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{ "@context": "", "type": "OrderedCollectionPage", "orderedItems": [ { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "So it seems like everyone on both sides of the truth/facts can now agree that our Country as well as it's founding principles has been totally shredded as has the unity our nation once had or sadly as it was once perceived as having. <br /><br />What the vast majority of people in our country don't-know is this division has existed since the founding of the nation. During the revolutionary war in the South more.\"American's\" fought for the Brittish then for independence. The truth is half of our country has always been on different sides of issues like race, religion & overall concern for humanity itself. Today's division has been with us for several centuries & is as impossible to repair as is the relationship between Israel & the Palestinians. <br /><br />We have as a nation still not learned that forcing two groups of people together simply can't work. Yugoslavia, African nations pushing various tribes into one country, India, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria & every one of the Islamic countries put together by the U.K. have shown us that diversity only operates in the movies, not in real life. The bottom line is the concept of a significant large tent is nothing but a political term that is nothing but the fantasy of dreamers who are out of touch with reality. <br /><br />If you insist on examples, look no further than the fantasies of religion. On the one side of every religion, you have the extremists who use their fantasized interpretations of religion to give them cover for their stupidity. Islamist use their religion to behead & burn alive people that don't agree with them. Christians have used the same concepts of death against anyone who disagrees with them & kills's their enemies just as Islam does. The truth is every single religion hates every other religion & uses that same hatred towards anyone who does not agree with their idea's of a comic book god, Added to religion there is Race & Nationality that have the same rules of hate towards anyone who is different. Lastly education & income. A multimillionaire does not feel any kinship towards the uneducated, unemployed worker. The rich could care less about the poor, whites care less for blacks & browns or towards anyone who is not white & the educated look down at the ignorant people who are in the majority. If you believe the above is wrong, you are in the total denial of facts staring you in the face. <br /><br />Our nation began by being anti-female, anti-black & anti-Indian & here in 20017 nothing has changed. Blacks, Indians, Hispanics & every other race has been & is today discriminated against in our country & always has been. If you look at the invasions the U.S. has launched, the wars they have fought in other than the 1st & 2nd world wars every single invasion & war America has fought has been against people of color. HELLO, that's a fact, not a belief. Look for example at the so-called father of the Progressive movement, FDR the man who not only stood by & watched millions of Jews slaughtered but refused them entry in our nation & even sent Jews back to Hitler to their deaths. The so-called Christians burned females at stake & hung blacks from tree's while telling themselves god was on their side. Americ most likely has 30,000,000 Hispanics living in our borders & they are treated like third class citizens rather than equals. <br /><br />Lastly, we come to education. Nothing but money can take the place of teaching, meaning any fool can live well with enough money but the most important ingredient to success is education. Take education away from a group of people & you steal their right to a prosperous future. Look no further than the draft that exempted young men who were in college from going to war but forced truck drivers or ditch diggers to be killed for the people who don;t fight for themselves but use others to fight & die for them. Keep the people ignorant, uninformed & stupid & it gives you the best chance at dictating your will on the poor & uneducated. (The majority of people in prison never graduated high school & added to that you will see less than one percent of college graduates in jail) <br /><br />Progressives in our midst simply can't see any of the above & like to pretend it does not exist but sadly it does & the sooner \"everyone\" excepts these facts, the better for all our futures. We need to stop the fantasy, stop the silly beliefs in some god creature floating in the sky waiting to save us & realize that humanity for all its similarities is entirely different when it comes to day to day feelings, beliefs, education, desires, and needs. Whether we are talking about Iraq, Syria or Oklahoma versus California or New York versus Texas people are & have proven not only with words but with deeds that human beings use these differences as a license for violence & hate rather than for good.<br /><br />America's past has laid out the facts, shown us all the truths on the ground & all we have to do is look at them to realize today's America is totally broken. Our government is a government not for the people but for the rich & powerful. Our education system is designed for the rich while the whole of the poor peoples & the uneducated are used for the constant wars we continue to be engaged in. Almost every single elected politician is more adept at lying than of speaking the truth. Added to the above are the parties that are more important to the elected & want to be elected than the people they are supposed to serve. Truth in our government especially the Congress is as outdated as dinosaurs in our midst. <br /><br />The election of a mentally unbalanced man to the highest office on the globe is proof positive that America is broken & now has shown that the whole country is today a shell of its former principles, as well as its beliefs & sadly, is nothing more than a money-producing machine for the wealthy & powerful who rule this nation regarded of the party affiliation. <br /><br />Our government is irrevocably broken beyond repair just as the governments in the Middle East & Eastern Europe are. The United States of America is on the verge of becoming the next battleground between the haves & the have-nots, between the blacks & the whites, the browns & the whites & the ignorant/uneducated/armed white male Christians who are the foot soldiers for the moneyed interests & the rest of the people of our country. We are broken beyond any possibility of repair & the sooner we accept that, the better off we will all be. <br /><br />Just as in a divorce between former lovers occurs in almost 50% of all marriages countries must learn from the facts/truths & split voluntarily rather than waiting for the violence to erupt as in virtually all of the Middle East. The people of Texas don't agree with the principles of the citizens in New York, people in California have zero clues of what or how the peoples of most of the former/still Confederate States of America think nor would they agree if it were forced on them. This Country needs to be separated in a way that will stop the constant lying & fraud that is portrayed to them by a minuscule minority who rule our Nation. I don't want to live in the same city as someone who voted for Donald Trump & his followers feel the same way about me. I don't want to live in a place that forces their religion on my granddaughters who are as entitled to the same freedoms as my grandsons. I don't want to associate with the people who wonder the earth who are waiting for a god to appear to help them with their death penalties, their wars, their lies & their frauds as well as other falsification of reality truly is. <br /><br />We in America have reached a point where we need, in fact, must begin a separation that allows the white Christians to live as they choose to live & let others live as they desire as well. <br />The hate that is prevalent in virtually every law in the State Constitutions of Mississippi, Alabama, Oklahoma or Texas that disenfranchise blacks, females, as well as all other nonwhite Christian minorities, is something that I should not have to live with & that means a separation from those beliefs since I also believe they should have the right to disparage any group they like meaning we would all be better off apart. <br /><br />In closing, I would be more than happy to see California a part of a group of states like Oregon & Washington be their country or become part of Canada. Likewise, I would also agree that Texas & the rest of the South become a country for people who think alike. Individuals who disagree on the real fundamentals of life should not be forced to live together just so some of the powerful can maintain control of them. <br /><br />I am coming up on being 3/4 of a century old & I hope that before my time expires on this living earth, I will be able to see a future for my children & grandchildren. I hope to be able to see a time when we no longer use fear as a tool to control the people as religion has for thousands of years. Religion & nationality both thrive today because of the lies that have been imprinted on the people. People hate newborns because of the race, religion or nationality of the child. Hate is used more to control people than any other method & why not, religion has been successful using it as the main ingredient for their fiction for centuries & it still exists to this day. Before you condemn Islam for beheadings, please thing of the females burned at stake in young America. Think of the rapes in the former Yugoslavia to help with their religious cleansing, think of the American States & their execution chambers & always remember what our elected leaders say about the deaths of innocents do to our bombings & invasions, \"Collateral Damage\" or calling our troops killed, \"Friendly Fire.\" Sorry people anything that kills's a human being can't be described as \"Friendly.\" & as far as collateral damage is concerned that description is as horrible an analogy as could be used when taking the lives of innocent human beings. <br /><br /><br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br />", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2017-03-01T02:14:32+00:00", "source": { "content": "So it seems like everyone on both sides of the truth/facts can now agree that our Country as well as it's founding principles has been totally shredded as has the unity our nation once had or sadly as it was once perceived as having. \n\nWhat the vast majority of people in our country don't-know is this division has existed since the founding of the nation. During the revolutionary war in the South more.\"American's\" fought for the Brittish then for independence. The truth is half of our country has always been on different sides of issues like race, religion & overall concern for humanity itself. Today's division has been with us for several centuries & is as impossible to repair as is the relationship between Israel & the Palestinians. \n\nWe have as a nation still not learned that forcing two groups of people together simply can't work. Yugoslavia, African nations pushing various tribes into one country, India, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria & every one of the Islamic countries put together by the U.K. have shown us that diversity only operates in the movies, not in real life. The bottom line is the concept of a significant large tent is nothing but a political term that is nothing but the fantasy of dreamers who are out of touch with reality. \n\nIf you insist on examples, look no further than the fantasies of religion. On the one side of every religion, you have the extremists who use their fantasized interpretations of religion to give them cover for their stupidity. Islamist use their religion to behead & burn alive people that don't agree with them. Christians have used the same concepts of death against anyone who disagrees with them & kills's their enemies just as Islam does. The truth is every single religion hates every other religion & uses that same hatred towards anyone who does not agree with their idea's of a comic book god, Added to religion there is Race & Nationality that have the same rules of hate towards anyone who is different. Lastly education & income. A multimillionaire does not feel any kinship towards the uneducated, unemployed worker. The rich could care less about the poor, whites care less for blacks & browns or towards anyone who is not white & the educated look down at the ignorant people who are in the majority. If you believe the above is wrong, you are in the total denial of facts staring you in the face. \n\nOur nation began by being anti-female, anti-black & anti-Indian & here in 20017 nothing has changed. Blacks, Indians, Hispanics & every other race has been & is today discriminated against in our country & always has been. If you look at the invasions the U.S. has launched, the wars they have fought in other than the 1st & 2nd world wars every single invasion & war America has fought has been against people of color. HELLO, that's a fact, not a belief. Look for example at the so-called father of the Progressive movement, FDR the man who not only stood by & watched millions of Jews slaughtered but refused them entry in our nation & even sent Jews back to Hitler to their deaths. The so-called Christians burned females at stake & hung blacks from tree's while telling themselves god was on their side. Americ most likely has 30,000,000 Hispanics living in our borders & they are treated like third class citizens rather than equals. \n\nLastly, we come to education. Nothing but money can take the place of teaching, meaning any fool can live well with enough money but the most important ingredient to success is education. Take education away from a group of people & you steal their right to a prosperous future. Look no further than the draft that exempted young men who were in college from going to war but forced truck drivers or ditch diggers to be killed for the people who don;t fight for themselves but use others to fight & die for them. Keep the people ignorant, uninformed & stupid & it gives you the best chance at dictating your will on the poor & uneducated. (The majority of people in prison never graduated high school & added to that you will see less than one percent of college graduates in jail) \n\nProgressives in our midst simply can't see any of the above & like to pretend it does not exist but sadly it does & the sooner \"everyone\" excepts these facts, the better for all our futures. We need to stop the fantasy, stop the silly beliefs in some god creature floating in the sky waiting to save us & realize that humanity for all its similarities is entirely different when it comes to day to day feelings, beliefs, education, desires, and needs. Whether we are talking about Iraq, Syria or Oklahoma versus California or New York versus Texas people are & have proven not only with words but with deeds that human beings use these differences as a license for violence & hate rather than for good.\n\nAmerica's past has laid out the facts, shown us all the truths on the ground & all we have to do is look at them to realize today's America is totally broken. Our government is a government not for the people but for the rich & powerful. Our education system is designed for the rich while the whole of the poor peoples & the uneducated are used for the constant wars we continue to be engaged in. Almost every single elected politician is more adept at lying than of speaking the truth. Added to the above are the parties that are more important to the elected & want to be elected than the people they are supposed to serve. Truth in our government especially the Congress is as outdated as dinosaurs in our midst. \n\nThe election of a mentally unbalanced man to the highest office on the globe is proof positive that America is broken & now has shown that the whole country is today a shell of its former principles, as well as its beliefs & sadly, is nothing more than a money-producing machine for the wealthy & powerful who rule this nation regarded of the party affiliation. \n\nOur government is irrevocably broken beyond repair just as the governments in the Middle East & Eastern Europe are. The United States of America is on the verge of becoming the next battleground between the haves & the have-nots, between the blacks & the whites, the browns & the whites & the ignorant/uneducated/armed white male Christians who are the foot soldiers for the moneyed interests & the rest of the people of our country. We are broken beyond any possibility of repair & the sooner we accept that, the better off we will all be. \n\nJust as in a divorce between former lovers occurs in almost 50% of all marriages countries must learn from the facts/truths & split voluntarily rather than waiting for the violence to erupt as in virtually all of the Middle East. The people of Texas don't agree with the principles of the citizens in New York, people in California have zero clues of what or how the peoples of most of the former/still Confederate States of America think nor would they agree if it were forced on them. This Country needs to be separated in a way that will stop the constant lying & fraud that is portrayed to them by a minuscule minority who rule our Nation. I don't want to live in the same city as someone who voted for Donald Trump & his followers feel the same way about me. I don't want to live in a place that forces their religion on my granddaughters who are as entitled to the same freedoms as my grandsons. I don't want to associate with the people who wonder the earth who are waiting for a god to appear to help them with their death penalties, their wars, their lies & their frauds as well as other falsification of reality truly is. \n\nWe in America have reached a point where we need, in fact, must begin a separation that allows the white Christians to live as they choose to live & let others live as they desire as well. \nThe hate that is prevalent in virtually every law in the State Constitutions of Mississippi, Alabama, Oklahoma or Texas that disenfranchise blacks, females, as well as all other nonwhite Christian minorities, is something that I should not have to live with & that means a separation from those beliefs since I also believe they should have the right to disparage any group they like meaning we would all be better off apart. \n\nIn closing, I would be more than happy to see California a part of a group of states like Oregon & Washington be their country or become part of Canada. Likewise, I would also agree that Texas & the rest of the South become a country for people who think alike. Individuals who disagree on the real fundamentals of life should not be forced to live together just so some of the powerful can maintain control of them. \n\nI am coming up on being 3/4 of a century old & I hope that before my time expires on this living earth, I will be able to see a future for my children & grandchildren. I hope to be able to see a time when we no longer use fear as a tool to control the people as religion has for thousands of years. Religion & nationality both thrive today because of the lies that have been imprinted on the people. People hate newborns because of the race, religion or nationality of the child. Hate is used more to control people than any other method & why not, religion has been successful using it as the main ingredient for their fiction for centuries & it still exists to this day. Before you condemn Islam for beheadings, please thing of the females burned at stake in young America. Think of the rapes in the former Yugoslavia to help with their religious cleansing, think of the American States & their execution chambers & always remember what our elected leaders say about the deaths of innocents do to our bombings & invasions, \"Collateral Damage\" or calling our troops killed, \"Friendly Fire.\" Sorry people anything that kills's a human being can't be described as \"Friendly.\" & as far as collateral damage is concerned that description is as horrible an analogy as could be used when taking the lives of innocent human beings. \n\n\n\n \n\n \n", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "So while watching the cartoon show of Donald Trump my wife & I began to wonder what would this be like if a left leaning socialist would have slid into the white house instead of Trump. How would the people on the right react if a left winger with say a Hispanic name, a black mother, Muslim grandparents & a female transgender were the President. (OK but you get the point)<br /><br />First of all, we would see the gun loving beer bellied unshaven pick up driving uneducated small penis white Christian men parading around with guns bigger than they are. These ignorant backwoods thinking jackasses would be marching around the country screaming about how unamerican our President was. They would be threatening every American who voted for the person & demanding something being done.<br /><br />Next, without question, there would be gun threats & assassination attempts made on his/her life. These lunatics on the right egged on by the super great rich Republicans who control the country would stop at nothing to get rid of the legally elected President & yes that would include killing him/her. <br /><br />The hypocrisy of the Republican party & the moron's who support them would be up in arms & I mean ARM'S & would stop at nothing until the person were out of office either after four years or by death.<br /><br />JUST SAYING WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF THE SHOE WERE ON THE OTHER FOOT.", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2017-03-01T02:11:17+00:00", "source": { "content": "So while watching the cartoon show of Donald Trump my wife & I began to wonder what would this be like if a left leaning socialist would have slid into the white house instead of Trump. How would the people on the right react if a left winger with say a Hispanic name, a black mother, Muslim grandparents & a female transgender were the President. (OK but you get the point)\n\nFirst of all, we would see the gun loving beer bellied unshaven pick up driving uneducated small penis white Christian men parading around with guns bigger than they are. These ignorant backwoods thinking jackasses would be marching around the country screaming about how unamerican our President was. They would be threatening every American who voted for the person & demanding something being done.\n\nNext, without question, there would be gun threats & assassination attempts made on his/her life. These lunatics on the right egged on by the super great rich Republicans who control the country would stop at nothing to get rid of the legally elected President & yes that would include killing him/her. \n\nThe hypocrisy of the Republican party & the moron's who support them would be up in arms & I mean ARM'S & would stop at nothing until the person were out of office either after four years or by death.\n\nJUST SAYING WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF THE SHOE WERE ON THE OTHER FOOT.", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "So I think maybe it's time for all of us here in the United States as well as the world to rethink what religion truly is & what our laws should be when it comes to acknowledging religion is. <br /><br />Today in the world there are hundreds of religions believing in different gods, various concepts of what gods are as well as diverse beliefs in how to live today as well as how to think about the future as well as the future. Some religions believe that destroying human life over religion is just fine while other faiths say it's not. We have religions that profess females are inferior to males & others that disagree. The bottom line is we as a society has accepted religion as anything the religion says is acceptable & give them protections that some think are obsolete as well as foolish. <br />(Tax exemptions & particular requirements when it comes to working related laws)<br /><br />As the cockroach of the white houses (Kelly Ann Conway) claims that they have alternative facts so too are religions claiming they are correct & the rest of the religions are false. Islam says one thing & Christianity claims another. Hindu's say one thing & Jewdeism another & so on. Truth be told today on our planet the fantasies of religion are as divergent as fish in the sea & all of them nothing more than fantasy designed for frightened people who are afraid of death, their future as well as the failures of their lives. <br /><br />The diversity of religion is itself proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the exemptions cut out by the government are a total & complete fraud. Elected officials, as well as lay persons all across the globe, are scared to death even to bring up the contradictions as well as the nonsense that religion truly is let alone attack them for what they represent. <br /><br />So what this means simply is that while one religion proclaims one belief is sacred & receives a tax exemption another religion can claim the exact opposite & also receive the very same exemption. This my friends are crazy & these cults need to be reigned in & excepted for what they truly are, \"CULTS FOR THE WEAK & IGNORANT\"!!!!!! <br /><br />Now I am not suggesting the elimination of religion because if someone decides to enjoy watching Micky Mouse cartoons or wait for Santa Claus who am I to suggest they can't but when these naive, foolish people receive tax exemptions that I have to pay for because my tax;s are higher because trillions of dollars are earned & spent by these cults that gives me the right to demand that cartoon believing cults be eliminated from all government tax's be exemptions. <br /><br />As far as I am concerned if you decide to believe in the sun god, water god, war god or any other total nonsense that's fine but I don't want one of that cultist to receive gifts from the government. If a female decides to cover her entire body including her face intends to walk the streets covered in a black sheet, wear special underwear of hats that fine with me as long as it does not receive help from the government that my tax dollars support.", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2017-03-01T02:09:02+00:00", "source": { "content": "So I think maybe it's time for all of us here in the United States as well as the world to rethink what religion truly is & what our laws should be when it comes to acknowledging religion is. \n\nToday in the world there are hundreds of religions believing in different gods, various concepts of what gods are as well as diverse beliefs in how to live today as well as how to think about the future as well as the future. Some religions believe that destroying human life over religion is just fine while other faiths say it's not. We have religions that profess females are inferior to males & others that disagree. The bottom line is we as a society has accepted religion as anything the religion says is acceptable & give them protections that some think are obsolete as well as foolish. \n(Tax exemptions & particular requirements when it comes to working related laws)\n\nAs the cockroach of the white houses (Kelly Ann Conway) claims that they have alternative facts so too are religions claiming they are correct & the rest of the religions are false. Islam says one thing & Christianity claims another. Hindu's say one thing & Jewdeism another & so on. Truth be told today on our planet the fantasies of religion are as divergent as fish in the sea & all of them nothing more than fantasy designed for frightened people who are afraid of death, their future as well as the failures of their lives. \n\nThe diversity of religion is itself proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the exemptions cut out by the government are a total & complete fraud. Elected officials, as well as lay persons all across the globe, are scared to death even to bring up the contradictions as well as the nonsense that religion truly is let alone attack them for what they represent. \n\nSo what this means simply is that while one religion proclaims one belief is sacred & receives a tax exemption another religion can claim the exact opposite & also receive the very same exemption. This my friends are crazy & these cults need to be reigned in & excepted for what they truly are, \"CULTS FOR THE WEAK & IGNORANT\"!!!!!! \n\nNow I am not suggesting the elimination of religion because if someone decides to enjoy watching Micky Mouse cartoons or wait for Santa Claus who am I to suggest they can't but when these naive, foolish people receive tax exemptions that I have to pay for because my tax;s are higher because trillions of dollars are earned & spent by these cults that gives me the right to demand that cartoon believing cults be eliminated from all government tax's be exemptions. \n\nAs far as I am concerned if you decide to believe in the sun god, water god, war god or any other total nonsense that's fine but I don't want one of that cultist to receive gifts from the government. If a female decides to cover her entire body including her face intends to walk the streets covered in a black sheet, wear special underwear of hats that fine with me as long as it does not receive help from the government that my tax dollars support.", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "IF THIS BLOG GET'S YOU UPSET AT ME, THEN THAT'S EXACTLY WHO IT WAS DESIGNED FOR!!!!!!!!!!<br /><br />So based on what I hear on TV & reading on the internet, the Democrats have decided to lose once again in 2018 as well as 2020.<br /><br />The same stupidity that was responsible for the lunatic Steve Bannon being the real President is now beginning once again with the Progressives crying like three-year-olds because \"their\" candidate for DNC lost. <br />(I have to add that I was 100% against the Republicans TV commercials in 2018 & 2020 showing a black Muslim as the head of the DNC)<br /><br />I would have preferred the young mayor from Indiana, but he lost, that does not mean I should stamp my feet & wine as a child because my preference was not given the office. Progressives as my face book call's my need to get the hell off their high horse & accept other people have the same rights as they do to vote for the person they want to lead the party. <br /><br />Now, these children that call themselves Progressives \"need\" to get behind whom ever is running against the fascist now owning the white house as well as both houses of Congress or go off & play jacks with Jill & Bernie. <br />(I also have to say I was first a Warren supporter & then a Bernie fan including money BUT one didn't run & the other LOST)<br /><br />There are dozens of races coming in 2018 & 2020 from school board to President & there is NOTHING more important than getting them back into the hands of real human beings rather than the religious/racist's/bigoted haters that now hold them. STP crying like petulant children & remember the old saying I used to tell my kids, \"As you wonder through life whatever be your goal keep your eye upon the donut & not upon the hole.\" Getting ready to throw out every single elected Republican is the donut people, not your personal idea of who should be in charge.<br /><br /><br /><br />", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2017-03-01T02:05:55+00:00", "source": { "content": "IF THIS BLOG GET'S YOU UPSET AT ME, THEN THAT'S EXACTLY WHO IT WAS DESIGNED FOR!!!!!!!!!!\n\nSo based on what I hear on TV & reading on the internet, the Democrats have decided to lose once again in 2018 as well as 2020.\n\nThe same stupidity that was responsible for the lunatic Steve Bannon being the real President is now beginning once again with the Progressives crying like three-year-olds because \"their\" candidate for DNC lost. \n(I have to add that I was 100% against the Republicans TV commercials in 2018 & 2020 showing a black Muslim as the head of the DNC)\n\nI would have preferred the young mayor from Indiana, but he lost, that does not mean I should stamp my feet & wine as a child because my preference was not given the office. Progressives as my face book call's my need to get the hell off their high horse & accept other people have the same rights as they do to vote for the person they want to lead the party. \n\nNow, these children that call themselves Progressives \"need\" to get behind whom ever is running against the fascist now owning the white house as well as both houses of Congress or go off & play jacks with Jill & Bernie. \n(I also have to say I was first a Warren supporter & then a Bernie fan including money BUT one didn't run & the other LOST)\n\nThere are dozens of races coming in 2018 & 2020 from school board to President & there is NOTHING more important than getting them back into the hands of real human beings rather than the religious/racist's/bigoted haters that now hold them. STP crying like petulant children & remember the old saying I used to tell my kids, \"As you wonder through life whatever be your goal keep your eye upon the donut & not upon the hole.\" Getting ready to throw out every single elected Republican is the donut people, not your personal idea of who should be in charge.\n\n\n\n", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2017-03-01T01:51:51+00:00", "source": { "content": "", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" } ], "id": "", "partOf": "" }