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"content": "{ gif is not mine }<br /><br />chapter one; season 1, episode<br /><br />__________________________________________<br /><br />[ THE AUDITIONS ]<br />꒰ mabel's pov ꒱ؘ<br /><br />❛ this conversation is over. ❜<br /><br /><br />it was finally junior year. summer was over and the day that dreaded had finally come. i swear, this summer went by faster than the others. i'm not being dramatic, i'm being serious. but as much as i hate to admit, i'm excited to see ricky again. and you're probably thinking, wait, aren't you two neighbors so don't you see each other during the summer. not this one. <br /><br />uncle steven paid for our whole summer to be at new york and let me tell you something. it was worth it for not seeing ricky's face everyday. but still, i'm excited to see him. you see, i know it sounds super pathetic, but i, mabel heart, have had a crush on ricky bowen ever since i first laid eyes on him in kindergarten. we were friends once, not best friends, but still friends and we hung out almost everyday until middle school, especially since uncle steven and mr. bowen are best buds. unfortunately, like almost all kindergarten friendships, it didn't last. that didn't stop me from being smitten by him.<br /><br />sometimes i'm disappointed at how big of a crush i have on him, but at the same time i still am captivated by my neighbor.<br /><br />how infuriating.<br /><br />this morning was a chaos as me, luke, and uncle steven accidentally slept in and was late for our first day back at school and work. i'm surprised i had time to pick out an outfit, but still we looked like a mess when we got in the car, luckily once we got out, we looked a little bit more normal.<br /><br />\"go, go, go, go!\" uncle steven yelled, waving us off as he sat in the driver's seat still while we ran out of the car. i let out a squealed as i almost dropped my makeup bag before shoving it in my backpack. me and luke ran as fast as we could to the doors of east high as our uncle's yells became more distant.<br /><br />we ran past the gym, but went back when we saw all the students in there, sitting on the bleachers. annual back to school kickoff. i put my face close to the window in the door. <br /><br />shit, principal gutierrez was in the middle of his speech. we couldn't just barged in there, it'll be embarrassing. but luke couldn't cared less and pushed the doors open, making me enter the gym as well as i was pushed up against the doors.<br /><br />fuck.<br /><br />all heads turned to us, making me gulp and luke laugh nervously. i nudged him in the ribs as punishment, making him groan. my face was definitely red from embarrassment.<br /><br />\"mr. and ms. heart.\" principal gutierrez said into his mic, not on purpose though, but still i felt more embarrassed. i immediately crossed my arms and covered the side of my face with my hand before looking away. like that will make everyone forget my face. but you'd be surprised at how people forget i was student at east high. i bet everyone thought i was new. not my brother though. he wasn't popular or anything, just had a group of friends that knew him. and if you have a group of friends in east high, you were on the map. i barely have a group. just one friend. ashlyn.<br /><br />\"please. take a seat.\" i cleared my throat, me and luke walked towards the bleachers as i still covered my face. i heard a couple snickers and whispers, but nothing too big.<br /><br />i saw ashlyn waving at me whilst luke muttering a couple of 'excuse me's. i quickly made my way to my best friend as luke sat with his friends.<br /><br />principal gutierrez cleared his throat. \"as i was saying, baseball hat-\" i tuned out the man as i sat next to ashlyn with a huff.<br /><br />\"could i be anymore embarrassed?\" i say in a quiet voice to ashlyn, copying chandler bing. the light redhead let out a chuckle. \"maybe if you weren't binge watching the rest friends season one last night, you wouldn't experience this.\" she joked, i pouted and pushed her lightly. \"wrong. i was binge watching glee.\" i said, playing the bottom of a loose hair strand from my hair. ashlyn gave me a 'does that change anything?' look, making me frown.<br /><br />\"okay, maybe, it doesn't.\" i said, almost reading her mind. we both turn our attention to principal gutierrez.<br /><br />suddenly a middle aged woman with blonde hair came up to the mic as principal gutierrez retreated from it. i furrowed my eyebrows at this. great, this is what i get for not paying attention, but you can't blame me. i spent all my attention span on glee last night.<br /><br />\"please hold your applause.\" the woman said dramatically, she pulled out a t-shirt cannon, making me widened my eyes. \"go wildcats!\" she shot the cannon, making a t-shirt hit a random student. there was a faint 'ow' heard, making the corners of my lip tugged. i felt bad for almost laughing.<br /><br />i put my elbow on my lap, resting my chin on my hand. \"wildcats is definitely better than leopards.\" i commented, ashlyn nodded in agreement.<br /><br />\"my name is miss jenn, and when i heard that the high school where 'high school musical' was shot had never staged a production of 'high school musical: the musical',\" i slowly pulled my head away from my hand. me and ashlyn shared a look, smiles grew on our faces. \"i was shocked as an actress, inspired by director, and triggered as a millennial.\" my right leg bounced up and down in excitement, making ashlyn squeal.<br /><br />\"oh my gosh.\" i breathed out. \"auditions are tomorrow after school. this show could change your lives, and i'm saying this as a background dancer from the original movie. third from the left, back row, red headband, and those are my real teeth.\" a boy near miss jenn who i knew as carlos tried to pull the mic away from the strawberry blonde, but she ignored him and linked arms with him as well. \"oh, and meet your student choreographer, carlos. you may know him as captain of the color guard. i know him as a unpaid rising star.\" for some weird reason this made me even more excited. so excited that me and ashlyn were holding hands as if we were nominated for an emmy.<br /><br />\"but seriously, i have no budget.\" i giggled, squeezing ashlyn's hand.<br /><br />i love the high school musical trilogy. i mean, disney was my childhood. gabriella monetz is literally my blueprint and troy and her, such relationship goals. original otp. me and ashlyn watch the movies at every single one of our sleepovers. i personally think the 2nd is the best. i mean i don't dance? immaculate. i have to apart of this. probably not audition for the cast, but maybe for the crew. set designer would perfect. i love any form of art.<br /><br />the bell rang, snapping me out my daze. everyone got up, making me grab my backpack and put it on. running down the bleachers, trailing ashlyn behind. <br /><br />\"i can't believe it.\" i told ashlyn as i walked beside her. \"i know! we should definitely try out.\" the redhead said excitedly, i nodded. \"you'd be perfect for kelsei.\" i shook my head with a grateful smile. \"thanks, ash, but you know me. gotta be cheering on the sidelines.\" ashlyn looked at me in disbelief.<br /><br />\"mabbie, are you serious? come on, you have to try out. maybe you'll get the lead.\" she said, nudging me a little. i let out a laugh. \"let's get ahead of ourselves. actually there's road for us to get ahead, because i'm not a lead type of person.\" i explained, ashlyn shook her head. she walked in front of me, stopping us. \"mabel, you doubt yourself too much.\" she said, i shrugged. \"hey, it's what i do best at.\" i snorted.<br /><br />________________________________________<br /><br />mabel heart,<br />junior year.<br /><br />\"come on, east high has crazy stupid talented people. sadly I'm not one of them.\" the raven haired girl told the camera as she stood in front of her locker. \"once again, sidelines only.\" <br />__________________________________________<br /><br />\"hey.\" i greeted seb as i sat on the lunch table he sat at. the blonde boy gave me one of his sweet smiles. \"hey, mabel.\" he greeted back.<br /><br />\"you auditioning for the musical tomorrow?\" i asked. if you don't know, seb has one of the greatest voices ever. one time he caroled at my house during christmas and was amazing. \"oh my gosh, definitely.\" he replied, i bit into my apple as he said this.<br /><br />\"i actually have an idea. i need your opinion on it, and you have to be honest.\" he said, I nodded, still chewing my apple. \"always.\" <br /><br />\"i wanna audition for sharpay.\" seb told me, i widened my eyes and squealed. \"seb, you'd be perfect! gender reversal sharpay would definitely be you.\" i said, loving the idea. this made seb's smile wider. \"really?\" i nodded. \"you think the new drama teacher would like the idea?\" seb asked, \"i'm sure she'll like it. she seems cool.\" i answered.<br /><br />natalie bagley came to our table and sat down, keeping her eyes on nini salazar roberts and her new boyfriend, ej caswell. that's right, the ej caswell. i heard they met at theatre summer camp. i guess ricky and her aren't on break anymore. <br /><br />\"are you seeing this?\" natalie asked, i rolled my eyes at her snoopiness and shook my head. \"leave it alone, natalie.\" i stated, looking down at my tray. natalie bagley is one of the school's gossips. east high has a few and it annoys the heck out of me. especially when they prey on other people's relationships.<br /><br />natalie scoffed. \"wasn't nini a tree once in a musical?\" i sighed and shared a look with seb who was also annoyed. my eyes adverted to a certain table across nini's. ricky was looking at nini and ej with heartbreak in his eyes, making me feel bad for, not only ricky, but also nini. something must've happened between the two. i mean they were completely in love with each other before this summer.<br /><br />\"i mean how does a tree date a senior?\" this annoyed me even more. \"this conversation is over.\" i snapped. this shut up the shorter girl as seb's mouth was agape. i sighed and grabbed my tray before standing up and walking off. <br /><br />but before i could leave the cafeteria first, ricky bowen walked past abruptly. i looked back at nini who was in ej's arms with a smile. i let out a deep sigh before following ricky.<br /><br />this better end well.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />",
"to": [
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"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1251435490620817408",
"published": "2021-06-15T07:17:50+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "{ gif is not mine }\n\nchapter one; season 1, episode\n\n__________________________________________\n\n[ THE AUDITIONS ]\n꒰ mabel's pov ꒱ؘ\n\n❛ this conversation is over. ❜\n\n\nit was finally junior year. summer was over and the day that dreaded had finally come. i swear, this summer went by faster than the others. i'm not being dramatic, i'm being serious. but as much as i hate to admit, i'm excited to see ricky again. and you're probably thinking, wait, aren't you two neighbors so don't you see each other during the summer. not this one. \n\nuncle steven paid for our whole summer to be at new york and let me tell you something. it was worth it for not seeing ricky's face everyday. but still, i'm excited to see him. you see, i know it sounds super pathetic, but i, mabel heart, have had a crush on ricky bowen ever since i first laid eyes on him in kindergarten. we were friends once, not best friends, but still friends and we hung out almost everyday until middle school, especially since uncle steven and mr. bowen are best buds. unfortunately, like almost all kindergarten friendships, it didn't last. that didn't stop me from being smitten by him.\n\nsometimes i'm disappointed at how big of a crush i have on him, but at the same time i still am captivated by my neighbor.\n\nhow infuriating.\n\nthis morning was a chaos as me, luke, and uncle steven accidentally slept in and was late for our first day back at school and work. i'm surprised i had time to pick out an outfit, but still we looked like a mess when we got in the car, luckily once we got out, we looked a little bit more normal.\n\n\"go, go, go, go!\" uncle steven yelled, waving us off as he sat in the driver's seat still while we ran out of the car. i let out a squealed as i almost dropped my makeup bag before shoving it in my backpack. me and luke ran as fast as we could to the doors of east high as our uncle's yells became more distant.\n\nwe ran past the gym, but went back when we saw all the students in there, sitting on the bleachers. annual back to school kickoff. i put my face close to the window in the door. \n\nshit, principal gutierrez was in the middle of his speech. we couldn't just barged in there, it'll be embarrassing. but luke couldn't cared less and pushed the doors open, making me enter the gym as well as i was pushed up against the doors.\n\nfuck.\n\nall heads turned to us, making me gulp and luke laugh nervously. i nudged him in the ribs as punishment, making him groan. my face was definitely red from embarrassment.\n\n\"mr. and ms. heart.\" principal gutierrez said into his mic, not on purpose though, but still i felt more embarrassed. i immediately crossed my arms and covered the side of my face with my hand before looking away. like that will make everyone forget my face. but you'd be surprised at how people forget i was student at east high. i bet everyone thought i was new. not my brother though. he wasn't popular or anything, just had a group of friends that knew him. and if you have a group of friends in east high, you were on the map. i barely have a group. just one friend. ashlyn.\n\n\"please. take a seat.\" i cleared my throat, me and luke walked towards the bleachers as i still covered my face. i heard a couple snickers and whispers, but nothing too big.\n\ni saw ashlyn waving at me whilst luke muttering a couple of 'excuse me's. i quickly made my way to my best friend as luke sat with his friends.\n\nprincipal gutierrez cleared his throat. \"as i was saying, baseball hat-\" i tuned out the man as i sat next to ashlyn with a huff.\n\n\"could i be anymore embarrassed?\" i say in a quiet voice to ashlyn, copying chandler bing. the light redhead let out a chuckle. \"maybe if you weren't binge watching the rest friends season one last night, you wouldn't experience this.\" she joked, i pouted and pushed her lightly. \"wrong. i was binge watching glee.\" i said, playing the bottom of a loose hair strand from my hair. ashlyn gave me a 'does that change anything?' look, making me frown.\n\n\"okay, maybe, it doesn't.\" i said, almost reading her mind. we both turn our attention to principal gutierrez.\n\nsuddenly a middle aged woman with blonde hair came up to the mic as principal gutierrez retreated from it. i furrowed my eyebrows at this. great, this is what i get for not paying attention, but you can't blame me. i spent all my attention span on glee last night.\n\n\"please hold your applause.\" the woman said dramatically, she pulled out a t-shirt cannon, making me widened my eyes. \"go wildcats!\" she shot the cannon, making a t-shirt hit a random student. there was a faint 'ow' heard, making the corners of my lip tugged. i felt bad for almost laughing.\n\ni put my elbow on my lap, resting my chin on my hand. \"wildcats is definitely better than leopards.\" i commented, ashlyn nodded in agreement.\n\n\"my name is miss jenn, and when i heard that the high school where 'high school musical' was shot had never staged a production of 'high school musical: the musical',\" i slowly pulled my head away from my hand. me and ashlyn shared a look, smiles grew on our faces. \"i was shocked as an actress, inspired by director, and triggered as a millennial.\" my right leg bounced up and down in excitement, making ashlyn squeal.\n\n\"oh my gosh.\" i breathed out. \"auditions are tomorrow after school. this show could change your lives, and i'm saying this as a background dancer from the original movie. third from the left, back row, red headband, and those are my real teeth.\" a boy near miss jenn who i knew as carlos tried to pull the mic away from the strawberry blonde, but she ignored him and linked arms with him as well. \"oh, and meet your student choreographer, carlos. you may know him as captain of the color guard. i know him as a unpaid rising star.\" for some weird reason this made me even more excited. so excited that me and ashlyn were holding hands as if we were nominated for an emmy.\n\n\"but seriously, i have no budget.\" i giggled, squeezing ashlyn's hand.\n\ni love the high school musical trilogy. i mean, disney was my childhood. gabriella monetz is literally my blueprint and troy and her, such relationship goals. original otp. me and ashlyn watch the movies at every single one of our sleepovers. i personally think the 2nd is the best. i mean i don't dance? immaculate. i have to apart of this. probably not audition for the cast, but maybe for the crew. set designer would perfect. i love any form of art.\n\nthe bell rang, snapping me out my daze. everyone got up, making me grab my backpack and put it on. running down the bleachers, trailing ashlyn behind. \n\n\"i can't believe it.\" i told ashlyn as i walked beside her. \"i know! we should definitely try out.\" the redhead said excitedly, i nodded. \"you'd be perfect for kelsei.\" i shook my head with a grateful smile. \"thanks, ash, but you know me. gotta be cheering on the sidelines.\" ashlyn looked at me in disbelief.\n\n\"mabbie, are you serious? come on, you have to try out. maybe you'll get the lead.\" she said, nudging me a little. i let out a laugh. \"let's get ahead of ourselves. actually there's road for us to get ahead, because i'm not a lead type of person.\" i explained, ashlyn shook her head. she walked in front of me, stopping us. \"mabel, you doubt yourself too much.\" she said, i shrugged. \"hey, it's what i do best at.\" i snorted.\n\n________________________________________\n\nmabel heart,\njunior year.\n\n\"come on, east high has crazy stupid talented people. sadly I'm not one of them.\" the raven haired girl told the camera as she stood in front of her locker. \"once again, sidelines only.\" \n__________________________________________\n\n\"hey.\" i greeted seb as i sat on the lunch table he sat at. the blonde boy gave me one of his sweet smiles. \"hey, mabel.\" he greeted back.\n\n\"you auditioning for the musical tomorrow?\" i asked. if you don't know, seb has one of the greatest voices ever. one time he caroled at my house during christmas and was amazing. \"oh my gosh, definitely.\" he replied, i bit into my apple as he said this.\n\n\"i actually have an idea. i need your opinion on it, and you have to be honest.\" he said, I nodded, still chewing my apple. \"always.\" \n\n\"i wanna audition for sharpay.\" seb told me, i widened my eyes and squealed. \"seb, you'd be perfect! gender reversal sharpay would definitely be you.\" i said, loving the idea. this made seb's smile wider. \"really?\" i nodded. \"you think the new drama teacher would like the idea?\" seb asked, \"i'm sure she'll like it. she seems cool.\" i answered.\n\nnatalie bagley came to our table and sat down, keeping her eyes on nini salazar roberts and her new boyfriend, ej caswell. that's right, the ej caswell. i heard they met at theatre summer camp. i guess ricky and her aren't on break anymore. \n\n\"are you seeing this?\" natalie asked, i rolled my eyes at her snoopiness and shook my head. \"leave it alone, natalie.\" i stated, looking down at my tray. natalie bagley is one of the school's gossips. east high has a few and it annoys the heck out of me. especially when they prey on other people's relationships.\n\nnatalie scoffed. \"wasn't nini a tree once in a musical?\" i sighed and shared a look with seb who was also annoyed. my eyes adverted to a certain table across nini's. ricky was looking at nini and ej with heartbreak in his eyes, making me feel bad for, not only ricky, but also nini. something must've happened between the two. i mean they were completely in love with each other before this summer.\n\n\"i mean how does a tree date a senior?\" this annoyed me even more. \"this conversation is over.\" i snapped. this shut up the shorter girl as seb's mouth was agape. i sighed and grabbed my tray before standing up and walking off. \n\nbut before i could leave the cafeteria first, ricky bowen walked past abruptly. i looked back at nini who was in ej's arms with a smile. i let out a deep sigh before following ricky.\n\nthis better end well.\n\n\n\n\n",
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"content": "Full Name: Amabel Minvera Song<br />Reason for name: Her mother planned on naming her daughter Mabel no matter what because she loved the meaning of it, lovable.<br />Nickname: Mabel<br />Reason for nickname: Her dad used to call her Mabel Syrup as a joke, but it stuck as she grew up.<br />Faceclaim: Trin Lovell<br />Age: 16 (season 1), 17 (season 2)<br />Gender: Female<br />Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California<br />Birthday: February 21st<br />Currently living in: Salt Lake City, Utah<br />Species/Race: Asian <br />Ethnicity: American <br />Blood Type: A<br />Occupation: Student<br />Sexual Orientation: Doesn't like to be labeled (but would be bisexual)<br />Social Status: Daughter, student, girlfriend (season 2)<br />Relationship Status: Single, taken (season 2)<br />Status: Alive<br /><br />Appearance<br /><br />Height: 160 cm<br />Weight: 49 kg<br />Hair colour: Black/raven<br />Eye colour: Brown<br />Distinguishing Features: Eyes, cheeks, smile<br />Preferred Clothing: Comfortable yet fashionable. Very retro yet soft aesthetic <br />Accessories: Friendship bracelet<br /><br />Health<br /><br />General health: Average<br />Any physical illnesses?: None<br />Any mental illnesses?: None<br />Take drugs?: No<br />Smoke?: No<br /><br />Mental/Emotional State<br /><br />Act before thinking/Think before acting?: A little bit of both sometimes, but she thinks more before acting<br />Emotion-wise, generally: Surprisely can be<br /><br />Likes/Dislikes<br /><br />Likes: Art, drawing, painting, fashion, songwriting, pop songs, gummy sweets, strawberries, slushies, soda, Any movie genre except horror, makeup, baking for fun, wallflowers, late night drives, salty food<br />Dislikes: Homephobia, racism, bullying, horror movies, jumpscares, snakes<br /><br />Hobbies<br /><br />Drawing, painting, songwriting, playing the piano, reading romance novels, writing stories<br /><br />Habits<br /><br />Biting her nails when nervous, chewing her hair (same reason as biting her nails), cussing a lot, running unconsciously, squealing a lot<br /><br />Skills/Abilities<br /><br />Capable of singing, songwriting, painting<br /><br />Secrets<br /><br />That she has a crush on Ricky Bowen ever since kindergarten<br /><br />Dreams/Goals<br /><br />Be on the big screen, share her art<br /><br />Favourites<br /><br />Food: Sushi<br />Colour: Pink<br />Animal: Pandas<br />Number: 11<br />Holiday: Christmas <br />Season: Winter<br />Thing to watch: Any DCOM<br />Movie: I, Tonya<br />Show: Liv & Maddie<br />Type of art: Anything really<br />Genre of music: Alternative<br /><br />Personality<br /><br />Very lovable. She's also very understanding and caring, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a temper. She can be awkward when she's alone with someone she either has a crush on or doesn't like. Not very outgoing, she thinks lowly of herself. She always tries to please others, but not really herself. She's very defensive though.<br /><br />Relationships<br /><br />Family: Gianna Song (Mother; deceased), Steven Song (Father; deceased), Victor Johnson (Uncle; alive), Jacob Song (Brother; Alive)<br />Love interest: Ricky Bowen<br />Friends/Allies: Almost everyone in East High.<br />Enemies: None (Until season 2)<br /><br />Quotes<br /><br />❝ I'm such a dumbass. ❞<br />❝ I'm awkward, lonely, and desperate for love! ❞<br />❝ If this is love, I absolutely want it.❞<br />❝ I dabble in....some things. ❞<br />❝ How do I put this lightly? Uh. I don't like it. ❞<br />❝ 'twas the biggest mistake of my life. ❞<br />❝ R as in Ricky? ❞<br />❝ I'm so in love and I love it.❞<br /><br />Trivia<br /><br />💗. She is neighbors with Ricky<br />💗. She has two cats<br />💗. She has her own paintings hung in her room<br /><br />more to come. 🖇",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1249750127055794176",
"published": "2021-06-10T15:40:48+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "Full Name: Amabel Minvera Song\nReason for name: Her mother planned on naming her daughter Mabel no matter what because she loved the meaning of it, lovable.\nNickname: Mabel\nReason for nickname: Her dad used to call her Mabel Syrup as a joke, but it stuck as she grew up.\nFaceclaim: Trin Lovell\nAge: 16 (season 1), 17 (season 2)\nGender: Female\nPlace of Birth: Los Angeles, California\nBirthday: February 21st\nCurrently living in: Salt Lake City, Utah\nSpecies/Race: Asian \nEthnicity: American \nBlood Type: A\nOccupation: Student\nSexual Orientation: Doesn't like to be labeled (but would be bisexual)\nSocial Status: Daughter, student, girlfriend (season 2)\nRelationship Status: Single, taken (season 2)\nStatus: Alive\n\nAppearance\n\nHeight: 160 cm\nWeight: 49 kg\nHair colour: Black/raven\nEye colour: Brown\nDistinguishing Features: Eyes, cheeks, smile\nPreferred Clothing: Comfortable yet fashionable. Very retro yet soft aesthetic \nAccessories: Friendship bracelet\n\nHealth\n\nGeneral health: Average\nAny physical illnesses?: None\nAny mental illnesses?: None\nTake drugs?: No\nSmoke?: No\n\nMental/Emotional State\n\nAct before thinking/Think before acting?: A little bit of both sometimes, but she thinks more before acting\nEmotion-wise, generally: Surprisely can be\n\nLikes/Dislikes\n\nLikes: Art, drawing, painting, fashion, songwriting, pop songs, gummy sweets, strawberries, slushies, soda, Any movie genre except horror, makeup, baking for fun, wallflowers, late night drives, salty food\nDislikes: Homephobia, racism, bullying, horror movies, jumpscares, snakes\n\nHobbies\n\nDrawing, painting, songwriting, playing the piano, reading romance novels, writing stories\n\nHabits\n\nBiting her nails when nervous, chewing her hair (same reason as biting her nails), cussing a lot, running unconsciously, squealing a lot\n\nSkills/Abilities\n\nCapable of singing, songwriting, painting\n\nSecrets\n\nThat she has a crush on Ricky Bowen ever since kindergarten\n\nDreams/Goals\n\nBe on the big screen, share her art\n\nFavourites\n\nFood: Sushi\nColour: Pink\nAnimal: Pandas\nNumber: 11\nHoliday: Christmas \nSeason: Winter\nThing to watch: Any DCOM\nMovie: I, Tonya\nShow: Liv & Maddie\nType of art: Anything really\nGenre of music: Alternative\n\nPersonality\n\nVery lovable. She's also very understanding and caring, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a temper. She can be awkward when she's alone with someone she either has a crush on or doesn't like. Not very outgoing, she thinks lowly of herself. She always tries to please others, but not really herself. She's very defensive though.\n\nRelationships\n\nFamily: Gianna Song (Mother; deceased), Steven Song (Father; deceased), Victor Johnson (Uncle; alive), Jacob Song (Brother; Alive)\nLove interest: Ricky Bowen\nFriends/Allies: Almost everyone in East High.\nEnemies: None (Until season 2)\n\nQuotes\n\n❝ I'm such a dumbass. ❞\n❝ I'm awkward, lonely, and desperate for love! ❞\n❝ If this is love, I absolutely want it.❞\n❝ I dabble in....some things. ❞\n❝ How do I put this lightly? Uh. I don't like it. ❞\n❝ 'twas the biggest mistake of my life. ❞\n❝ R as in Ricky? ❞\n❝ I'm so in love and I love it.❞\n\nTrivia\n\n💗. She is neighbors with Ricky\n💗. She has two cats\n💗. She has her own paintings hung in her room\n\nmore to come. 🖇",
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"content": "warning(s): mentions of sex, underage drinking, smoking, and swearing. all characters are aged up to their senior year.<br /><br />-<br /><br />juka peaked her head out the door, to see if anyone was there. she cleared her throat before heading in again.<br /><br />\"the coast is clear.\" ricky nodded and quickly followed her behind as they left the room. juka fixed her hair a little, afraid that nini would be downstairs. <br /><br />the two walked down the stairs carefully, walking past a snoring senior lying there. every time the stairs creaked, the two cringed, but luckily they made it downstairs. the two silently shared a high five before turning to the front door, only to see the boy who threw the party last night.<br /><br />ricky let out a yelp as juka jumped at the sight of carlos who looked at the two suspiciously. he looked like he had just woken up from the couch as he was wearing the same clothes last night. <br /><br />\"you two are still here?\" he thought out loud since juka and ricky wee always the ones who left the party before midnight. he was surprised to them with the same clothes, escaping together. <br /><br />a lightbulb switched on in his mind. his confused face changed when a smirk crept up his lips. \"oh my god. you two hooked up, didn't you!?\" juka cringed at the two words as ricky groaned in frustration.<br /><br />\"I'll take that as a yes! oh my god! enemies having sex, talk about hot.\" juka and ricky sighed in unison. the light brunette stepped forward and placed both of her hands in carlos' shoulders.<br /><br />\"look, i know it's crazy, but you can't tell ANYONE, carlos. especially nini.\" carlos looked like he had something to say, but once he stared into juka's eyes, they were basically pleading him. \"but- i- you and him- i can- ugh!\" the boy groaned and removed the girl's hands off of him. \"fine!\" juka and ricky let out a relieved sigh and shared a look with each other.<br /><br />\"but first, tell me if you two are dating.\" \"we're not.\" the two said in unison. carlos was almost taken back at how sure they sounded. \"really? because if you have a angry sex, you usually try out-\" \"carlos....\" juka said sternly, the boy rolled his eyes and nodded.<br /><br />\"i got it.\" carlos said. ricky let out a huff and walked towards the door. \"hey, asshole, where you going?\" juka called out, ricky immediately felt like how he usually felt with juka. annoyed. which oddly made him calm down.<br /><br />\"home. my dad's probably worried.\" he replied, juka crossed her armsand nodded. \"okay, give me a ride.\" ricky scoffed and immediately shook his head. \"no.\" juka scoffed and walked past the curly haired boy, opening the door. \"it wasn't a question.\" she remarked, ricky rolled his eyes and sighed. <br /><br />carlos watched the two leave with an amused look.<br /><br />\"oh they are so gonna get together.\"",
"to": [
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"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1248879844021993472",
"published": "2021-06-08T06:02:36+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "warning(s): mentions of sex, underage drinking, smoking, and swearing. all characters are aged up to their senior year.\n\n-\n\njuka peaked her head out the door, to see if anyone was there. she cleared her throat before heading in again.\n\n\"the coast is clear.\" ricky nodded and quickly followed her behind as they left the room. juka fixed her hair a little, afraid that nini would be downstairs. \n\nthe two walked down the stairs carefully, walking past a snoring senior lying there. every time the stairs creaked, the two cringed, but luckily they made it downstairs. the two silently shared a high five before turning to the front door, only to see the boy who threw the party last night.\n\nricky let out a yelp as juka jumped at the sight of carlos who looked at the two suspiciously. he looked like he had just woken up from the couch as he was wearing the same clothes last night. \n\n\"you two are still here?\" he thought out loud since juka and ricky wee always the ones who left the party before midnight. he was surprised to them with the same clothes, escaping together. \n\na lightbulb switched on in his mind. his confused face changed when a smirk crept up his lips. \"oh my god. you two hooked up, didn't you!?\" juka cringed at the two words as ricky groaned in frustration.\n\n\"I'll take that as a yes! oh my god! enemies having sex, talk about hot.\" juka and ricky sighed in unison. the light brunette stepped forward and placed both of her hands in carlos' shoulders.\n\n\"look, i know it's crazy, but you can't tell ANYONE, carlos. especially nini.\" carlos looked like he had something to say, but once he stared into juka's eyes, they were basically pleading him. \"but- i- you and him- i can- ugh!\" the boy groaned and removed the girl's hands off of him. \"fine!\" juka and ricky let out a relieved sigh and shared a look with each other.\n\n\"but first, tell me if you two are dating.\" \"we're not.\" the two said in unison. carlos was almost taken back at how sure they sounded. \"really? because if you have a angry sex, you usually try out-\" \"carlos....\" juka said sternly, the boy rolled his eyes and nodded.\n\n\"i got it.\" carlos said. ricky let out a huff and walked towards the door. \"hey, asshole, where you going?\" juka called out, ricky immediately felt like how he usually felt with juka. annoyed. which oddly made him calm down.\n\n\"home. my dad's probably worried.\" he replied, juka crossed her armsand nodded. \"okay, give me a ride.\" ricky scoffed and immediately shook his head. \"no.\" juka scoffed and walked past the curly haired boy, opening the door. \"it wasn't a question.\" she remarked, ricky rolled his eyes and sighed. \n\ncarlos watched the two leave with an amused look.\n\n\"oh they are so gonna get together.\"",
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"content": "jade. : face time me<br /><br />joshy 🤠: whut no<br /><br />jade. : WHYYY<br /><br />jade. : u already showed ur face and now it's time for us to speak face to face<br /><br />jade. : virtually<br /><br />joshy 🤠: no<br /><br />jade. : bitch<br /><br />joshy 🤠: psycho<br /><br />( INCOMING FACETIME CALL FROM jade. )<br /><br />《 REAL LIFE 》<br /><br />Joshua widened his eyes at the screen. He looked around set, everyone was either shooting their scene, getting a snack, or in the makeup room. He couldn't answer the call because he was near Olivia who was shooting her scene, so he quickly ran off his chair and went to the empty hall of the school they were shooting in.<br /><br />The legendary East High.<br /><br />He took a deep breath, wondering if it was a good idea to answer Jade's call in the middle of shooting. Screw it, he thought.<br /><br />His finger pressed the green button, and the next his face was in the screen. He tried use his coat to cover his costume he was wearing for Ricky.<br /><br />Then he saw her.<br /><br />He was amazed at her beauty. Her raven wavy locks framed her face perfectly, her eyes were like melted chocolate with the sunlight shining on her face from her line. She had minimal makeup on, but she was laying in bed on her stomach, propping the phone up with her pencil case. <br /><br />Jade on the other hand, was also taken back by at how handsome Joshua looked. His curly hair looked so fluffy as his brown orbs were mesmerized her, his lips curled into a smile whilst hers did the same.<br /><br />\"Well, well, well, looky here, Joshy answered.\" A smirk played on Jade's lips, making Joshua let out a laugh. \"Well, you gave me no choice. You would've gone ballistic if I didn't answer.\" He joked, Jade rolled her eyes playfully as she shifted in her bed.<br /><br />The curly haired boy tried to keep the lockers and and East High banners out of the frame, but Jade was curious as to where he was. \"Where are you right now?\" She asked, looking closer at her screen. Joshua mentally panicked and pretended to cough for some reason. <br /><br />\"Oh, you know...work.\" Jade eyed the boy suspiciously, making him let out a nervous laugh. \"So, how's college?\" He quickly changed the subject, Jade tore her eyes away from him with a smile. She let out a dramatic sigh and laid on her back, holding the phone up.<br /><br />\"Big essay thing going, and I am totally going to fail it.\" Joshua chuckled and nodded. \"Well, if you spent half of your time texting me, you would ace it.\" He joked, Jade laughed with a nod.<br /><br />\"By the way, you kind of, um, left the other day.\" The boy pointed out, making the raven haired girl furrowed her eyebrows. \"Yesterday. Remember?\" Jade widened her eyes, finally getting what he meant. Her face turned into a nervous one, making Joshua raise an eyebrow.<br /><br />\"Uh, yeah....that. It was a family matter, nothing special.\" He could tell she was lying as she looked at her window that was out of the frame. \"Oh. Was it serious?\" Jade cleared her throat and sat up, grabbing her sketchbook.<br /><br />\"Uh, no. Oh and I almost forgot,\" Jade said as Joshua sat on the floor of the hall, leaning his back against the lockers. \"Looky.\" Jade said in a childlike voice, showing her a page from the sketchbook. Joshua was initially smiling at her voice, but his smile widened once he saw what was on the page.<br /><br />A beautiful sketch of him.<br /><br />Jade smiled at how proud and amazed his smile looked. \"You likey?\" She said in the childlike voice she used before. Joshua was speechless. \"Um...\" He trailed off. \"It's amazing, Jade.\"<br /><br />For some reason this warmed the girl's heart. \"I love it.\" Joshua continued. Jade smiled more as she had rarely heard that from anyone in her life. Especially her mother.<br /><br />\"Thanks.\"<br /><br /><br />",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1248587053555482624",
"published": "2021-06-07T10:39:09+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "jade. : face time me\n\njoshy 🤠: whut no\n\njade. : WHYYY\n\njade. : u already showed ur face and now it's time for us to speak face to face\n\njade. : virtually\n\njoshy 🤠: no\n\njade. : bitch\n\njoshy 🤠: psycho\n\n( INCOMING FACETIME CALL FROM jade. )\n\n《 REAL LIFE 》\n\nJoshua widened his eyes at the screen. He looked around set, everyone was either shooting their scene, getting a snack, or in the makeup room. He couldn't answer the call because he was near Olivia who was shooting her scene, so he quickly ran off his chair and went to the empty hall of the school they were shooting in.\n\nThe legendary East High.\n\nHe took a deep breath, wondering if it was a good idea to answer Jade's call in the middle of shooting. Screw it, he thought.\n\nHis finger pressed the green button, and the next his face was in the screen. He tried use his coat to cover his costume he was wearing for Ricky.\n\nThen he saw her.\n\nHe was amazed at her beauty. Her raven wavy locks framed her face perfectly, her eyes were like melted chocolate with the sunlight shining on her face from her line. She had minimal makeup on, but she was laying in bed on her stomach, propping the phone up with her pencil case. \n\nJade on the other hand, was also taken back by at how handsome Joshua looked. His curly hair looked so fluffy as his brown orbs were mesmerized her, his lips curled into a smile whilst hers did the same.\n\n\"Well, well, well, looky here, Joshy answered.\" A smirk played on Jade's lips, making Joshua let out a laugh. \"Well, you gave me no choice. You would've gone ballistic if I didn't answer.\" He joked, Jade rolled her eyes playfully as she shifted in her bed.\n\nThe curly haired boy tried to keep the lockers and and East High banners out of the frame, but Jade was curious as to where he was. \"Where are you right now?\" She asked, looking closer at her screen. Joshua mentally panicked and pretended to cough for some reason. \n\n\"Oh, you know...work.\" Jade eyed the boy suspiciously, making him let out a nervous laugh. \"So, how's college?\" He quickly changed the subject, Jade tore her eyes away from him with a smile. She let out a dramatic sigh and laid on her back, holding the phone up.\n\n\"Big essay thing going, and I am totally going to fail it.\" Joshua chuckled and nodded. \"Well, if you spent half of your time texting me, you would ace it.\" He joked, Jade laughed with a nod.\n\n\"By the way, you kind of, um, left the other day.\" The boy pointed out, making the raven haired girl furrowed her eyebrows. \"Yesterday. Remember?\" Jade widened her eyes, finally getting what he meant. Her face turned into a nervous one, making Joshua raise an eyebrow.\n\n\"Uh, yeah....that. It was a family matter, nothing special.\" He could tell she was lying as she looked at her window that was out of the frame. \"Oh. Was it serious?\" Jade cleared her throat and sat up, grabbing her sketchbook.\n\n\"Uh, no. Oh and I almost forgot,\" Jade said as Joshua sat on the floor of the hall, leaning his back against the lockers. \"Looky.\" Jade said in a childlike voice, showing her a page from the sketchbook. Joshua was initially smiling at her voice, but his smile widened once he saw what was on the page.\n\nA beautiful sketch of him.\n\nJade smiled at how proud and amazed his smile looked. \"You likey?\" She said in the childlike voice she used before. Joshua was speechless. \"Um...\" He trailed off. \"It's amazing, Jade.\"\n\nFor some reason this warmed the girl's heart. \"I love it.\" Joshua continued. Jade smiled more as she had rarely heard that from anyone in her life. Especially her mother.\n\n\"Thanks.\"\n\n\n",
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"content": "Full Name: Moon Josephine Lupin<br />Reason for name: Her mother loved the meaning, celestial and it was her father's nickname<br />Hogwarts House: Gryffindor<br />Faceclaim: Mary-Kate Olsen<br />Nickname(s): Jo, Moony Jr., Lupin<br />Reason for nickname(s): Jo (her preferred nickname), Moony Jr., Lupin<br />Age: 11 (first year), 12 (twelve), 13 (third year), 14 (fourth year), 15 (fifth year), 16 (sixth year), 17 (seventh year)<br />Gender: Female<br />Place of Birth: England, Britain<br />Birthday: October 31<br />Currently living in: <br />Species/Race: White<br />Ethnicity: British<br />Blood Type: B<br />Blood Status: Half-blood<br />Occupation: Student<br />Sexual Orientation: Bisexual<br />Love Interest: Harry Potter<br />Social Status: Daughter, sister, twin, and student (auror after graduating hogwarts)<br />Relationship Status: Single (1-4th&5 year), taken (4th&7th year, after hogwarts)<br />Status: Alive<br /><br />Appearance<br /><br />Height: Unknown <br />Weight: Unknown<br />Skin colour: Smooth tanned<br />Hair style: Long hair, down to her waist<br />Hair colour: Dirty blonde<br />Eye colour: Blue<br />Distinguishing Features: Eyes, nose, and smile<br />Preferred Clothing: Very retro and punk rock. Early 2000s rock type.<br />Accessories: Rings, bracelets, and earrings<br /><br />Health<br /><br />General health: Average<br />Any physical illnesses?: None<br />Any mental illnesses?: None<br /><br />Mental/Emotional State<br /><br />Mental age: Normal<br />Act before thinking/Think before acting?: Act before thinking most of the time<br />Emotion-wise, generally: No<br /><br />Conversation<br /><br />Way of speaking: British accent, not very proper though<br />Swears?: Only British swear words<br />Made-up words?: other than spells, none<br /><br />Likes/Dislikes<br />Likes: Adventures, breaking the rules, sweets, soda, the wilderness<br />Dislikes: Draco, the word mudblood, bullies, bullying, being controlled, voldmort, deep bodies of water<br /><br />Habits<br /><br />biting her nails, very messy, chewing her hair, pacing back and forth when thinking<br /><br />Strengths/Weaknesses<br />Strengths: Very headstrong, tough, excellent at lying, defensive about his friends and family<br />Weakness: Stubborn, can't open up her feelings<br /><br />Patronus Charm<br /><br />A polar bear<br /><br />Skills/Abilities<br /><br />Secrets<br /><br />That she is a half blood, Remus Lupin being her father<br /><br />Fears<br /><br />Voldmort<br /><br />Favourites<br />Colour: Orange<br />Animal: Thestrals<br />Number: 31<br />Holiday: Halloween <br />Season: Winter<br />Genre of music: Punk rock<br />",
"to": [
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"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1248182961320542208",
"published": "2021-06-06T07:53:26+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "Full Name: Moon Josephine Lupin\nReason for name: Her mother loved the meaning, celestial and it was her father's nickname\nHogwarts House: Gryffindor\nFaceclaim: Mary-Kate Olsen\nNickname(s): Jo, Moony Jr., Lupin\nReason for nickname(s): Jo (her preferred nickname), Moony Jr., Lupin\nAge: 11 (first year), 12 (twelve), 13 (third year), 14 (fourth year), 15 (fifth year), 16 (sixth year), 17 (seventh year)\nGender: Female\nPlace of Birth: England, Britain\nBirthday: October 31\nCurrently living in: \nSpecies/Race: White\nEthnicity: British\nBlood Type: B\nBlood Status: Half-blood\nOccupation: Student\nSexual Orientation: Bisexual\nLove Interest: Harry Potter\nSocial Status: Daughter, sister, twin, and student (auror after graduating hogwarts)\nRelationship Status: Single (1-4th&5 year), taken (4th&7th year, after hogwarts)\nStatus: Alive\n\nAppearance\n\nHeight: Unknown \nWeight: Unknown\nSkin colour: Smooth tanned\nHair style: Long hair, down to her waist\nHair colour: Dirty blonde\nEye colour: Blue\nDistinguishing Features: Eyes, nose, and smile\nPreferred Clothing: Very retro and punk rock. Early 2000s rock type.\nAccessories: Rings, bracelets, and earrings\n\nHealth\n\nGeneral health: Average\nAny physical illnesses?: None\nAny mental illnesses?: None\n\nMental/Emotional State\n\nMental age: Normal\nAct before thinking/Think before acting?: Act before thinking most of the time\nEmotion-wise, generally: No\n\nConversation\n\nWay of speaking: British accent, not very proper though\nSwears?: Only British swear words\nMade-up words?: other than spells, none\n\nLikes/Dislikes\nLikes: Adventures, breaking the rules, sweets, soda, the wilderness\nDislikes: Draco, the word mudblood, bullies, bullying, being controlled, voldmort, deep bodies of water\n\nHabits\n\nbiting her nails, very messy, chewing her hair, pacing back and forth when thinking\n\nStrengths/Weaknesses\nStrengths: Very headstrong, tough, excellent at lying, defensive about his friends and family\nWeakness: Stubborn, can't open up her feelings\n\nPatronus Charm\n\nA polar bear\n\nSkills/Abilities\n\nSecrets\n\nThat she is a half blood, Remus Lupin being her father\n\nFears\n\nVoldmort\n\nFavourites\nColour: Orange\nAnimal: Thestrals\nNumber: 31\nHoliday: Halloween \nSeason: Winter\nGenre of music: Punk rock\n",
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"content": "<br />warning(s): mentions of sex, underage drinking, smoking, and swearing. all characters are aged up to their senior year.<br /><br />-<br /><br /> the sunlight illuminated on juka's face, making her stir in her sleep. she let out a groan and turned around to hug her pillow that always next to her on bed, only this time, the pillow was person.<br /><br />juka scrunched her nose at what she hugging, making her flutter her eyes open. she slowly opened them as she felt the sheets brushed against her stomach. she opened her eyes fully when she realised she was wearing no pants.<br /><br />the girl sat up in shock and let out a quiet gasp as she looked around the room. no way, she thought. she turned her head to her right, seeing the one and only ricky bowen shirtless next to her, snoring in his sleep.<br /><br />she let out a yelp and fell off the bed, hitting the floor with a thud.<br /><br />ricky opened his eyes as the sun glimmered through the blinds, he had heard the loud thud and quickly sat up at it. he quickly peaked at the floor to see juka groaning in pain and wearing his shirt.<br /><br />\"juka?\" ricky's voice was raspy and tired, but shock was still evident in his tone. the light brunette quickly stood up at the sight of ricky. \"what the fuck!?\" she let out, grabbing her hair in confusion and stress.<br /><br />she was panicking as she had woken up in an unknown room and in same bed with her mortal enemy, ricky. and on top of that she was wearing no underwear or pants.<br /><br />this realization also hit ricky as he widened his eyes and gripped on his curls. \"we fucked!\" juka almost shrieked at his words, she looked around the room and realised it was carlos' guest room. thank God, it was his guest room.<br /><br />\"fuck.\" she breathed out before running towards her dress that was on the floor. \"i can't believe this happening- we fucked!\" she almost screamed out, ricky quickly grabbed his boxers that was luckily on the bed so he didn't have to get up.<br /><br />juka didn't think twice before she pulled the shirt over her head, making ricky let out a yelp and look away. she didn't care if he saw her breasts again since technically he had seen it. what she cared about was that she was in carlos' house still and nini must've been worried sick.<br /><br />nini. juka felt guilt wash over her as she slipped her dress. \"i slept with nini's ex...\" she mumbled while rickt put on his boxers and pants. \"we can't tell anyone about this.\" he said, grabbing the shirt in juka's hand. she shook her head and squatted down in realization.<br /><br />\"i slept with nini's ex.\" she repeated, emotions rushing in her mind as she ran her fingers through her hair. she sniffled, making ricky looked up while putting on his shirt. the light brunette buried her face in her hands as she tried to think of a way to tell nini without her ruining their friendship. she sighed, holding back tears. \"seven years worth of friendship.\" she thought out loud as ricky made his way to juka slowly. \"and it could disappear after one night. one mistake.\"<br /><br />ricky softened his face at juka being vulnerable, something he realised that he kept doing. \"hey...\" he said softly, sitting next to the girl, brushing her loose strands back. this made juka gasp and look up at ricky.<br /><br />she quickly stood up, making ricky confused. she shook her head intensely. \"don't.\" she said. because for a split second, the moment she looked up. she loved the way he looked at her.",
"to": [
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"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1248138767529791488",
"published": "2021-06-06T04:57:50+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "\nwarning(s): mentions of sex, underage drinking, smoking, and swearing. all characters are aged up to their senior year.\n\n-\n\n the sunlight illuminated on juka's face, making her stir in her sleep. she let out a groan and turned around to hug her pillow that always next to her on bed, only this time, the pillow was person.\n\njuka scrunched her nose at what she hugging, making her flutter her eyes open. she slowly opened them as she felt the sheets brushed against her stomach. she opened her eyes fully when she realised she was wearing no pants.\n\nthe girl sat up in shock and let out a quiet gasp as she looked around the room. no way, she thought. she turned her head to her right, seeing the one and only ricky bowen shirtless next to her, snoring in his sleep.\n\nshe let out a yelp and fell off the bed, hitting the floor with a thud.\n\nricky opened his eyes as the sun glimmered through the blinds, he had heard the loud thud and quickly sat up at it. he quickly peaked at the floor to see juka groaning in pain and wearing his shirt.\n\n\"juka?\" ricky's voice was raspy and tired, but shock was still evident in his tone. the light brunette quickly stood up at the sight of ricky. \"what the fuck!?\" she let out, grabbing her hair in confusion and stress.\n\nshe was panicking as she had woken up in an unknown room and in same bed with her mortal enemy, ricky. and on top of that she was wearing no underwear or pants.\n\nthis realization also hit ricky as he widened his eyes and gripped on his curls. \"we fucked!\" juka almost shrieked at his words, she looked around the room and realised it was carlos' guest room. thank God, it was his guest room.\n\n\"fuck.\" she breathed out before running towards her dress that was on the floor. \"i can't believe this happening- we fucked!\" she almost screamed out, ricky quickly grabbed his boxers that was luckily on the bed so he didn't have to get up.\n\njuka didn't think twice before she pulled the shirt over her head, making ricky let out a yelp and look away. she didn't care if he saw her breasts again since technically he had seen it. what she cared about was that she was in carlos' house still and nini must've been worried sick.\n\nnini. juka felt guilt wash over her as she slipped her dress. \"i slept with nini's ex...\" she mumbled while rickt put on his boxers and pants. \"we can't tell anyone about this.\" he said, grabbing the shirt in juka's hand. she shook her head and squatted down in realization.\n\n\"i slept with nini's ex.\" she repeated, emotions rushing in her mind as she ran her fingers through her hair. she sniffled, making ricky looked up while putting on his shirt. the light brunette buried her face in her hands as she tried to think of a way to tell nini without her ruining their friendship. she sighed, holding back tears. \"seven years worth of friendship.\" she thought out loud as ricky made his way to juka slowly. \"and it could disappear after one night. one mistake.\"\n\nricky softened his face at juka being vulnerable, something he realised that he kept doing. \"hey...\" he said softly, sitting next to the girl, brushing her loose strands back. this made juka gasp and look up at ricky.\n\nshe quickly stood up, making ricky confused. she shook her head intensely. \"don't.\" she said. because for a split second, the moment she looked up. she loved the way he looked at her.",
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"content": "joshy 🤠: crap<br /><br />• joshy 🤠 HAS DELETED THE MESSAGE •<br /><br />jade. : [ gif above ] <br /><br />jade. : why did u delete the photo?<br /><br />jade. : was that u?<br /><br />jade. : FINALLT AFTER ALL THIS TIME<br /><br />joshy 🤠: ur not freaked out?<br /><br />jade. : is that what it was?<br /><br />jade. : u think i would be freaked out by ur face?<br /><br />jade. : joshy<br /><br />jade. : ur quite handsome<br /><br />joshy 🤠: uhhhhhhh<br /><br />jade. : except for the scruff tho<br /><br />joshy 🤠: why does everyone hate it so much<br /><br />jade. : shave it 😁<br /><br />joshy 🤠: no.<br /><br />jade. : bitch<br /><br />joshy 🤠: psycho<br /><br />-<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: IM SUCH A DUMBASS<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : true<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : but why?<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: I ACCIDENTALLY SEND THE PHOTO TO JADE<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : WHAT DID SHE SAY??!?!<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: she didn't freak out<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : wdym??<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: like she didn't know KNOW me<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : and the plot thickens<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : u have to tell her<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: idk<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: i kinda don't want to<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : JOSHUA<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: WHAT<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : she's gonna find out one or another<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : and she has to know from you<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : what if one day she goes on the internet and sees ur face !?!<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: I know<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: but not rn<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: i can't<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : it's up to u josh<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : just don't forget to tell her<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: I know<br /><br />-<br /><br />joshy 🤠: im back<br /><br />joshy 🤠: ???<br /><br />joshy 🤠: jade?<br />( seen )<br /><br />joshy 🤠: ok I know ur there<br />( seen )<br /><br />joshy 🤠: JADE<br /><br />joshy 🤠: jade??<br />( seen at 5:46 pm )<br />",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1248129480685568000",
"published": "2021-06-06T04:20:56+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "joshy 🤠: crap\n\n• joshy 🤠 HAS DELETED THE MESSAGE •\n\njade. : [ gif above ] \n\njade. : why did u delete the photo?\n\njade. : was that u?\n\njade. : FINALLT AFTER ALL THIS TIME\n\njoshy 🤠: ur not freaked out?\n\njade. : is that what it was?\n\njade. : u think i would be freaked out by ur face?\n\njade. : joshy\n\njade. : ur quite handsome\n\njoshy 🤠: uhhhhhhh\n\njade. : except for the scruff tho\n\njoshy 🤠: why does everyone hate it so much\n\njade. : shave it 😁\n\njoshy 🤠: no.\n\njade. : bitch\n\njoshy 🤠: psycho\n\n-\n\njoshie boi 😊: IM SUCH A DUMBASS\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : true\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : but why?\n\njoshie boi 😊: I ACCIDENTALLY SEND THE PHOTO TO JADE\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : WHAT DID SHE SAY??!?!\n\njoshie boi 😊: she didn't freak out\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : wdym??\n\njoshie boi 😊: like she didn't know KNOW me\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : and the plot thickens\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : u have to tell her\n\njoshie boi 😊: idk\n\njoshie boi 😊: i kinda don't want to\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : JOSHUA\n\njoshie boi 😊: WHAT\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : she's gonna find out one or another\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : and she has to know from you\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : what if one day she goes on the internet and sees ur face !?!\n\njoshie boi 😊: I know\n\njoshie boi 😊: but not rn\n\njoshie boi 😊: i can't\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : it's up to u josh\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : just don't forget to tell her\n\njoshie boi 😊: I know\n\n-\n\njoshy 🤠: im back\n\njoshy 🤠: ???\n\njoshy 🤠: jade?\n( seen )\n\njoshy 🤠: ok I know ur there\n( seen )\n\njoshy 🤠: JADE\n\njoshy 🤠: jade??\n( seen at 5:46 pm )\n",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1207560384429432848/entities/urn:activity:1248129480685568000/activity"
"type": "Create",
"actor": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1207560384429432848",
"object": {
"type": "Note",
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1207560384429432848/entities/urn:activity:1247864317676158976",
"attributedTo": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1207560384429432848",
"content": "joshy 🤠: good morning 👉👈<br /><br />jade. : good morning?<br /><br />joshy 🤠: is it just me or is the sun brighter today?<br /><br />jade. : uhhhhhhhh<br /><br />jade. : idk<br /><br />joshy 🤠: everything's more colorful as well :))<br /><br />jade. : okay if you have kidnapped josh, i will come after you and skin you alive 😘<br /><br />joshy 🤠: w h u t<br /><br />joshy 🤠: im not kidnapped<br /><br />jade. : did u take drugs?<br /><br />joshy 🤠: NO<br /><br />joshy 🤠: WHY WOULD I DO THAT?<br /><br />jade. : idk<br /><br />jade. : u seem....<br /><br />jade. : happy<br /><br />joshy 🤠: so if im happy im either kidnapped or on drugs<br /><br />jade. : exactly 😊<br /><br />joshy 🤠: am I that miserable to u?<br /><br />jade. : what answer do u want?<br /><br />joshy 🤠: ur mean<br /><br />jade. : I know 😘<br /><br />joshy 🤠: oh crap<br /><br />joshy 🤠: I gtg<br /><br />joshy 🤠: someone else is texting me.<br /><br />jade. : YOU CAN BE HAPPY AND YOU HAVE OTHER THAN ME?!<br /><br />jade. : traitor<br /><br />joshy 🤠: u do realise i have a social life as well<br /><br />jade. : no ❤<br /><br />-<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : joshy?<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : helloooo<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : joshua?<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: sorry<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: i was texting another friend of mine<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : coolio<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : sofia is inviting all of us to lunch<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : wanna come :))<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: sure :)<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : ok it's at 6:30<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: 👌<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : btw u still have that horrifying scruff?<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: it is NOT horrifying<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : yes it is<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: why is everyone so mean to me today<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : wdym?<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: u know that girl jade I told u abt?<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : the girl who you texted when u had the wrong number and ur now in love with her<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: AM NOT<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : are too<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: we're just friends<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: nothing more<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: besides she doesn't even know who I rlly am<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : why didn't u tell her who u rlly r<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: idk<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: i mean i like having her as a best friend but at the same idk if I should trust her.<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : that sucks josh<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: yea <br /><br />joshie boi 😊: it does<br /><br />livie 🥺🥲 : send me a pic of ur scruff Mr scruff<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: 🙄<br /><br />joshie boi 😊: lemme take a selfie for u<br /><br />-<br /><br />joshy 🤠: [ photo above ] im not mr scruff<br />( seen )<br /><br />joshy 🤠: crap",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1247864317676158976",
"published": "2021-06-05T10:47:16+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "joshy 🤠: good morning 👉👈\n\njade. : good morning?\n\njoshy 🤠: is it just me or is the sun brighter today?\n\njade. : uhhhhhhhh\n\njade. : idk\n\njoshy 🤠: everything's more colorful as well :))\n\njade. : okay if you have kidnapped josh, i will come after you and skin you alive 😘\n\njoshy 🤠: w h u t\n\njoshy 🤠: im not kidnapped\n\njade. : did u take drugs?\n\njoshy 🤠: NO\n\njoshy 🤠: WHY WOULD I DO THAT?\n\njade. : idk\n\njade. : u seem....\n\njade. : happy\n\njoshy 🤠: so if im happy im either kidnapped or on drugs\n\njade. : exactly 😊\n\njoshy 🤠: am I that miserable to u?\n\njade. : what answer do u want?\n\njoshy 🤠: ur mean\n\njade. : I know 😘\n\njoshy 🤠: oh crap\n\njoshy 🤠: I gtg\n\njoshy 🤠: someone else is texting me.\n\njade. : YOU CAN BE HAPPY AND YOU HAVE OTHER THAN ME?!\n\njade. : traitor\n\njoshy 🤠: u do realise i have a social life as well\n\njade. : no ❤\n\n-\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : joshy?\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : helloooo\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : joshua?\n\njoshie boi 😊: sorry\n\njoshie boi 😊: i was texting another friend of mine\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : coolio\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : sofia is inviting all of us to lunch\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : wanna come :))\n\njoshie boi 😊: sure :)\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : ok it's at 6:30\n\njoshie boi 😊: 👌\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : btw u still have that horrifying scruff?\n\njoshie boi 😊: it is NOT horrifying\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : yes it is\n\njoshie boi 😊: why is everyone so mean to me today\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : wdym?\n\njoshie boi 😊: u know that girl jade I told u abt?\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : the girl who you texted when u had the wrong number and ur now in love with her\n\njoshie boi 😊: AM NOT\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : are too\n\njoshie boi 😊: we're just friends\n\njoshie boi 😊: nothing more\n\njoshie boi 😊: besides she doesn't even know who I rlly am\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : why didn't u tell her who u rlly r\n\njoshie boi 😊: idk\n\njoshie boi 😊: i mean i like having her as a best friend but at the same idk if I should trust her.\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : that sucks josh\n\njoshie boi 😊: yea \n\njoshie boi 😊: it does\n\nlivie 🥺🥲 : send me a pic of ur scruff Mr scruff\n\njoshie boi 😊: 🙄\n\njoshie boi 😊: lemme take a selfie for u\n\n-\n\njoshy 🤠: [ photo above ] im not mr scruff\n( seen )\n\njoshy 🤠: crap",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1207560384429432848/entities/urn:activity:1247864317676158976/activity"
"type": "Create",
"actor": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1207560384429432848",
"object": {
"type": "Note",
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1207560384429432848/entities/urn:activity:1247855600966508544",
"attributedTo": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1207560384429432848",
"content": "warning(s): mentions of sex, underage drinking, smoking, and swearing. all characters are aged up to their senior year.<br /><br />-<br /><br />\"congratulations, you're an alcoholic.\" juka rolled her eyes and turned around to see ricky. \"you know, i have no idea, how you still have the words to...what was it again?\" she slurred, ricky scoffed and leaned against the wall. \"insult you?\" \"y-yes!\" <br /><br />ricky rolled his eyes. \"like oh my god, every time you talk its like: blah blah you suck blah blah I'm a skater boy blah blah- and I'm just like 'shhhhhhh'!\" the light brunette rambled, throwing her hands all over the place. \"aren't you like wasted enough like just-\" juka pressed her index finger on ricky's lips, making him widened his eyes. <br /><br />\"what-\" \"shhhhhhh!\" juka shushed harshly, pressing her finger down harder. ricky's face was turning red as he looked around, luckily everyone was busy dancing.<br /><br />\"okay, bye bye.\" juka cooed and pulled her finger off before running away to the stairs.<br /><br />ricky was speechless at how juka was. he had never seen her like that, but he had to admit.<br /><br />it was kind of cute and hot.<br /><br />he looked at the direction she went and quickly followed her up the stairs. he finally caught on to her and saw her stumble into a random room.<br /><br />ricky slowly followed her, but tripped, making him jump a little to maintain balance. he had totally forgotten he was also drunk.<br /><br />suddenly juka came out again and without a question, grabbed ricky by the collar and pulled him in the room.<br /><br />\"what-\" \"i said shhhhhhh!\" juka exclaimed, jumping on the bed. \"juka, what are you doing?\" the light brunette sat up and crossed her legs on the bed.<br /><br />\"i wanna hook up.\" ricky almost choked on his own spit. \"what?!\" juka waved him off. \" not with you, ew. i meant with someone else.\" ricky shook his head and slowly sat in a chair that was across the bed.<br /><br />\"okay, but why are you telling me this? why not tell nini?\" he asked, the girl shook her head and patted on a spot next to her on the bed as gesture for ricky to sit with her.<br /><br />because of this, he eyed her suspiciously. \"oh, just sit!\" he scoffed in disbelief yet did what juka asked. she smiled at him as he sat down.<br /><br />\"okay now what?\" <br /><br />juka snorted. \"i don't know.\"<br /><br />ricky was staring at the laughing girl in disbelief. she had so much energy for someone who had a dozen of alcohol in her system.<br /><br />\"I'm a virgin.\" ricky almost fell of the bed at the sudden reveal. \"w-what?\"<br /><br />\"i want to get over it.\" ricky raise his eyebrow. \"i just don't want it to be special. it's not like I'm gonna graduate school or something.\" the girl poured out, getting a little serious.<br /><br />\"i feel so...ugly.\" ricky's face softened at her words. \"hey...you're not ugly.\" he tried to comfort her, tears welled up in juka's eyes and she looked away from ricky. \"yes, I am.\" she scoffed, shaking her hands.<br /><br />\"it feels there's this weight on my back. and i just think if i have sex...\" she trailed off, looking down at her lap. ricky sighed and hesitatingly placed his larger hands on hers. \"i'd feel pretty, you know?\" juka finished, swallowing down her tears. ricky scooted closer, \"hey, hey, hey..\"<br /><br />he boldly cupped her cheek with his hand, turning her face to his. \"you're extremely pretty. more than any of the girls in east high- hell, even in salt lake.\" juka laughed, making ricky smile. \"and your smile, your eyes, your hair, your laugh,\" ricky was getting closer to her, so close that the two could feel each other's hot breath against each other.<br /><br />ricky's eyes adverted to juka's lips as she did the same to his. \"your lips,\" the next thing they knew, their lips were against each other's.<br /><br />juka surprised ricky and herself by kissing back as he caressed her cheek. their eyes fluttered shut, ignoring their inner voices telling them to stop, saying that they were both drunk. <br /><br />the kiss started to get heated as ricky licked juka's bottom lip, opening her mouth so he could enter his tongue. a sinful sound escaped her lips as he kept kissing her roughly. his hands slowly went down to her waist, tugging on it. she wasted no second and straddled him, pushing him back, their lips still connected.<br /><br />ricky's hand grabbed the back of juka's neck, pulling her down so her lips were more pressed up against his. he let out a groan as she slowly grinded on him. she sucked harder on his bottom lip, making him let out a moan. juka felt her panties getting damp from his moaning as she grinded more on him.<br /><br />ricky left kissing down her jaw then down to her neck. \"your neck,\" he mumbled against her skin, before sucking on it. juka moaned again. ricky grazed his teeth against her skin, making her gasp. he left love bites down her neck and to her chest.<br /><br />juka quickly pulled away from ricky, pulling the dress she wore off of her. ricky's pants tightened at the sight of her. her bra was a rainbow pattern with a yarn type fabric. it exposed more of her valley between her breasts and the jewelry hanging around her neck that only made her ten times hotter.<br /><br />\"fuck.\" he let out, grabbing her face and smashing his lips into hers. she giggled into the kiss, placing her hands on his chest. ricky's hand was on her hair bun which he quickly unwrapped, making her hair fall down her shoulder. he trailed his kissing down the valley of her breasts. juka let out another moan as he kissed it, she pulled his shirt over his head and threw across the room. ricky slowly pulled down her bra straps, making her shoulders bare.<br /><br />he pulled away from her breasts and watched juka as she held the bra with her arm, she slowly let it go, maintaining eye contact with boy under her.<br /><br />there it was. her breasts. ricky widened his eyes as his cheeks flushed. juka giggled at his reaction and threw the bra. ricky smiled again and attacked her neck with more kisses.<br /><br />juka quickly unbuckled his pants, ricky pulled down the pants and threw them away. juka played with his waistband as ricky kissed her chest again, but this time he kissed around her nipple, making them erected as she moaned again.<br /><br />ricky grabbed her breast and licked her nipple, making juka gasp. she quickly pulled down her shorts as it revealed her wet panties. ricky groaned as her wet panties touched his boxers. <br /><br />as ricky kissed her right breast, he massaged the other, making juka a moaning mess. he sucked on her nipple, making her shiver as goosebumps formed all over her body. ricky let go of her left breast and pulled down her panties as she did the same to the boxers. <br /><br />his cock sprung out, making her bit her lip. ricky went to her collarbone and sucked on it, grazing his teeth like before.<br /><br />\"r-ricky.\" she moaned, ricky hummed in response and grabbed her waist. she positioned herself on him and made him groan as she moved up. he flipped them and was now on top of juka, making her let out a loud moan.<br /><br />ricky slowly thrusted in her, making juka arch her back. \"f-fuck.\" she moaned as ricky continued to pleasure the entire night, forgetting about tomorrow. the two loved every second of it. but the best part for juka was the words that came out of mouth in the middle of it.<br /><br />\"everything about you is beautiful.\"",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1247855600966508544",
"published": "2021-06-05T10:12:37+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "warning(s): mentions of sex, underage drinking, smoking, and swearing. all characters are aged up to their senior year.\n\n-\n\n\"congratulations, you're an alcoholic.\" juka rolled her eyes and turned around to see ricky. \"you know, i have no idea, how you still have the words to...what was it again?\" she slurred, ricky scoffed and leaned against the wall. \"insult you?\" \"y-yes!\" \n\nricky rolled his eyes. \"like oh my god, every time you talk its like: blah blah you suck blah blah I'm a skater boy blah blah- and I'm just like 'shhhhhhh'!\" the light brunette rambled, throwing her hands all over the place. \"aren't you like wasted enough like just-\" juka pressed her index finger on ricky's lips, making him widened his eyes. \n\n\"what-\" \"shhhhhhh!\" juka shushed harshly, pressing her finger down harder. ricky's face was turning red as he looked around, luckily everyone was busy dancing.\n\n\"okay, bye bye.\" juka cooed and pulled her finger off before running away to the stairs.\n\nricky was speechless at how juka was. he had never seen her like that, but he had to admit.\n\nit was kind of cute and hot.\n\nhe looked at the direction she went and quickly followed her up the stairs. he finally caught on to her and saw her stumble into a random room.\n\nricky slowly followed her, but tripped, making him jump a little to maintain balance. he had totally forgotten he was also drunk.\n\nsuddenly juka came out again and without a question, grabbed ricky by the collar and pulled him in the room.\n\n\"what-\" \"i said shhhhhhh!\" juka exclaimed, jumping on the bed. \"juka, what are you doing?\" the light brunette sat up and crossed her legs on the bed.\n\n\"i wanna hook up.\" ricky almost choked on his own spit. \"what?!\" juka waved him off. \" not with you, ew. i meant with someone else.\" ricky shook his head and slowly sat in a chair that was across the bed.\n\n\"okay, but why are you telling me this? why not tell nini?\" he asked, the girl shook her head and patted on a spot next to her on the bed as gesture for ricky to sit with her.\n\nbecause of this, he eyed her suspiciously. \"oh, just sit!\" he scoffed in disbelief yet did what juka asked. she smiled at him as he sat down.\n\n\"okay now what?\" \n\njuka snorted. \"i don't know.\"\n\nricky was staring at the laughing girl in disbelief. she had so much energy for someone who had a dozen of alcohol in her system.\n\n\"I'm a virgin.\" ricky almost fell of the bed at the sudden reveal. \"w-what?\"\n\n\"i want to get over it.\" ricky raise his eyebrow. \"i just don't want it to be special. it's not like I'm gonna graduate school or something.\" the girl poured out, getting a little serious.\n\n\"i feel so...ugly.\" ricky's face softened at her words. \"hey...you're not ugly.\" he tried to comfort her, tears welled up in juka's eyes and she looked away from ricky. \"yes, I am.\" she scoffed, shaking her hands.\n\n\"it feels there's this weight on my back. and i just think if i have sex...\" she trailed off, looking down at her lap. ricky sighed and hesitatingly placed his larger hands on hers. \"i'd feel pretty, you know?\" juka finished, swallowing down her tears. ricky scooted closer, \"hey, hey, hey..\"\n\nhe boldly cupped her cheek with his hand, turning her face to his. \"you're extremely pretty. more than any of the girls in east high- hell, even in salt lake.\" juka laughed, making ricky smile. \"and your smile, your eyes, your hair, your laugh,\" ricky was getting closer to her, so close that the two could feel each other's hot breath against each other.\n\nricky's eyes adverted to juka's lips as she did the same to his. \"your lips,\" the next thing they knew, their lips were against each other's.\n\njuka surprised ricky and herself by kissing back as he caressed her cheek. their eyes fluttered shut, ignoring their inner voices telling them to stop, saying that they were both drunk. \n\nthe kiss started to get heated as ricky licked juka's bottom lip, opening her mouth so he could enter his tongue. a sinful sound escaped her lips as he kept kissing her roughly. his hands slowly went down to her waist, tugging on it. she wasted no second and straddled him, pushing him back, their lips still connected.\n\nricky's hand grabbed the back of juka's neck, pulling her down so her lips were more pressed up against his. he let out a groan as she slowly grinded on him. she sucked harder on his bottom lip, making him let out a moan. juka felt her panties getting damp from his moaning as she grinded more on him.\n\nricky left kissing down her jaw then down to her neck. \"your neck,\" he mumbled against her skin, before sucking on it. juka moaned again. ricky grazed his teeth against her skin, making her gasp. he left love bites down her neck and to her chest.\n\njuka quickly pulled away from ricky, pulling the dress she wore off of her. ricky's pants tightened at the sight of her. her bra was a rainbow pattern with a yarn type fabric. it exposed more of her valley between her breasts and the jewelry hanging around her neck that only made her ten times hotter.\n\n\"fuck.\" he let out, grabbing her face and smashing his lips into hers. she giggled into the kiss, placing her hands on his chest. ricky's hand was on her hair bun which he quickly unwrapped, making her hair fall down her shoulder. he trailed his kissing down the valley of her breasts. juka let out another moan as he kissed it, she pulled his shirt over his head and threw across the room. ricky slowly pulled down her bra straps, making her shoulders bare.\n\nhe pulled away from her breasts and watched juka as she held the bra with her arm, she slowly let it go, maintaining eye contact with boy under her.\n\nthere it was. her breasts. ricky widened his eyes as his cheeks flushed. juka giggled at his reaction and threw the bra. ricky smiled again and attacked her neck with more kisses.\n\njuka quickly unbuckled his pants, ricky pulled down the pants and threw them away. juka played with his waistband as ricky kissed her chest again, but this time he kissed around her nipple, making them erected as she moaned again.\n\nricky grabbed her breast and licked her nipple, making juka gasp. she quickly pulled down her shorts as it revealed her wet panties. ricky groaned as her wet panties touched his boxers. \n\nas ricky kissed her right breast, he massaged the other, making juka a moaning mess. he sucked on her nipple, making her shiver as goosebumps formed all over her body. ricky let go of her left breast and pulled down her panties as she did the same to the boxers. \n\nhis cock sprung out, making her bit her lip. ricky went to her collarbone and sucked on it, grazing his teeth like before.\n\n\"r-ricky.\" she moaned, ricky hummed in response and grabbed her waist. she positioned herself on him and made him groan as she moved up. he flipped them and was now on top of juka, making her let out a loud moan.\n\nricky slowly thrusted in her, making juka arch her back. \"f-fuck.\" she moaned as ricky continued to pleasure the entire night, forgetting about tomorrow. the two loved every second of it. but the best part for juka was the words that came out of mouth in the middle of it.\n\n\"everything about you is beautiful.\"",
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"content": "warning(s): mentions of sex, underage drinking, smoking, and swearing. all characters are aged up to their senior year.<br /><br />-<br /><br />it was all blur to juka. one moment she was waiting for nini to come back, the next she was dancing in the crowd of hormonal teenagers with euphoria taking over her brain.<br /><br />she had seen nini dancing with ej, but hadn't seen her since. she assumed they were somewhere making out since kourtney told her that nini told her to say she was fine. now juka was on the dance floor, jumping up and down to a song she didn't even know.<br /><br />she had lost count of all the cups of vodka she, and random shots she took from the kitchen.<br /><br />\"okay! who is having fun!\" she heard carlos yell, earning cheers from everyone. \"well, who's ready to have more fun with tequila shots!\" juka smiled at the idea, she pushed past everyone and to the kitchen where everyone went.<br /><br />\"any volunteers!\" carlos said, holding a tequila bottle with a smirk. juka raised her hand like a child, jumping up and down. \"oh, me, me, me!\" she repeated, nini cheered for her as she came to the counter.<br /><br />\"okay! juka! how many?\" carlos asked, bringing out shot glasses, earning happy shouts from some people. juka pressed her index finger against her lips and pretended to think for a moment.<br /><br />\"ten!\"<br /><br />\"alright!\"<br /><br />-<br /><br />let's just say ten turned into twenty quite fast. she was drunk, but not as drunk everyone thought she would be.<br /><br />\"any volunteers to challenge the great and mighty juleka!\" ashlyn shouted, no one raised their as they only cheered. juka giggled between her hiccups as she took a random shot.<br /><br />\"me!\"<br /><br />juka squinted her eyes to see the person who came forward, but her vision was far too blurry for her to see that far.<br /><br />\"i need my glasses.\" she slurred, grabbing a pair of sunglasses from kourtney and putting it on. she giggled at it as it was an orange clear color that were heart shaped. <br /><br />a bunch of amused 'oh's filled the room, seeing the person who volunteered. \"whoa! go juka!\" nini slurred, almost stumbling back, luckily ej caught her, the two laughed at each other, but nini's laugh was more louder.<br /><br />\"okay...\" carlos trailed as a drunk ricky bowen came forward. juka scoffed and smirked, pushing her sunglasses back. ricky smiled in amusement, hands in pockets.<br /><br />the two glared at each other yet with smirks on their faces.<br /><br />\"the game is for you guys to drink all twenty shots that i set up each for you and whoever finished their line of shots first, wins.\" ashlyn explained, more shouts and cheers came from the crowd.<br /><br />ricky licked his lips, looking down at his shots. \"ready? set....go!\"<br /><br />everyone was cheering for the two as they quickly swallowed down their shots. juka stopped for a moment as she stumbled back, but ashlyn caught her back. ricky smirked at this as he drank his fifteenth shot. juka groaned in frustration and chugged her thirteenth shot.<br /><br />everyone was absorbed in the competition while the two exchanged glares every ten seconds. <br /><br />juka looked like she was about to as she sped up really and was now on her eighteenth shot, but suddenly she knocked her twentieth shot down, making everyone gasp and ricky smile.<br /><br />the two shared eye contact before looking down at ricky's twentieth shot. they both widened their eyes, knowing what the other was going to do.<br /><br />ricky quickly chugged his nineteenth shot and before he could grab the last shot. juka jumped on top of the counter, grabbing it first and chugging it, looking up, not caring about the tequila dripping down her chin.<br /><br />everyone cheered as ricky shut his eyes in defeat while big red patted his back in comfort. \"yes! that's my best friend!\" nini yelled as juka stood on top of the counter cheering. \"she a real bad bitch!\" carlos sang.<br /><br />nini climbed on top of the counter as well and hugged her best friend as they jumped up and down in happiness.<br /><br />\"wait! got off the table, my parents are gonna kill me!\"<br /><br />-<br /><br /><br />",
"to": [
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"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1247840235690250240",
"published": "2021-06-05T09:11:34+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "warning(s): mentions of sex, underage drinking, smoking, and swearing. all characters are aged up to their senior year.\n\n-\n\nit was all blur to juka. one moment she was waiting for nini to come back, the next she was dancing in the crowd of hormonal teenagers with euphoria taking over her brain.\n\nshe had seen nini dancing with ej, but hadn't seen her since. she assumed they were somewhere making out since kourtney told her that nini told her to say she was fine. now juka was on the dance floor, jumping up and down to a song she didn't even know.\n\nshe had lost count of all the cups of vodka she, and random shots she took from the kitchen.\n\n\"okay! who is having fun!\" she heard carlos yell, earning cheers from everyone. \"well, who's ready to have more fun with tequila shots!\" juka smiled at the idea, she pushed past everyone and to the kitchen where everyone went.\n\n\"any volunteers!\" carlos said, holding a tequila bottle with a smirk. juka raised her hand like a child, jumping up and down. \"oh, me, me, me!\" she repeated, nini cheered for her as she came to the counter.\n\n\"okay! juka! how many?\" carlos asked, bringing out shot glasses, earning happy shouts from some people. juka pressed her index finger against her lips and pretended to think for a moment.\n\n\"ten!\"\n\n\"alright!\"\n\n-\n\nlet's just say ten turned into twenty quite fast. she was drunk, but not as drunk everyone thought she would be.\n\n\"any volunteers to challenge the great and mighty juleka!\" ashlyn shouted, no one raised their as they only cheered. juka giggled between her hiccups as she took a random shot.\n\n\"me!\"\n\njuka squinted her eyes to see the person who came forward, but her vision was far too blurry for her to see that far.\n\n\"i need my glasses.\" she slurred, grabbing a pair of sunglasses from kourtney and putting it on. she giggled at it as it was an orange clear color that were heart shaped. \n\na bunch of amused 'oh's filled the room, seeing the person who volunteered. \"whoa! go juka!\" nini slurred, almost stumbling back, luckily ej caught her, the two laughed at each other, but nini's laugh was more louder.\n\n\"okay...\" carlos trailed as a drunk ricky bowen came forward. juka scoffed and smirked, pushing her sunglasses back. ricky smiled in amusement, hands in pockets.\n\nthe two glared at each other yet with smirks on their faces.\n\n\"the game is for you guys to drink all twenty shots that i set up each for you and whoever finished their line of shots first, wins.\" ashlyn explained, more shouts and cheers came from the crowd.\n\nricky licked his lips, looking down at his shots. \"ready? set....go!\"\n\neveryone was cheering for the two as they quickly swallowed down their shots. juka stopped for a moment as she stumbled back, but ashlyn caught her back. ricky smirked at this as he drank his fifteenth shot. juka groaned in frustration and chugged her thirteenth shot.\n\neveryone was absorbed in the competition while the two exchanged glares every ten seconds. \n\njuka looked like she was about to as she sped up really and was now on her eighteenth shot, but suddenly she knocked her twentieth shot down, making everyone gasp and ricky smile.\n\nthe two shared eye contact before looking down at ricky's twentieth shot. they both widened their eyes, knowing what the other was going to do.\n\nricky quickly chugged his nineteenth shot and before he could grab the last shot. juka jumped on top of the counter, grabbing it first and chugging it, looking up, not caring about the tequila dripping down her chin.\n\neveryone cheered as ricky shut his eyes in defeat while big red patted his back in comfort. \"yes! that's my best friend!\" nini yelled as juka stood on top of the counter cheering. \"she a real bad bitch!\" carlos sang.\n\nnini climbed on top of the counter as well and hugged her best friend as they jumped up and down in happiness.\n\n\"wait! got off the table, my parents are gonna kill me!\"\n\n-\n\n\n",
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"content": "warning(s): mentions of sex, underage drinking, smoking, and swearing. all characters are aged up to their senior year.<br /><br />-<br /><br />it was rare if nini and her best friend, juka came to a party. the two had so much common, their dreams of being on Broadway, theater, musicals, etc. <br /><br />nini and juka were the bestest of best friends in east high.<br /><br />but the one juka did not like about nini, was her boyfriend, ricky. she had always a certain hatred for him and because of this so ricky. the two would bicker every time they were in the same room, and it was no secret to every in salt lake that they absolutely hated each other.<br /><br />so when nini and ricky broke up, juka felt relieved and actually happy, but she didn't want to admit that to nini.<br /><br />the party was being held at carlos' house so the two thought that it would be okay to come since they weren't fans of high school parties, but they were certainly wrong and certainly forgot how much of a party person carlos was.<br /><br />\"ugh, God, it's so loud.\" nini said, laughing a little as juka giggled. \"should've known carlos tricked us.\" the light brunette said, nini nodding.<br /><br />\"calm party, my ass.\" nini muttered, sipping on her cola she managed to found amongst all the alcohol.<br /><br />\"but i think its good for us.\" juka said, nini furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the taller girl. \"what? we need toe xpand our fun zone.\" nini shook her head and sipped on her cola again.<br /><br />\"hey, juka, can i have some of your sprite?\" nini asked all the sudden, grabbing the red solo cup from juka's hand, making her widened her eyes. \"wait-\" nini scrunched her nose as the bitter alcohol went down her throat.<br /><br />she grimaced, handing back the cup to juka. \"juka! you're drinking vodka?!\" the light brunette shut her eyes in embarrassment.<br /><br />\"i'm sorry, nini, carlos was telling how it would make me feel loose and happy-\" \"you mean drunk?\" the two stared at each other as the loud music filled the gap. suddenly they started to burst into laughter for no reason.<br /><br />\"juka!\" \"nini!\" the two laughed out, juka was definitely drunk as nini was just a giggler. \"okay, if you're drinking, i'm gonna get some for myself.\" nini said, juka nodded, still laughing and clutching her stomach. clueless to the mess she was going get in with non other than ricky bowen.",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1247831988146241536",
"published": "2021-06-05T08:38:48+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "warning(s): mentions of sex, underage drinking, smoking, and swearing. all characters are aged up to their senior year.\n\n-\n\nit was rare if nini and her best friend, juka came to a party. the two had so much common, their dreams of being on Broadway, theater, musicals, etc. \n\nnini and juka were the bestest of best friends in east high.\n\nbut the one juka did not like about nini, was her boyfriend, ricky. she had always a certain hatred for him and because of this so ricky. the two would bicker every time they were in the same room, and it was no secret to every in salt lake that they absolutely hated each other.\n\nso when nini and ricky broke up, juka felt relieved and actually happy, but she didn't want to admit that to nini.\n\nthe party was being held at carlos' house so the two thought that it would be okay to come since they weren't fans of high school parties, but they were certainly wrong and certainly forgot how much of a party person carlos was.\n\n\"ugh, God, it's so loud.\" nini said, laughing a little as juka giggled. \"should've known carlos tricked us.\" the light brunette said, nini nodding.\n\n\"calm party, my ass.\" nini muttered, sipping on her cola she managed to found amongst all the alcohol.\n\n\"but i think its good for us.\" juka said, nini furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the taller girl. \"what? we need toe xpand our fun zone.\" nini shook her head and sipped on her cola again.\n\n\"hey, juka, can i have some of your sprite?\" nini asked all the sudden, grabbing the red solo cup from juka's hand, making her widened her eyes. \"wait-\" nini scrunched her nose as the bitter alcohol went down her throat.\n\nshe grimaced, handing back the cup to juka. \"juka! you're drinking vodka?!\" the light brunette shut her eyes in embarrassment.\n\n\"i'm sorry, nini, carlos was telling how it would make me feel loose and happy-\" \"you mean drunk?\" the two stared at each other as the loud music filled the gap. suddenly they started to burst into laughter for no reason.\n\n\"juka!\" \"nini!\" the two laughed out, juka was definitely drunk as nini was just a giggler. \"okay, if you're drinking, i'm gonna get some for myself.\" nini said, juka nodded, still laughing and clutching her stomach. clueless to the mess she was going get in with non other than ricky bowen.",
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"content": "𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒎𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒍𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓<br /><br />warning(s): spoilers for stranger things season 3. there's swearing as well and this isn't a reader x Mike wheeler, this is a fem!oc x mike actually so. if you don't know, im releasing posts about my oc's so you know most of them and their backstory! chandler's isn't out there yet though<br /><br />-<br /><br />chandler rubbed her hands together as she walked in the empty room. she sighed, looking at her room all packed up. ready for to leave hawkins.<br /><br />chandler shook her head, feeling the emotions coming to her. she didn't want to cry today, she had already cried for the past three months, she couldn't have a tear fall out. not now.<br /><br />chandler walked towards to a box labeled 'toys', she let out a small laugh as she read it. she placed her hands on the box, opening it to see what was inside.<br /><br />she felt tears come to her eyes as soon as she saw the first thing in the box. chandler smiled though, she stared at it, not knowing if she should pick it up.<br /><br />\"hey.\" the girl whipped her head to her door and saw mike. she sadly smiled at me and removed her hands from the box, stepping forward. \"hey.\" she said, mike smiled at her and walked towards the brunette.<br /><br />\"so, is it just me or-\" \"It seems smaller? yeah, not you.\" chandler said, mike let out a laugh, nodding. \"i guess, all of the stuff made it big or wider.\" chandler said, pointing at the wall awkwardly.<br /><br />she didn't really know what to say. here she was, talking to the boy she has had a crush on for almost four years, yet she hadn't confessed to him. there were so many times she wanted, especially this year. but she never said it, what's worse the crush was turning into something else. she hated it. but if only she was aware of mike's feelings all these years, and especially this year.<br /><br />\"uh, so, your powers..\" mike blurted out, making chandler swallow thickly. \"yeah that. i haven't really figure it all out...\" She said nervously. it was unexpected really. sure, she had a lot of crazy and bizarre things happen to her, but weirdly the last thing she ever expected was that she would get powers.<br /><br />\"you'll get it, chan. i'm sure, you will.\" chandler smiled at the words and nodding, ripping her eyes away from mike. \"thanks...\" she said, mike looked around as he tapped it foot on the floor impatiently. he didn't know what to do with these newfound feelings for chandler, well they were definitely not newfound.<br /><br />\"uh, i should probably help with aunt joyce and my mom.\" chandler stated, mike snapped out of thoughts and nodded intensely. \"uh, yeah, yeah, go ahead.\" he stammered, chandler gave mike a short smile, hesitantly walking past him.<br /><br />mike shut his eyes in frustration. he hated the other part of him that wanted to keep his feelings a secret, but still, that was him thinking and wanting that.<br /><br />\"uh, mike?\" <br /><br />the boy quickly turned around. chandler looked at her fingers as she fiddled with them. \"so, remember t-that day at, uh, hopper's cabin?\" she blurted out, mike furrowed eyebrows, clueless. \"i don't quite follow.\"<br /><br />\"that day. when i was with el. well, you thought i was with her, but, um, i uh...\" chandler was starting to lose words, making her mad at herself as mike grew more confused.<br /><br />\"y-you said that you, um....l-loved me.\"<br /><br />mike widened his eyes as realization hit him. he panicked. <br /><br />\"oh yeah! about that. uh, i- uh...we were saying things we didn't mean and- not that i don't love you! i mean i don't, well not in a- a more than friendly way- well actually yes in a more than-\" mike rambled on, making chandler smile. <br /><br />she slowly walked over to him as he kept talking. \"mike.\" she said, \"y-yes?\" <br /><br />\"you know i think it's best if you just shut up and kiss.\" the next thing mike knew, chandler's lips were on his. he widened his eyes at this, frozen. but he slowly placed his hands on chandler's cheeks, cupping them and kissing her back. she smiled into the kiss as her eyes filled with tears. this was all she ever wanted.<br /><br />she loved the way their lips molded together perfectly, the way he caressed her cheeks softly, the way her heart swelled up, the way her eyes were shut along with his.<br /><br />he loved it as well.<br /><br />and chandler was going to remember this all too well.",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1247824750849523712",
"published": "2021-06-05T08:10:02+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒎𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒍𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓\n\nwarning(s): spoilers for stranger things season 3. there's swearing as well and this isn't a reader x Mike wheeler, this is a fem!oc x mike actually so. if you don't know, im releasing posts about my oc's so you know most of them and their backstory! chandler's isn't out there yet though\n\n-\n\nchandler rubbed her hands together as she walked in the empty room. she sighed, looking at her room all packed up. ready for to leave hawkins.\n\nchandler shook her head, feeling the emotions coming to her. she didn't want to cry today, she had already cried for the past three months, she couldn't have a tear fall out. not now.\n\nchandler walked towards to a box labeled 'toys', she let out a small laugh as she read it. she placed her hands on the box, opening it to see what was inside.\n\nshe felt tears come to her eyes as soon as she saw the first thing in the box. chandler smiled though, she stared at it, not knowing if she should pick it up.\n\n\"hey.\" the girl whipped her head to her door and saw mike. she sadly smiled at me and removed her hands from the box, stepping forward. \"hey.\" she said, mike smiled at her and walked towards the brunette.\n\n\"so, is it just me or-\" \"It seems smaller? yeah, not you.\" chandler said, mike let out a laugh, nodding. \"i guess, all of the stuff made it big or wider.\" chandler said, pointing at the wall awkwardly.\n\nshe didn't really know what to say. here she was, talking to the boy she has had a crush on for almost four years, yet she hadn't confessed to him. there were so many times she wanted, especially this year. but she never said it, what's worse the crush was turning into something else. she hated it. but if only she was aware of mike's feelings all these years, and especially this year.\n\n\"uh, so, your powers..\" mike blurted out, making chandler swallow thickly. \"yeah that. i haven't really figure it all out...\" She said nervously. it was unexpected really. sure, she had a lot of crazy and bizarre things happen to her, but weirdly the last thing she ever expected was that she would get powers.\n\n\"you'll get it, chan. i'm sure, you will.\" chandler smiled at the words and nodding, ripping her eyes away from mike. \"thanks...\" she said, mike looked around as he tapped it foot on the floor impatiently. he didn't know what to do with these newfound feelings for chandler, well they were definitely not newfound.\n\n\"uh, i should probably help with aunt joyce and my mom.\" chandler stated, mike snapped out of thoughts and nodded intensely. \"uh, yeah, yeah, go ahead.\" he stammered, chandler gave mike a short smile, hesitantly walking past him.\n\nmike shut his eyes in frustration. he hated the other part of him that wanted to keep his feelings a secret, but still, that was him thinking and wanting that.\n\n\"uh, mike?\" \n\nthe boy quickly turned around. chandler looked at her fingers as she fiddled with them. \"so, remember t-that day at, uh, hopper's cabin?\" she blurted out, mike furrowed eyebrows, clueless. \"i don't quite follow.\"\n\n\"that day. when i was with el. well, you thought i was with her, but, um, i uh...\" chandler was starting to lose words, making her mad at herself as mike grew more confused.\n\n\"y-you said that you, um....l-loved me.\"\n\nmike widened his eyes as realization hit him. he panicked. \n\n\"oh yeah! about that. uh, i- uh...we were saying things we didn't mean and- not that i don't love you! i mean i don't, well not in a- a more than friendly way- well actually yes in a more than-\" mike rambled on, making chandler smile. \n\nshe slowly walked over to him as he kept talking. \"mike.\" she said, \"y-yes?\" \n\n\"you know i think it's best if you just shut up and kiss.\" the next thing mike knew, chandler's lips were on his. he widened his eyes at this, frozen. but he slowly placed his hands on chandler's cheeks, cupping them and kissing her back. she smiled into the kiss as her eyes filled with tears. this was all she ever wanted.\n\nshe loved the way their lips molded together perfectly, the way he caressed her cheeks softly, the way her heart swelled up, the way her eyes were shut along with his.\n\nhe loved it as well.\n\nand chandler was going to remember this all too well.",
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"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1207560384429432848/entities/urn:activity:1247464143914999808",
"attributedTo": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1207560384429432848",
"content": "• 228 282 3747 CHANGED 818 780 24880 TO joshy 🤠 •<br /><br />228 282 3747: heyo<br /><br />joshy 🤠: that's what u say after not replying for two weeks?<br /><br />228 282 3747: excuse me?<br /><br />228 282 3747: weren't u the one who ignored me first besides surprisely i have a life :)<br /><br />joshy 🤠: how old r u?<br /><br />228 282 3747: 60 :)<br /><br />joshy 🤠: im serious, i wanna know <br /><br />228 282 3747: why so curious now? u interested in me 👀<br /><br />joshy 🤠: im not INTERESTED in you, i have a girlfriend<br /><br />joshy 🤠: well sort of<br /><br />joshy 🤠: its complicated<br /><br />228 282 3747: oooOoo spicy.<br /><br />228 282 3747: tell me more joshy boy<br /><br />joshy 🤠: im telling u my love life 😃<br /><br />228 282 3747: 🥲<br /><br />joshy 🤠: sorry<br /><br />228 282 3747: are you really?<br /><br />joshy 🤠: nope<br /><br />228 282 3747: whatever. <br /><br />228 282 3747: whats my contact under?<br /><br />joshy 🤠: what?<br /><br />228 282 3747: my name in ur phone<br /><br />joshy 🤠: 228 282 3747<br /><br />228 282 3747: what-<br /><br />228 282 3747: I changed urs to joshy 🤠<br /><br />joshy 🤠: why the cowboy hat?<br /><br />228 282 3747: just bcuz<br /><br />228 282 3747: CHANGE TO SOMETHING MEANINGFUL<br /><br />228 282 3747: OR THIS RELATIONSHIP IS OVER<br /><br />joshy 🤠: whoopee<br /><br />228 282 3747: ugh.<br /><br />228 282 3747: pls?<br /><br />• joshy 🤠 CHANGED 228 282 3747 TO jade. •<br /><br />joshy 🤠: done.<br /><br />jade. : OOOO WHAT IS IT?<br /><br />joshy 🤠: jade.<br /><br />jade. : .....<br /><br />jade. : I never thought i could someone so much without meeting them.<br /><br />joshy 🤠: i barely know you<br /><br />jade. : same here but i gave u an emoji :(<br /><br />joshy 🤠: thank u even tho i didn't ask<br /><br />jade. : bitch<br /><br />joshy 🤠: psycho<br /><br />jade. : send me a pic of u<br /><br />joshy 🤠: why?<br /><br />jade. : so i can print it and nail to my mother's dart target 💅<br /><br />joshy 🤠: no.<br /><br />jade. : once again, <br /><br />jade. : bitch<br /><br />joshy 🤠: psycho<br /><br />jade. : holy shit, my teacher almost saw me texting u 😳<br /><br />joshy 🤠: ur in school?<br /><br />jade. : college. <br /><br />jade. : it sucks right?<br /><br />joshy 🤠: wouldnt know, im not in college<br /><br />jade. : why?<br /><br />joshy 🤠: work.<br /><br />jade. : well ur lucky<br /><br />jade. : it's boring as fuck<br /><br />jade. : [ photo above ] Mr. titter ain't got shit on me-<br /><br />joshy 🤠: WIAT WHUT?!<br /><br />joshy 🤠: UR TEACHERS NAME IS MR. TITTER?<br /><br />jade. : I KNOW RIGHT<br /><br />jade. : can never call him that with straight face so mostly everyone in class calls him sir<br /><br />joshy 🤠: smart move<br /><br />jade. : it was my friends Catherine's idea<br /><br />joshy 🤠: she's smart<br /><br />jade. : i know that's why I'm friends with her<br /><br />joshy 🤠: you dyed ur hair black?<br /><br />jade. : aw you noticed?<br /><br />joshy 🤠: its pretty obvious<br /><br />jade. : but stilllll<br /><br />jade. : I'm heartwarmed<br /><br />joshy 🤠: 🙄<br /><br />joshy 🤠: whyd u dyed it black?<br /><br />jade. : just bcuz :)<br /><br />joshy 🤠: oh shit I gotta go<br /><br />jade. : aww<br /><br />jade.: I'll miss u pal<br /><br />joshy 🤠: thanks for texting me<br /><br />jade. : 💗",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1247464143914999808",
"published": "2021-06-04T08:17:07+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "• 228 282 3747 CHANGED 818 780 24880 TO joshy 🤠 •\n\n228 282 3747: heyo\n\njoshy 🤠: that's what u say after not replying for two weeks?\n\n228 282 3747: excuse me?\n\n228 282 3747: weren't u the one who ignored me first besides surprisely i have a life :)\n\njoshy 🤠: how old r u?\n\n228 282 3747: 60 :)\n\njoshy 🤠: im serious, i wanna know \n\n228 282 3747: why so curious now? u interested in me 👀\n\njoshy 🤠: im not INTERESTED in you, i have a girlfriend\n\njoshy 🤠: well sort of\n\njoshy 🤠: its complicated\n\n228 282 3747: oooOoo spicy.\n\n228 282 3747: tell me more joshy boy\n\njoshy 🤠: im telling u my love life 😃\n\n228 282 3747: 🥲\n\njoshy 🤠: sorry\n\n228 282 3747: are you really?\n\njoshy 🤠: nope\n\n228 282 3747: whatever. \n\n228 282 3747: whats my contact under?\n\njoshy 🤠: what?\n\n228 282 3747: my name in ur phone\n\njoshy 🤠: 228 282 3747\n\n228 282 3747: what-\n\n228 282 3747: I changed urs to joshy 🤠\n\njoshy 🤠: why the cowboy hat?\n\n228 282 3747: just bcuz\n\n228 282 3747: CHANGE TO SOMETHING MEANINGFUL\n\n228 282 3747: OR THIS RELATIONSHIP IS OVER\n\njoshy 🤠: whoopee\n\n228 282 3747: ugh.\n\n228 282 3747: pls?\n\n• joshy 🤠 CHANGED 228 282 3747 TO jade. •\n\njoshy 🤠: done.\n\njade. : OOOO WHAT IS IT?\n\njoshy 🤠: jade.\n\njade. : .....\n\njade. : I never thought i could someone so much without meeting them.\n\njoshy 🤠: i barely know you\n\njade. : same here but i gave u an emoji :(\n\njoshy 🤠: thank u even tho i didn't ask\n\njade. : bitch\n\njoshy 🤠: psycho\n\njade. : send me a pic of u\n\njoshy 🤠: why?\n\njade. : so i can print it and nail to my mother's dart target 💅\n\njoshy 🤠: no.\n\njade. : once again, \n\njade. : bitch\n\njoshy 🤠: psycho\n\njade. : holy shit, my teacher almost saw me texting u 😳\n\njoshy 🤠: ur in school?\n\njade. : college. \n\njade. : it sucks right?\n\njoshy 🤠: wouldnt know, im not in college\n\njade. : why?\n\njoshy 🤠: work.\n\njade. : well ur lucky\n\njade. : it's boring as fuck\n\njade. : [ photo above ] Mr. titter ain't got shit on me-\n\njoshy 🤠: WIAT WHUT?!\n\njoshy 🤠: UR TEACHERS NAME IS MR. TITTER?\n\njade. : I KNOW RIGHT\n\njade. : can never call him that with straight face so mostly everyone in class calls him sir\n\njoshy 🤠: smart move\n\njade. : it was my friends Catherine's idea\n\njoshy 🤠: she's smart\n\njade. : i know that's why I'm friends with her\n\njoshy 🤠: you dyed ur hair black?\n\njade. : aw you noticed?\n\njoshy 🤠: its pretty obvious\n\njade. : but stilllll\n\njade. : I'm heartwarmed\n\njoshy 🤠: 🙄\n\njoshy 🤠: whyd u dyed it black?\n\njade. : just bcuz :)\n\njoshy 🤠: oh shit I gotta go\n\njade. : aww\n\njade.: I'll miss u pal\n\njoshy 🤠: thanks for texting me\n\njade. : 💗",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1207560384429432848/entities/urn:activity:1247464143914999808/activity"
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1207560384429432848/outbox",
"partOf": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1207560384429432848/outboxoutbox"