➜ https://hive.blog/@pressfortruth/posts\nBANNED ➜ https://banned.video/channel/press-for-truth\n\n\nSources:\n\nhttps://twitter.com/DanDicksPFT/status/1643484125691789314\n\nhttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/FtCrd-3aEAI7mRU?format=jpg&name=medium\n\nhttps://www.ontariondp.ca/news/drag-artists-support-wong-tams-legislation-protect-2slgbtqi-communities-rising-hate-crimes\n\nBUSTED: VPD’s Constable Frederike Buchmann Badge 3081 EXPOSED FOR MISCONDUCT! This Cannot Be Ignored!!!\nhttps://pressfortruth.ca/busted-vpds-constable-frederike-buchmann-badge-3081-exposed-for-misconduct-this-cannot-be-ignored/\n https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1490824750354665482",
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"content": "RANDOM STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS... THOUGHTS ON FREEDOM AND TRUTH<br />We have always been told that \"freedom isn't free\" and that is true...BUT the price of freedom is NOT paid for with the lives of young men on foreign fields, no can it be bought with cash...<br /><br />The REAL cost of freedom is eternal vigilance, material sacrifice and ABOVE ALL, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY...<br /><br />ALL forms of collectivism and delegation of \"authority\" are simply man's attempt to shirk his PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY...<br /><br />I am very anti war, and I am very pro gun...the reason is simple...the government and it's minions have guns...and governments, historically, have always killed their own citizens. The number one cause of death worldwide over the last 500 years is \"democide\" or people murdered by their own government NOT COUNTING WAR...in this country, in 71 cities across this land, local governments send men with guns to forcibly kidnap you and lock you in a cage for feeding a homeless man, so don't tell me that it can't happen here...IT ALREADY HAS..<br /><br />When the law itself becomes criminal, then only the outlaw can be righteous...<br /><br />Television is nothing but fear mongering police state propaganda, designed to convince you to willingly give up your human rights for \"safety\"...<br /><br />The true fact that most \"statists\" refuse to acknowledge is that the second amendment is there to preserve you right to bear arms to stand against domestic threats to your liberty...in other words, it is there to guarantee your right to shoot local politicians, cops and other government officials whenever they attempt to infringe upon your rights.<br /><br />Political power -- armed central authority, with states and war -- is it part of human nature? Is it necessary for human communities? Or is it a tool that ruling elites use to live at the expense of communities? A tool that does violence to human nature and the world?<br /><br />Armed central authority must be abolished, giving way to a world of peaceful voluntary communities -- in other words, an argument for anarchism...<br /><br />There’s absolutely no reason to believe there is any chance of reducing government through the electoral process...<br /><br />The ballot box is nothing more than a \"suggestion box\" for slaves, and the elections are staged, their primary purposes being to further divide the masses and to facilitate the illusion that we are free and have a choice...we aren't and we don't...-Gary Williams<br /><br /><a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=massawakening\" title=\"#massawakening\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#massawakening</a> <br /><a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=pureblood\" title=\"#pureblood\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#pureblood</a> ",
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"published": "2023-03-08T13:30:16+00:00",
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"content": "RANDOM STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS... THOUGHTS ON FREEDOM AND TRUTH\nWe have always been told that \"freedom isn't free\" and that is true...BUT the price of freedom is NOT paid for with the lives of young men on foreign fields, no can it be bought with cash...\n\nThe REAL cost of freedom is eternal vigilance, material sacrifice and ABOVE ALL, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY...\n\nALL forms of collectivism and delegation of \"authority\" are simply man's attempt to shirk his PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY...\n\nI am very anti war, and I am very pro gun...the reason is simple...the government and it's minions have guns...and governments, historically, have always killed their own citizens. The number one cause of death worldwide over the last 500 years is \"democide\" or people murdered by their own government NOT COUNTING WAR...in this country, in 71 cities across this land, local governments send men with guns to forcibly kidnap you and lock you in a cage for feeding a homeless man, so don't tell me that it can't happen here...IT ALREADY HAS..\n\nWhen the law itself becomes criminal, then only the outlaw can be righteous...\n\nTelevision is nothing but fear mongering police state propaganda, designed to convince you to willingly give up your human rights for \"safety\"...\n\nThe true fact that most \"statists\" refuse to acknowledge is that the second amendment is there to preserve you right to bear arms to stand against domestic threats to your liberty...in other words, it is there to guarantee your right to shoot local politicians, cops and other government officials whenever they attempt to infringe upon your rights.\n\nPolitical power -- armed central authority, with states and war -- is it part of human nature? Is it necessary for human communities? Or is it a tool that ruling elites use to live at the expense of communities? A tool that does violence to human nature and the world?\n\nArmed central authority must be abolished, giving way to a world of peaceful voluntary communities -- in other words, an argument for anarchism...\n\nThere’s absolutely no reason to believe there is any chance of reducing government through the electoral process...\n\nThe ballot box is nothing more than a \"suggestion box\" for slaves, and the elections are staged, their primary purposes being to further divide the masses and to facilitate the illusion that we are free and have a choice...we aren't and we don't...-Gary Williams\n\n#massawakening \n#pureblood ",
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"content": "I will be Live streaming tomorrow at 12pm Eastern<br />New information regarding China meddling in Canada's elections - The Liberty Angle<br /><a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/live/cmTcIuvej1M?feature=share\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.youtube.com/live/cmTcIuvej1M?feature=share</a>",
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"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1477801395909300244",
"published": "2023-03-01T22:55:08+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "I will be Live streaming tomorrow at 12pm Eastern\nNew information regarding China meddling in Canada's elections - The Liberty Angle\nhttps://www.youtube.com/live/cmTcIuvej1M?feature=share",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
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"content": "statism<br />noun<br />stat·ism ˈstā-ˌti-zəm <br />: concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry<br /><br />statist<br />noun<br />stat·ist ˈstā-tist <br />: an advocate of statism<br />statist adjective<br /><br />Modern day Statists are the remnants and inheritors of past forms of authoritarian collectivism, where the belief in conformity and central planning reigns supreme. Today's Statists are by-products derived of government run education systems and social constructs used by the ruling elite to keep the masses under their control. From the very beginning, every child is taught to place the collective good and Nationalism above their own individuality, to conform to what is deemed societal norms, to strictly obey anyone in a position of authority, and to reject anything that does not fit the structured narrative dictated to them over the course of 13 plus years in this environment.<br /><br />So, when you hear these Statists constantly defending or applauding the role of big government, you must take into account the fact that their reverence for the State has been purposely instilled in their psyche for the overwhelming majority of their childhood years. It is only those who manage to retain objectivity or who have enlightened, non conformists family members or other people in their lives that will recognize government for what it truly is, as they will not be wholly subjected to a unilateral and consorted effort to constrain their development, and supplant their own critical thinking skills with institutionalized indoctrination. <br /><br />I suggest...no I plead with those who have managed to avoid or break free form this well entrenched indoctrination methodology to take up the task of helping others escape the confines of submissive Statism, whether it's those in your family, your friends, neighbors, classmates, or co-workers. You will be met with apprehension and an initial refusal to accept the truth at first, of that I have no doubt, but only the very naive and utterly dependent state loyalists will remain steadfast in their refusal to accept it. The rest will come around in time, and slowly but surely they will begin to feel compelled to take their place in the Liberty movement as well. Be patient, be persistent, and most importantly...be prepared to lead by example. No one will take seriously the efforts of those who do not adhere to their own principles.<br />CL",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1470162021143023628",
"published": "2023-02-08T20:58:59+00:00",
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"source": {
"content": "statism\nnoun\nstat·ism ˈstā-ˌti-zəm \n: concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry\n\nstatist\nnoun\nstat·ist ˈstā-tist \n: an advocate of statism\nstatist adjective\n\nModern day Statists are the remnants and inheritors of past forms of authoritarian collectivism, where the belief in conformity and central planning reigns supreme. Today's Statists are by-products derived of government run education systems and social constructs used by the ruling elite to keep the masses under their control. From the very beginning, every child is taught to place the collective good and Nationalism above their own individuality, to conform to what is deemed societal norms, to strictly obey anyone in a position of authority, and to reject anything that does not fit the structured narrative dictated to them over the course of 13 plus years in this environment.\n\nSo, when you hear these Statists constantly defending or applauding the role of big government, you must take into account the fact that their reverence for the State has been purposely instilled in their psyche for the overwhelming majority of their childhood years. It is only those who manage to retain objectivity or who have enlightened, non conformists family members or other people in their lives that will recognize government for what it truly is, as they will not be wholly subjected to a unilateral and consorted effort to constrain their development, and supplant their own critical thinking skills with institutionalized indoctrination. \n\nI suggest...no I plead with those who have managed to avoid or break free form this well entrenched indoctrination methodology to take up the task of helping others escape the confines of submissive Statism, whether it's those in your family, your friends, neighbors, classmates, or co-workers. You will be met with apprehension and an initial refusal to accept the truth at first, of that I have no doubt, but only the very naive and utterly dependent state loyalists will remain steadfast in their refusal to accept it. The rest will come around in time, and slowly but surely they will begin to feel compelled to take their place in the Liberty movement as well. Be patient, be persistent, and most importantly...be prepared to lead by example. No one will take seriously the efforts of those who do not adhere to their own principles.\nCL",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
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"content": "🤡🌎😤😡🤬🦅💰🎯☄️🐉💥💡😊😉🤡🌎<br /><br />Make sure to visit <a class=\"u-url mention\" href=\"https://www.minds.com/TheStrike\" target=\"_blank\">@TheStrike</a> ! Channel to catch what you might have missed in your MindsFeed.<br />~/~/~/~~/~/~/~~/~/~/~~/~/~/~~/~/~/~ Like what we do?<br />Kindly Comment, Remind & Subscribe to . . . <a class=\"u-url mention\" href=\"https://www.minds.com/TheStrike\" target=\"_blank\">@TheStrike</a> !<br /><a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=Humor\" title=\"#Humor\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#Humor</a> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=Politics\" title=\"#Politics\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#Politics</a> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=News\" title=\"#News\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#News</a> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=Wisdom\" title=\"#Wisdom\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#Wisdom</a> <a href=\"https://www.minds.com/search?f=top&t=all&q=TheStrike\" title=\"#TheStrike\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#TheStrike</a>",
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"name": "@TheStrike"
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"published": "2023-01-08T04:18:33+00:00",
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"content": "🤡🌎😤😡🤬🦅💰🎯☄️🐉💥💡😊😉🤡🌎\n\nMake sure to visit @TheStrike ! Channel to catch what you might have missed in your MindsFeed.\n~/~/~/~~/~/~/~~/~/~/~~/~/~/~~/~/~/~ Like what we do?\nKindly Comment, Remind & Subscribe to . . . @TheStrike !\n#Humor #Politics #News #Wisdom #TheStrike",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/740615350797738002/entities/urn:activity:1459379888954806280/activity",
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"content": "Join me on Friday (tomorrow) at 3pm Eastern Time for my Pre-Christmas Live stream.<br />What's on your wish list? - The Liberty Angle + AMA<br />Watch on YouTube <a href=\"https://youtu.be/MGzA60o0xO0\" target=\"_blank\">https://youtu.be/MGzA60o0xO0</a><br />Watch on Rumble <a href=\"https://rumble.com/v21xtd2-whats-on-your-wish-list-the-liberty-angle-ama.html\" target=\"_blank\">https://rumble.com/v21xtd2-whats-on-your-wish-list-the-liberty-angle-ama.html</a><br />Watch on Odysee <a href=\"https://odysee.com/@CanadianLibertarian:7/WhatsonyourwishlistTheLibertyAngleAMA:0?r=gf6TuuR4NvH9cipyhUGuAVWkEBesgXwu\" target=\"_blank\">https://odysee.com/@CanadianLibertarian:7/WhatsonyourwishlistTheLibertyAngleAMA:0?r=gf6TuuR4NvH9cipyhUGuAVWkEBesgXwu</a>",
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"published": "2022-12-22T21:36:32+00:00",
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"content": "Join me on Friday (tomorrow) at 3pm Eastern Time for my Pre-Christmas Live stream.\nWhat's on your wish list? - The Liberty Angle + AMA\nWatch on YouTube https://youtu.be/MGzA60o0xO0\nWatch on Rumble https://rumble.com/v21xtd2-whats-on-your-wish-list-the-liberty-angle-ama.html\nWatch on Odysee https://odysee.com/@CanadianLibertarian:7/WhatsonyourwishlistTheLibertyAngleAMA:0?r=gf6TuuR4NvH9cipyhUGuAVWkEBesgXwu",
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"content": "Your thought leaders are failing you miserably folks. Even the alternative news outlets, YouTube personalities, and influencers who challenge the status quo are not telling you the whole truth. <br /><br />They are still statists at the end of the day. The civil liberties groups still act as though the State has authority over you. <br /><br /> Out with the old establishment, in with the new. <br /><br />The Complete and Undeniable Truth - Larken Rose <br /><a href=\"https://youtu.be/_5mZ5FBHg0A\" target=\"_blank\">https://youtu.be/_5mZ5FBHg0A</a><br />",
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"published": "2022-10-23T21:06:48+00:00",
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"content": "Your thought leaders are failing you miserably folks. Even the alternative news outlets, YouTube personalities, and influencers who challenge the status quo are not telling you the whole truth. \n\nThey are still statists at the end of the day. The civil liberties groups still act as though the State has authority over you. \n\n Out with the old establishment, in with the new. \n\nThe Complete and Undeniable Truth - Larken Rose \nhttps://youtu.be/_5mZ5FBHg0A\n",
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"content": "This court ruling (while disgusting and WRONG) sets a precedent they didn't realize that the rest of us can use to hold MSM, doctors, pharmacies, etc. accountable for their lies. :) <br /><br />We can now go to court and use this ruling as a precedent for new litigation! And - BEST PART - if the obvious happens (the courts call our lawsuits illegitimate and dismiss them) then we can USE THAT TO APPEAL ALEX JONES' CASE. :D ",
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"content": "This court ruling (while disgusting and WRONG) sets a precedent they didn't realize that the rest of us can use to hold MSM, doctors, pharmacies, etc. accountable for their lies. :) \n\nWe can now go to court and use this ruling as a precedent for new litigation! And - BEST PART - if the obvious happens (the courts call our lawsuits illegitimate and dismiss them) then we can USE THAT TO APPEAL ALEX JONES' CASE. :D ",
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"content": " Regardless of what country you live in, the more a population grows reliant on government for their livelyhoods and needs, the more painful it will be when the government runs out of other people's money to console and subdue them. This is happening all over the world, and here in Canada too. The gig will soon be up. As the boomers start saving more and more for their retirement, and the up and comers have no real wealth to speak of, that reality will become more and more evident.<br /><br />The only thing preventing the whole system from crashing already is the governments and Central Banks that now have the ability to put off the pain by printing money, and pushing those debts onto successive generations who are already treated like second class citizens. These control freaks and Central planners think that if they just buy a little more time they can figure a way out of this mess, and like all sociopaths, they will stop at nothing to try and make this happen. Even as their tactics fail one after one, their pigheaded stubbornness gets in the way of common sense or logical thinking. To back off now would be akin to admitting their grave mistakes, which is not going to happen any time soon. Being stubborn is one thing, but being a stubborn control freak, know it all in positions of power and influence...well, that puts them on a whole other level in terms of the havoc they can wreak.<br />Combine that with the pain, suffering, and anxiety felt by those who have been subjected to the heavy handed tactics used by the police and the Judicial system for victimless crimes, and you have substantial portions of the populace who are like walking powder kegs, silent in their dissent due to fear of reprisal, but hell bent to exact revenge on those who carried out the deeds. <br /><br />I could go on and on about the hardships being inflicted on the populations of each and every country. These control freaks at the helm, and in positions of power who treat people's lives like they were playing a board game will not relent now, and if you think switching out one control freak for another is going to make a difference, you are a special kind of fool. Absent the people's will and determination to actually do something, this madness will continue until the point is reached where necessity will force people into action, and not until. Of course, once that point is reached there is no chance easy remedies or of smooth transitions from bad to good. At that point it is a quick race into utter chaos, where the pent up anger and frustration of the masses gets unleashed like a torrential storm. <br /><br />Only once the dust settles will we see what rises out of the ashes of this destruction. Will it give rise to yet another era of brutal totalitarianism or will it put us on a new path of peace and prosperity? No one can ever know until it is starring us in the face, and even then, the answers are never clear or concise. One thing is for certain though...looking back it will be very obvious how utterly mindless it was to ever allow things to get to that point. To have the hindsight, and to see how it could have all been avoided with a little effort from us all....that will most likely be the most painful reminder of what the price of apathy can be.<br />CL",
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"content": " Regardless of what country you live in, the more a population grows reliant on government for their livelyhoods and needs, the more painful it will be when the government runs out of other people's money to console and subdue them. This is happening all over the world, and here in Canada too. The gig will soon be up. As the boomers start saving more and more for their retirement, and the up and comers have no real wealth to speak of, that reality will become more and more evident.\n\nThe only thing preventing the whole system from crashing already is the governments and Central Banks that now have the ability to put off the pain by printing money, and pushing those debts onto successive generations who are already treated like second class citizens. These control freaks and Central planners think that if they just buy a little more time they can figure a way out of this mess, and like all sociopaths, they will stop at nothing to try and make this happen. Even as their tactics fail one after one, their pigheaded stubbornness gets in the way of common sense or logical thinking. To back off now would be akin to admitting their grave mistakes, which is not going to happen any time soon. Being stubborn is one thing, but being a stubborn control freak, know it all in positions of power and influence...well, that puts them on a whole other level in terms of the havoc they can wreak.\nCombine that with the pain, suffering, and anxiety felt by those who have been subjected to the heavy handed tactics used by the police and the Judicial system for victimless crimes, and you have substantial portions of the populace who are like walking powder kegs, silent in their dissent due to fear of reprisal, but hell bent to exact revenge on those who carried out the deeds. \n\nI could go on and on about the hardships being inflicted on the populations of each and every country. These control freaks at the helm, and in positions of power who treat people's lives like they were playing a board game will not relent now, and if you think switching out one control freak for another is going to make a difference, you are a special kind of fool. Absent the people's will and determination to actually do something, this madness will continue until the point is reached where necessity will force people into action, and not until. Of course, once that point is reached there is no chance easy remedies or of smooth transitions from bad to good. At that point it is a quick race into utter chaos, where the pent up anger and frustration of the masses gets unleashed like a torrential storm. \n\nOnly once the dust settles will we see what rises out of the ashes of this destruction. Will it give rise to yet another era of brutal totalitarianism or will it put us on a new path of peace and prosperity? No one can ever know until it is starring us in the face, and even then, the answers are never clear or concise. One thing is for certain though...looking back it will be very obvious how utterly mindless it was to ever allow things to get to that point. To have the hindsight, and to see how it could have all been avoided with a little effort from us all....that will most likely be the most painful reminder of what the price of apathy can be.\nCL",
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