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{ "@context": "", "type": "OrderedCollectionPage", "orderedItems": [ { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "Check my online store here 🙏👇<br /><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2024-05-14T10:57:06+00:00", "source": { "content": "Check my online store here 🙏👇\n\n", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Announce", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2023-12-25T20:21:44+00:00", "attachment": [ { "type": "Document", "url": "", "mediaType": "image/jpeg", "height": 816, "width": 828 } ], "source": { "content": "", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "", "" ] }, { "type": "Announce", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "➝ Align Our Compass and Care for Truth: The Great Work. 🔑<br />We can end the creation of evil, and escape from the hamster wheel of self-inflicted suffering to create True Freedom and Peace. The choice is ours. The Great Work is a term to refer to the responsibility of standing for and serving truth in life, and most importantly the Moral Truth.<br /><br />The Great Work for the “Living” (Higher Consciousness Living)<br /><br />What do we care about? Do we really care for truth? How important is truth in our lives? Do we compromise the truth about reality? Do we stand for moral truth? What path in life are we walking? Which way are we headed? What compass are we using in life? Does our compass lead us towards (or away from), what is better, realer, more just, and a more moral and truer way of life? Do we have our compass set on the compassion to act towards bearing the moral truth and the good?<br /><br />Care symbolize the generative, creative principle, the waters of life, life in nature, fertility, birth, growth, evolution. What we care for motivates and drives us in certain directions and ways of living. We have free will choice to choose what we do to generate our actions.<br /><br />What we care for in life that drives us to act, can be based in truth, but it can also be based in falsity. Caring for moral truth is extremely important. Truth is Love, Love is Truth.<br /><br />➝ Knowledge, Grammar, Input, Stimulus (Trivium Method – Step 1)<br /><br />➝ Truth Type 1 – What is the actual current condition?<br /><br />Truth Type 1 is a grouping concept as a universal category to represent things as they are,what is. The “Truth” is a concept to symbolize reality, existence and the universe. Whatever is, is. Whatever was, was. Whatever will be, will be. Once something has happened as an effect in reality, it is, or was, and can’t be undone. We can’t change what has already happened. The present becomes the past as soon as it happened. Only the future holds the power to create new action and change that we manifest into the present. The future becomes the present, based on causal factors that lead to things happening. One of these causal factors is consciousness that can create, manifest and generate effects into existence.<br /><br />“Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.” -George Orwell<br /><br />➝ Seek Truth – The Great Work Level 1<br /><br />We need to seek out, desire and care to learn the truth about our current condition, the truth as things are. Both positive and negative, beauty and horror, light and dark, moral and immoral. We must have the courage to face the darkness, demon, shadow, negative, immoral and evil in the world and within ourselves. This is the basic Truth Type 1, of all the right and wrong, truth and falsity, in the existing manifested, generated and created reality that is before us.<br /><br />We have to doubt what we have been taught to accept about our way of life. We have to question how we live. We have to be curious enough to want to do these things and learn all our lives. Life is learning.<br /><br />This is how we gain knowledge of existence and become empowered to do something about our current condition. If you don’t actively seek to understand, then you only tacitly receive the information that is being presented to you.<br /><br />➝ 3) Understanding, Logic, Processing, Thinking (Trivium Method – Step 2)<br /><br />With all the information collected, we need to process, filter and sort it all out. To discern truth from falsity, and determine what information is accurate, correct and valid, and what is inaccurate, incorrect and invalid. This requires diagnosis, evaluation, discernment and judgment. We can return to gain more knowledge, correct our understanding, and keep learning more about reality in a feedback process between our consciousness and existence. From gaining understanding to gathering more knowledge and gaining more understanding, over and over. As long as we care for truth and seek to continue to learn, we will always be able to learn more and refine our thinking, refine our understanding, and refine ourselves.<br /><br />➝ Embrace & Accept Truth – The Great Work Level 2<br /><br />Once we figure out what is true from false, right from wrong, good from evil, moral from immoral, we need to accept this truth about our reality, and not reject it. We can’t be engaging in positivity-masks and wearing rosy-colored glasses to ignore, deny, reject, deflect or dismiss what is currently happening in our world, and in ourselves.<br /><br />Acceptance is required. Truth Type 1, the actual truth of our current condition, is now understood. It’s possible to input data about reality, process it, yet reject it because we don’t want to accept it for what it is.<br /><br />➝ 4) Wisdom, Rhetoric, Output, Response (Trivium Method – Step 3)<br /><br />To Know-Thyself is part of philosophy, which is philo-sophia, the “love of wisdom”. Wisdom is not simply knowledge or understanding, but acting on that understanding and living a certain way based on Moral Truth, the path and way of living as a truer, realer, higher version of yourself. Philosophy, the love of wisdom, is the love of right-action.<br /><br />➝ Truth Type 2 – What is the potential moral path & way we should be living?<br /><br />➝ Truth Type 2 is the Moral Truth/Law/”Love”.<br /><br />“Love”, in a higher sense, not the romantic or other emotional sense, is the devotion and dedication to Moral Truth/Law because one realizes and recognizes the supreme value and importance of truth to determine and quality and condition of our lives. The Moral Truth/Law is an ideal that will determine what direction we should be heading in, what we should do and create into reality with our actions. If we Care for Truth, we can actualize, realize and individuate ourselves into living in truth.<br /><br />➝ Embody, Live and Be Truth – The Great Work Level 3<br /><br />We have to want to choose to take in and absorb into into ourselves, our core being, “essence” or “spirit” (i.e. consciousness), the Moral Truth, and reject, negate an expel the falsity being lived. We need to change ourselves, to do some inner-work and transform our mindsets, to embody, live, exemplify and become the Way and Path of Moral Truth. The story of Jesus symbolized the Way and Path of Moral Truth/Law/”Love”, the “light” and “life”.<br /><br />We create good or evil by our moral or immoral actions. The “spirit” in which we do things is based on what we care and desire to do. Caring for Moral Truth is important.<br /><br />It’s up to each of us to change our individual personal condition, and the overall aggregate condition in reality. This is part of our personal responsibility in life, and to truth. Truth contrasts to falsity. Truth divides itself from falsity. Truth is the “sword”, just as the story of Jesus symbolizes in the parable of Matthew 10:34. If you follow and live by the truth, you will be divided from those who reject it and choose to continue to live by falsity.<br /><br />If we only learn, and accept the current condition of reality, but don’t embody within ourselves the path and way of Moral Truth and choose to live by it, then all that knowledge and understanding will not be used to produce action. What we do as we manifest our consciousness through action and behavior, is a part of who we are. Wisdom is doing something with what we know. “Actions speak louder than words.” “You shall you know them by their action.”<br /><br />“To know and not to do, is not to know.” – Wang Yangming<br /><br />This is living up to the potential of who we can be through our actions and behaviors, and creating a better potential reality for ourselves and everyone else. As each of us progresses in degrees of embodying and living up to principles of Moral Truth/Law/”Love”, we become higher, realer and truer versions of ourselves.<br /><br />This is part of answering and developing an understanding of the all-important question: “who am I?”/“who are you?”, to know-thyself.<br /><br />➝ Share, Speak and Preach Truth – The Great Work Level 4<br /><br />Once you seek, learn and have knowledge of the truth of our current condition; understand what is true from false, right from wrong, moral from immoral, and accepted it; have chosen to live by truth and reject the falsity from our way of living; then we can help others do the same process of engaging in the hardest and most uncomfortable work in life – The Great Work.<br /><br />This means we need to share, speak and preach the Moral Truth to others for them to be exposed to the truth, right, morality and good, in contrast to how the world, and possibly themselves, is failing to live up to these principles of Moral Truth. This inherently creates adversity, opposition, conflict and division. Truth is against falsity.<br /><br />Doing this requires that we have even more care, courage and will-power, and not fear the hostility of others who can’t face the mirror of reality and themselves. This is the hard part of having people face the inherent division between what is true from what is false, right from wrong, and seeing how they are supporting or participating in the negative.<br /><br />There is no voice of truth inherent in existence. Truth does not exist in itself. The Moral Truth, what is moral, right and good, requires a voice to speak about it. Those who are currently living, embodying, exemplifying and being aspects of the negative, falsity, immorality or evil, are not likely going to want to face the mirror and see what they are doing. They are conditioned by the current condition of reality. They have been tacitly accepting their way of life as “good” through the illusion of “good”, and all the manipulative mind control word-magic spells cast on their minds. They think what is evil is “good” and what is wrong is “right”, because they don’t objectively know the difference between the two.<br /><br />➝ Apathy for Truth<br /><br />➝ The Work of the “Dead” (Lower “Unconscious” Living)<br /><br />In contrast, if we are apathetic to truth, then we don’t care for truth, and won’t seek it out, accept it, and then live it. We remain in a state of ignorance, willfully ignoring, rejecting and denying the truth in the current condition of reality.<br /><br />We choose to believe whatever we want, desire or wish to believe. We agree to the conditioned stimulus of the standardized and normalized acceptability spectrum for our society and how we live our life. There is no need to learn, be curious, doubt and question things, because we accept it the the illusion of “good” as being valid, normal, natural or necessary. This is the wrong kind of acceptance, tacitly accepting the current condition and talking about the same things, not really deeply thinking, not critical thinking about the current condition and seeing what is wrong with it.<br /><br />This leads to a lack of understanding, a misconception and confusion of reality, living in falsity and illusions, and ultimately being fooled whereby we accept falsity over truth because we don’t actually care for truth nor realize the importance of truth in life.<br /><br />As a result of being fooled by lies, falsity, deception and manipulation, we act foolishly and continue to engage in wrong-actions, even without knowing it. We support and participate in some form of creating wrong into the world because we remain ignorant that it’s even wrong. We may even deny it’s wrong, because we are too attached to it as the current condition that we have been conditioned into accepting uncritically. We accept what is being done as needing to continue, because that’s how it has been done. We validate it through ancestor fallacies.<br /><br />This prevents us from changing our ways, to instead do the right-action, since we can’t even recognize and realize we are doing a wrong-action. We are made impotent, unable to change through learned helplessness, accepting the standard normalization of our current condition and not trying to change it.<br /><br />To be apathetic, ignorant, confused and misconceiving reality and truth, to then act foolishly, means we are a coward and in fear of truth deep down within ourselves, in our consciousness. If we don’t develop True Care, we go nowhere! We are limited in our ability to create true freedom and peace, and it won’t work out in the end because we will be working against what is right, good and true in ignorance of what is right, good and true.<br /><br />➝ The Remedy for Apathy is Care<br /><br />Overall, apathy for truth is to be and remain “unconscious”, “dead”, “asleep”, “sheep”, unawakened and uninitiated. We are “dead” in the coffin or tomb, unconscious to Moral Truth and it’s importance in life, unawakened, asleep. We lack care, not living in greater Care for Moral Truth, so it symbolizes a “deadened” “heart” center, a “deadened” core, “essence”, “spirit” and consciousness.<br /><br />When someone is literally dead, there is no consciousness or action in life, hence the symbolism of being “unconscious”. When someone is asleep, not awake, they are also unconscious an inactive. It’s to be unconscious and inactive relative to being consciously aware of the importance of caring for truth and acting in alignment with truth. Analogy, metaphor and symbolism is used to expressed this understanding of unrealized and unactualized potential to care for, seek, embrace, embody and live up to the Moral Truth as a truer, realer, higher version of ourselves.<br /><br />When we choose to Care for Truth, and specifically Moral Truth, we develop a higher consciousness. We become “initiated”, “awake” and aware, where we are “resurrected”, “rebirthed” and “raised” from the “deadened” lower state of consciousness. We rise to a higher, truer and realer consciousness, and are now “alive”, into a “new life”, a “New World”, an “afterlife”, “eternal life” and “immortal life” that is given to us by the “light” of truth in our lives, the divine “Word” of “God”, the Logos, the Good.<br /><br />The underworld is the previously unknown darkness and shadow within us, where we face our demons in the darkness, and we need to use the light of truth to battle these dark forces and put them to death. Then we gain life, are resurrected and rebirthed, regenerated and recreated anew, and reach an after-life/heaven of a new world of being.<br /><br />It’s all symbolism, not literal. This is the journey to the underworld, facing ourselves in the mirror, where we are our own worst enemies, we are our own adversaries, our own opposers, that we finally have the care, courage and willpower to conquer and destroy.<br /><br />➝ The Great Work is to Care<br /><br />It all comes down to Care for Truth to initiate ourselves, and more specifically Moral Truth. To Care for Moral Truth/Law/”Love”, and recognize the ultimate importance of Moral Truth in life to improve our condition and quality of life. Moral Truth is the real capital and currency to pay attention to and spend in life. This is to understand that speaking Truth, although it may hurt some, is not a negative act, but a positive act to help them let go of falsity and better themselves and all our way of life, because Truth is “Love”, and “Love” is Truth.<br /><br />Living this way, in the service and sacrifice to Moral Truth, will create division and conflict, because most people are very attached to their currently conditioned false worldview of reality, and they are very attached to their currently conditioned self-view and self-image that forms their sense of self, their ego-personality-identity construct.<br /><br />They will see the speaking of truth that contradicts the falsity in how they live their life, as an attack on themselves, because they are very attacked to their subjective self-image/self-view, and this self-view, their sense of self is linked to their worldview. If you speak about their false perception of the world, or themselves, in a negative way, the ego-defenses and cognitive biases will be stirred up and attempt to ignore, deny, reject, deflect and dismiss the truth that contradicts to their attachment to falsity.<br /><br />Objective detachment needs to be learned and employed so that people get over their attachment to themselves and be able to face and recognize the truth.<br /><br />Truth is secondary for many, and they don’t stand in Truth. They choose to stand in the maintenance and sustenance of falsity, appearances and illusions, through their ego attachment to themselves, their way of life, and with other people that they don’t want to“offend”, “hurt” or lose a “connection” with. They choose to blindly “ally” or “unite” in falsity, for the sake of attachment and “feeling”. We all know how uncomfortable a conflict can be, and certainly if we get involved and go against someone’s delusions of being “right” when they are wrong, things can get even more inconvenient, uncomfortable and not “feel-good” to us.<br /><br />We either Stand In Truth, Unite in Truth, together, or we are divided in falsity among each other. Only truth can unite. But many of us are left standing alone when there is a conflict. Many people don’t Care for Truth to unite in truth. Many people simply want to “get along” by ignoring the responsibility we have to unite, stand for and uphold what is right, good and true.<br /><br />Once we let go of our attachment to ourselves, our erroneous sense of self, self-views, self-images and worldviews, then we can objectively discern what Moral Truth actually is. This allows us to break free from the cycles of attachment to falsity that keeps us locked into perpetuating our problematic current condition and self-created suffering as a species on this planet.<br /><br />We can end the creation of evil, and escape from the hamster wheel of self-inflicted suffering to create True Freedom and Peace. The choice is ours. The Great Work is a term to refer to the responsibility of standing for and serving truth in life, and most importantly the Moral Truth.<br /><br />The Great Work requires 1) caring for truth, 2) seeking truth, 3) embracing truth, 4) embodying the truth to exemplify and live it, and then 4) to share and speak it to others.<br /><br />That is the only way things are going to change for the better.<br /><br />Truth is not a thing in itself. Truth can’t speak. Truth can only be recognized by consciousness through objective discernment of reality. Those who have gained truth, can help truth disseminate and pervade into other people’s consciousness. This the responsibility and burden to bear the truth, to stand up for truth, to sacrifice for truth by not compromising truth.<br /><br />We have to want to be better, and help others be better. It’s not about letting everyone go on their own “journey” and letting all of this continue for decades and generations to come. That’s not standing and serving what is right, good or true. That is serving excuses and false choices to let falsity and evil persist in the world. That is the apathetic, cowardly, foolish and fearful way to ignore our personal responsibility to the importance of Moral Truth in our lives.<br /><br />The Great Work is the real task, job and work in all our lives, but few want to engage it, because it demands higher personal responsibility and investment in time, energy, effort, dedication, determination and persistence.<br /><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /><br />➝ Tools of Precision Thinking — Trivium Method; True Learning. 🔑 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /><br />The-Great-Work: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />Minds: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />Mewe: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />Substack: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />Gab: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />Librti: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />BTS:Telegram: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />BTS:Mewe: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />BTS:Minds: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /><br /><a href=\";t=all&amp;q=Truth\" title=\"#Truth\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#Truth</a> <a href=\";t=all&amp;q=Knowledge\" title=\"#Knowledge\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#Knowledge</a> <a href=\";t=all&amp;q=NaturalLaw\" title=\"#NaturalLaw\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#NaturalLaw</a> <a href=\";t=all&amp;q=Wisdom\" title=\"#Wisdom\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#Wisdom</a> <a href=\";t=all&amp;q=Freedom\" title=\"#Freedom\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#Freedom</a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2024-03-22T11:09:41+00:00", "attachment": [ { "type": "Document", "url": "", "mediaType": "image/jpeg", "height": 804, "width": 1388 } ], "source": { "content": "➝ Align Our Compass and Care for Truth: The Great Work. 🔑\nWe can end the creation of evil, and escape from the hamster wheel of self-inflicted suffering to create True Freedom and Peace. The choice is ours. The Great Work is a term to refer to the responsibility of standing for and serving truth in life, and most importantly the Moral Truth.\n\nThe Great Work for the “Living” (Higher Consciousness Living)\n\nWhat do we care about? Do we really care for truth? How important is truth in our lives? Do we compromise the truth about reality? Do we stand for moral truth? What path in life are we walking? Which way are we headed? What compass are we using in life? Does our compass lead us towards (or away from), what is better, realer, more just, and a more moral and truer way of life? Do we have our compass set on the compassion to act towards bearing the moral truth and the good?\n\nCare symbolize the generative, creative principle, the waters of life, life in nature, fertility, birth, growth, evolution. What we care for motivates and drives us in certain directions and ways of living. We have free will choice to choose what we do to generate our actions.\n\nWhat we care for in life that drives us to act, can be based in truth, but it can also be based in falsity. Caring for moral truth is extremely important. Truth is Love, Love is Truth.\n\n➝ Knowledge, Grammar, Input, Stimulus (Trivium Method – Step 1)\n\n➝ Truth Type 1 – What is the actual current condition?\n\nTruth Type 1 is a grouping concept as a universal category to represent things as they are,what is. The “Truth” is a concept to symbolize reality, existence and the universe. Whatever is, is. Whatever was, was. Whatever will be, will be. Once something has happened as an effect in reality, it is, or was, and can’t be undone. We can’t change what has already happened. The present becomes the past as soon as it happened. Only the future holds the power to create new action and change that we manifest into the present. The future becomes the present, based on causal factors that lead to things happening. One of these causal factors is consciousness that can create, manifest and generate effects into existence.\n\n“Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.” -George Orwell\n\n➝ Seek Truth – The Great Work Level 1\n\nWe need to seek out, desire and care to learn the truth about our current condition, the truth as things are. Both positive and negative, beauty and horror, light and dark, moral and immoral. We must have the courage to face the darkness, demon, shadow, negative, immoral and evil in the world and within ourselves. This is the basic Truth Type 1, of all the right and wrong, truth and falsity, in the existing manifested, generated and created reality that is before us.\n\nWe have to doubt what we have been taught to accept about our way of life. We have to question how we live. We have to be curious enough to want to do these things and learn all our lives. Life is learning.\n\nThis is how we gain knowledge of existence and become empowered to do something about our current condition. If you don’t actively seek to understand, then you only tacitly receive the information that is being presented to you.\n\n➝ 3) Understanding, Logic, Processing, Thinking (Trivium Method – Step 2)\n\nWith all the information collected, we need to process, filter and sort it all out. To discern truth from falsity, and determine what information is accurate, correct and valid, and what is inaccurate, incorrect and invalid. This requires diagnosis, evaluation, discernment and judgment. We can return to gain more knowledge, correct our understanding, and keep learning more about reality in a feedback process between our consciousness and existence. From gaining understanding to gathering more knowledge and gaining more understanding, over and over. As long as we care for truth and seek to continue to learn, we will always be able to learn more and refine our thinking, refine our understanding, and refine ourselves.\n\n➝ Embrace & Accept Truth – The Great Work Level 2\n\nOnce we figure out what is true from false, right from wrong, good from evil, moral from immoral, we need to accept this truth about our reality, and not reject it. We can’t be engaging in positivity-masks and wearing rosy-colored glasses to ignore, deny, reject, deflect or dismiss what is currently happening in our world, and in ourselves.\n\nAcceptance is required. Truth Type 1, the actual truth of our current condition, is now understood. It’s possible to input data about reality, process it, yet reject it because we don’t want to accept it for what it is.\n\n➝ 4) Wisdom, Rhetoric, Output, Response (Trivium Method – Step 3)\n\nTo Know-Thyself is part of philosophy, which is philo-sophia, the “love of wisdom”. Wisdom is not simply knowledge or understanding, but acting on that understanding and living a certain way based on Moral Truth, the path and way of living as a truer, realer, higher version of yourself. Philosophy, the love of wisdom, is the love of right-action.\n\n➝ Truth Type 2 – What is the potential moral path & way we should be living?\n\n➝ Truth Type 2 is the Moral Truth/Law/”Love”.\n\n“Love”, in a higher sense, not the romantic or other emotional sense, is the devotion and dedication to Moral Truth/Law because one realizes and recognizes the supreme value and importance of truth to determine and quality and condition of our lives. The Moral Truth/Law is an ideal that will determine what direction we should be heading in, what we should do and create into reality with our actions. If we Care for Truth, we can actualize, realize and individuate ourselves into living in truth.\n\n➝ Embody, Live and Be Truth – The Great Work Level 3\n\nWe have to want to choose to take in and absorb into into ourselves, our core being, “essence” or “spirit” (i.e. consciousness), the Moral Truth, and reject, negate an expel the falsity being lived. We need to change ourselves, to do some inner-work and transform our mindsets, to embody, live, exemplify and become the Way and Path of Moral Truth. The story of Jesus symbolized the Way and Path of Moral Truth/Law/”Love”, the “light” and “life”.\n\nWe create good or evil by our moral or immoral actions. The “spirit” in which we do things is based on what we care and desire to do. Caring for Moral Truth is important.\n\nIt’s up to each of us to change our individual personal condition, and the overall aggregate condition in reality. This is part of our personal responsibility in life, and to truth. Truth contrasts to falsity. Truth divides itself from falsity. Truth is the “sword”, just as the story of Jesus symbolizes in the parable of Matthew 10:34. If you follow and live by the truth, you will be divided from those who reject it and choose to continue to live by falsity.\n\nIf we only learn, and accept the current condition of reality, but don’t embody within ourselves the path and way of Moral Truth and choose to live by it, then all that knowledge and understanding will not be used to produce action. What we do as we manifest our consciousness through action and behavior, is a part of who we are. Wisdom is doing something with what we know. “Actions speak louder than words.” “You shall you know them by their action.”\n\n“To know and not to do, is not to know.” – Wang Yangming\n\nThis is living up to the potential of who we can be through our actions and behaviors, and creating a better potential reality for ourselves and everyone else. As each of us progresses in degrees of embodying and living up to principles of Moral Truth/Law/”Love”, we become higher, realer and truer versions of ourselves.\n\nThis is part of answering and developing an understanding of the all-important question: “who am I?”/“who are you?”, to know-thyself.\n\n➝ Share, Speak and Preach Truth – The Great Work Level 4\n\nOnce you seek, learn and have knowledge of the truth of our current condition; understand what is true from false, right from wrong, moral from immoral, and accepted it; have chosen to live by truth and reject the falsity from our way of living; then we can help others do the same process of engaging in the hardest and most uncomfortable work in life – The Great Work.\n\nThis means we need to share, speak and preach the Moral Truth to others for them to be exposed to the truth, right, morality and good, in contrast to how the world, and possibly themselves, is failing to live up to these principles of Moral Truth. This inherently creates adversity, opposition, conflict and division. Truth is against falsity.\n\nDoing this requires that we have even more care, courage and will-power, and not fear the hostility of others who can’t face the mirror of reality and themselves. This is the hard part of having people face the inherent division between what is true from what is false, right from wrong, and seeing how they are supporting or participating in the negative.\n\nThere is no voice of truth inherent in existence. Truth does not exist in itself. The Moral Truth, what is moral, right and good, requires a voice to speak about it. Those who are currently living, embodying, exemplifying and being aspects of the negative, falsity, immorality or evil, are not likely going to want to face the mirror and see what they are doing. They are conditioned by the current condition of reality. They have been tacitly accepting their way of life as “good” through the illusion of “good”, and all the manipulative mind control word-magic spells cast on their minds. They think what is evil is “good” and what is wrong is “right”, because they don’t objectively know the difference between the two.\n\n➝ Apathy for Truth\n\n➝ The Work of the “Dead” (Lower “Unconscious” Living)\n\nIn contrast, if we are apathetic to truth, then we don’t care for truth, and won’t seek it out, accept it, and then live it. We remain in a state of ignorance, willfully ignoring, rejecting and denying the truth in the current condition of reality.\n\nWe choose to believe whatever we want, desire or wish to believe. We agree to the conditioned stimulus of the standardized and normalized acceptability spectrum for our society and how we live our life. There is no need to learn, be curious, doubt and question things, because we accept it the the illusion of “good” as being valid, normal, natural or necessary. This is the wrong kind of acceptance, tacitly accepting the current condition and talking about the same things, not really deeply thinking, not critical thinking about the current condition and seeing what is wrong with it.\n\nThis leads to a lack of understanding, a misconception and confusion of reality, living in falsity and illusions, and ultimately being fooled whereby we accept falsity over truth because we don’t actually care for truth nor realize the importance of truth in life.\n\nAs a result of being fooled by lies, falsity, deception and manipulation, we act foolishly and continue to engage in wrong-actions, even without knowing it. We support and participate in some form of creating wrong into the world because we remain ignorant that it’s even wrong. We may even deny it’s wrong, because we are too attached to it as the current condition that we have been conditioned into accepting uncritically. We accept what is being done as needing to continue, because that’s how it has been done. We validate it through ancestor fallacies.\n\nThis prevents us from changing our ways, to instead do the right-action, since we can’t even recognize and realize we are doing a wrong-action. We are made impotent, unable to change through learned helplessness, accepting the standard normalization of our current condition and not trying to change it.\n\nTo be apathetic, ignorant, confused and misconceiving reality and truth, to then act foolishly, means we are a coward and in fear of truth deep down within ourselves, in our consciousness. If we don’t develop True Care, we go nowhere! We are limited in our ability to create true freedom and peace, and it won’t work out in the end because we will be working against what is right, good and true in ignorance of what is right, good and true.\n\n➝ The Remedy for Apathy is Care\n\nOverall, apathy for truth is to be and remain “unconscious”, “dead”, “asleep”, “sheep”, unawakened and uninitiated. We are “dead” in the coffin or tomb, unconscious to Moral Truth and it’s importance in life, unawakened, asleep. We lack care, not living in greater Care for Moral Truth, so it symbolizes a “deadened” “heart” center, a “deadened” core, “essence”, “spirit” and consciousness.\n\nWhen someone is literally dead, there is no consciousness or action in life, hence the symbolism of being “unconscious”. When someone is asleep, not awake, they are also unconscious an inactive. It’s to be unconscious and inactive relative to being consciously aware of the importance of caring for truth and acting in alignment with truth. Analogy, metaphor and symbolism is used to expressed this understanding of unrealized and unactualized potential to care for, seek, embrace, embody and live up to the Moral Truth as a truer, realer, higher version of ourselves.\n\nWhen we choose to Care for Truth, and specifically Moral Truth, we develop a higher consciousness. We become “initiated”, “awake” and aware, where we are “resurrected”, “rebirthed” and “raised” from the “deadened” lower state of consciousness. We rise to a higher, truer and realer consciousness, and are now “alive”, into a “new life”, a “New World”, an “afterlife”, “eternal life” and “immortal life” that is given to us by the “light” of truth in our lives, the divine “Word” of “God”, the Logos, the Good.\n\nThe underworld is the previously unknown darkness and shadow within us, where we face our demons in the darkness, and we need to use the light of truth to battle these dark forces and put them to death. Then we gain life, are resurrected and rebirthed, regenerated and recreated anew, and reach an after-life/heaven of a new world of being.\n\nIt’s all symbolism, not literal. This is the journey to the underworld, facing ourselves in the mirror, where we are our own worst enemies, we are our own adversaries, our own opposers, that we finally have the care, courage and willpower to conquer and destroy.\n\n➝ The Great Work is to Care\n\nIt all comes down to Care for Truth to initiate ourselves, and more specifically Moral Truth. To Care for Moral Truth/Law/”Love”, and recognize the ultimate importance of Moral Truth in life to improve our condition and quality of life. Moral Truth is the real capital and currency to pay attention to and spend in life. This is to understand that speaking Truth, although it may hurt some, is not a negative act, but a positive act to help them let go of falsity and better themselves and all our way of life, because Truth is “Love”, and “Love” is Truth.\n\nLiving this way, in the service and sacrifice to Moral Truth, will create division and conflict, because most people are very attached to their currently conditioned false worldview of reality, and they are very attached to their currently conditioned self-view and self-image that forms their sense of self, their ego-personality-identity construct.\n\nThey will see the speaking of truth that contradicts the falsity in how they live their life, as an attack on themselves, because they are very attacked to their subjective self-image/self-view, and this self-view, their sense of self is linked to their worldview. If you speak about their false perception of the world, or themselves, in a negative way, the ego-defenses and cognitive biases will be stirred up and attempt to ignore, deny, reject, deflect and dismiss the truth that contradicts to their attachment to falsity.\n\nObjective detachment needs to be learned and employed so that people get over their attachment to themselves and be able to face and recognize the truth.\n\nTruth is secondary for many, and they don’t stand in Truth. They choose to stand in the maintenance and sustenance of falsity, appearances and illusions, through their ego attachment to themselves, their way of life, and with other people that they don’t want to“offend”, “hurt” or lose a “connection” with. They choose to blindly “ally” or “unite” in falsity, for the sake of attachment and “feeling”. We all know how uncomfortable a conflict can be, and certainly if we get involved and go against someone’s delusions of being “right” when they are wrong, things can get even more inconvenient, uncomfortable and not “feel-good” to us.\n\nWe either Stand In Truth, Unite in Truth, together, or we are divided in falsity among each other. Only truth can unite. But many of us are left standing alone when there is a conflict. Many people don’t Care for Truth to unite in truth. Many people simply want to “get along” by ignoring the responsibility we have to unite, stand for and uphold what is right, good and true.\n\nOnce we let go of our attachment to ourselves, our erroneous sense of self, self-views, self-images and worldviews, then we can objectively discern what Moral Truth actually is. This allows us to break free from the cycles of attachment to falsity that keeps us locked into perpetuating our problematic current condition and self-created suffering as a species on this planet.\n\nWe can end the creation of evil, and escape from the hamster wheel of self-inflicted suffering to create True Freedom and Peace. The choice is ours. The Great Work is a term to refer to the responsibility of standing for and serving truth in life, and most importantly the Moral Truth.\n\nThe Great Work requires 1) caring for truth, 2) seeking truth, 3) embracing truth, 4) embodying the truth to exemplify and live it, and then 4) to share and speak it to others.\n\nThat is the only way things are going to change for the better.\n\nTruth is not a thing in itself. Truth can’t speak. Truth can only be recognized by consciousness through objective discernment of reality. Those who have gained truth, can help truth disseminate and pervade into other people’s consciousness. This the responsibility and burden to bear the truth, to stand up for truth, to sacrifice for truth by not compromising truth.\n\nWe have to want to be better, and help others be better. It’s not about letting everyone go on their own “journey” and letting all of this continue for decades and generations to come. That’s not standing and serving what is right, good or true. That is serving excuses and false choices to let falsity and evil persist in the world. That is the apathetic, cowardly, foolish and fearful way to ignore our personal responsibility to the importance of Moral Truth in our lives.\n\nThe Great Work is the real task, job and work in all our lives, but few want to engage it, because it demands higher personal responsibility and investment in time, energy, effort, dedication, determination and persistence.\n\n\n\n➝ Tools of Precision Thinking — Trivium Method; True Learning. 🔑\n\nThe-Great-Work:\nMinds:\nMewe:\nSubstack:\nGab:\nLibrti:\nBTS:Telegram:\nBTS:Mewe:\nBTS:Minds:\n\n#Truth #Knowledge #NaturalLaw #Wisdom #Freedom", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "", "" ] }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "Authority should be questioned, not blindly obeyed. Critical thinking is the antidote to manipulation and control. In a world where authority figures and institutions often claim unquestionable power, it is crucial to cultivate a mindset of critical thinking and skepticism. Blind obedience to authority can lead to the erosion of personal freedom and the perpetuation of harmful systems. By questioning and critically examining authority, we can discern between legitimate and illegitimate exercise of power. Critical thinking enables us to challenge assumptions, seek evidence, and make informed decisions based on our own reasoning and understanding.”<br />― Mark Passio <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2024-02-25T23:16:55+00:00", "source": { "content": "Authority should be questioned, not blindly obeyed. Critical thinking is the antidote to manipulation and control. In a world where authority figures and institutions often claim unquestionable power, it is crucial to cultivate a mindset of critical thinking and skepticism. Blind obedience to authority can lead to the erosion of personal freedom and the perpetuation of harmful systems. By questioning and critically examining authority, we can discern between legitimate and illegitimate exercise of power. Critical thinking enables us to challenge assumptions, seek evidence, and make informed decisions based on our own reasoning and understanding.”\n― Mark Passio", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "<a href=\";si=3xyRTKYq13pe07gC\" target=\"_blank\">;si=3xyRTKYq13pe07gC</a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2024-02-20T21:36:58+00:00", "source": { "content": "", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2024-02-15T10:53:48+00:00", "attachment": [ { "type": "Document", "url": "", "mediaType": "image/jpeg", "height": 1035, "width": 1080 } ], "source": { "content": "", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2024-02-15T10:53:06+00:00", "source": { "content": "", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2024-02-15T10:52:31+00:00", "attachment": [ { "type": "Document", "url": "", "mediaType": "image/jpeg", "height": 1388, "width": 1052 } ], "source": { "content": "", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2024-02-15T10:52:18+00:00", "source": { "content": "", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "Something I hear quite often “why do you think you’re exempt from paying or obeying laws? Laws are created for us all to obey to keep order”<br /><br />Well that’s the problem you BELIEVE laws are created for your benefit but a law is actually an oxymoron it stands for LAND AIR WATER. I don’t believe I’m exempt from anything, I KNOW as a FACT that acts and statues are NOT law, they are nothing more than company policy. But here comes the hypocrisy, we’re programmed to believe we have to adhere to their company policies but they don’t have to adhere to their own company policies 🤔🤔 <br />Acts and statues can’t even be called law because they have no legal standing. Legal is by agreement only, so for acts and statues to be enforced as law there HAS to be an agreement in the form of a contract. That contract must have 2 wet ink signatures 1 of which MUST be yours giving your legal consent to be governed, transferring your power of attorney to the company HM Parliament and Government PLC. Do you remember signing such contract ?? No. Because the legal dependancy of the governed has never been fulfilled. So unless someone can present the 8 billion wet ink signatures from the governed who have given their legal consent to what these acts and statues are there is no law. HM Parliament and Government PLC is a COMPANY, no different to any other company that is registered. <br /><br />Then let’s look at this alleged exemption to “pay” your bills. <br />Well again to demand any form of payment must comply with the bill of exchange act 1882 (which may have the name act, but it stands as FACT, and we use it as a FACT) there must be an agreement in place prior to the demand of payment, this agreement needs to be in the form of a contract again with your wet ink signature which can be used as the material and tangible evidence to support their claims. <br />Profiteering through deception is an act of FRAUD, so gas, electric, water is all provided in abundance by the earth that we all live on, so why would humans be the only species that has to “pay” to live on earth ?? <br />There are some fundamentals to be given consideration BEFORE an agreement or a contract is valid and enforceable: -<br />(a). Full disclosure by the parties. If there is no full disclosure by the parties then the agreement is void from the outset.<br />There would not be any physical presentable evidence to any missing disclosure, but the absence of this material physical evidence is evidence of the fraud.<br />(b). Agreed consideration by both parties. There must be a consideration by both parties! There must be material evidence of this consideration.<br />(c). There should be a signed agreement by both parties. Without the signature from both parties there is no material evidence to the agreement or contract.<br />(d). Must be compliant with the Companies Act 2006 Section 44, Execution of Documents.<br />(e). The very absence of the company seal or signatures from the company is the material evidence of the fact that the activities are fraudulent from the start.<br />So every single letter we receive is fraudulent. All ”bills” are fraudulent.", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2024-01-03T09:02:39+00:00", "source": { "content": "Something I hear quite often “why do you think you’re exempt from paying or obeying laws? Laws are created for us all to obey to keep order”\n\nWell that’s the problem you BELIEVE laws are created for your benefit but a law is actually an oxymoron it stands for LAND AIR WATER. I don’t believe I’m exempt from anything, I KNOW as a FACT that acts and statues are NOT law, they are nothing more than company policy. But here comes the hypocrisy, we’re programmed to believe we have to adhere to their company policies but they don’t have to adhere to their own company policies 🤔🤔 \nActs and statues can’t even be called law because they have no legal standing. Legal is by agreement only, so for acts and statues to be enforced as law there HAS to be an agreement in the form of a contract. That contract must have 2 wet ink signatures 1 of which MUST be yours giving your legal consent to be governed, transferring your power of attorney to the company HM Parliament and Government PLC. Do you remember signing such contract ?? No. Because the legal dependancy of the governed has never been fulfilled. So unless someone can present the 8 billion wet ink signatures from the governed who have given their legal consent to what these acts and statues are there is no law. HM Parliament and Government PLC is a COMPANY, no different to any other company that is registered. \n\nThen let’s look at this alleged exemption to “pay” your bills. \nWell again to demand any form of payment must comply with the bill of exchange act 1882 (which may have the name act, but it stands as FACT, and we use it as a FACT) there must be an agreement in place prior to the demand of payment, this agreement needs to be in the form of a contract again with your wet ink signature which can be used as the material and tangible evidence to support their claims. \nProfiteering through deception is an act of FRAUD, so gas, electric, water is all provided in abundance by the earth that we all live on, so why would humans be the only species that has to “pay” to live on earth ?? \nThere are some fundamentals to be given consideration BEFORE an agreement or a contract is valid and enforceable: -\n(a). Full disclosure by the parties. If there is no full disclosure by the parties then the agreement is void from the outset.\nThere would not be any physical presentable evidence to any missing disclosure, but the absence of this material physical evidence is evidence of the fraud.\n(b). Agreed consideration by both parties. There must be a consideration by both parties! There must be material evidence of this consideration.\n(c). There should be a signed agreement by both parties. Without the signature from both parties there is no material evidence to the agreement or contract.\n(d). Must be compliant with the Companies Act 2006 Section 44, Execution of Documents.\n(e). The very absence of the company seal or signatures from the company is the material evidence of the fact that the activities are fraudulent from the start.\nSo every single letter we receive is fraudulent. All ”bills” are fraudulent.", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "HM Parliaments and Government PLC is an all FOR PROFIT company listed on Companies House and Dun and Bradstreet as a business. The representatives acting on behalf of the company are NOT in charge of us. In fact HM Parliaments and Governments is just a private corporation, an IT and IT has NO more standing than McDonalds, or TESCO, or ASDA, or any other private limited company/corporation out there; they are NO different and they have NO jurisdiction (authority) over us whatsoever! <br /><br />Acts of Parliament/Statutory Legislation is COMPANY POLICY, it applies to representatives of that company, i.e., MPs/Politicians, Police officers, Judges, NHS, local Council, Social services/Cafcass, and anyone classed as an \"Officer/representative of the state\".<br />It does not just magically apply to men and women (me and you); 67.5 million people (approx) in the UK alone did not sign in wet ink the legally REQUIRED 'Consent of the governed' which would need to be done every 4 years and evidenced on the Public Record; nor did 67.5 million people ever (individually) formally and legally transfer their Power of Attorney agreeing to be represented by HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State, which is the ONLY way any representation can take place.<br />So there are NO governed people, which means there is NO government, because one cannot and does NOT exist in absence of the other. <br /> <br />Nothing and I mean NOTHING that comes from the government is applicable to anyone unless you CONSENT to it by way of a legally binding contractual agreement that must meet all the fundamental requirements of a contract, and which can be presented as fact to support the very foundation of any claim of authority. <br /><br />NO contract = NO obligation/NO liability.<br />The words OBLIGATION and LIABILITY cannot and do not exist outside of a legally binding contractual agreement. <br /><br />These State Representatives are operating under the presumption that if you are physically in the UK their Acts and Statutes apply to you and give them jurisdiction. Well that is merely a presumption, and the FACT of the matter is there will never be any material evidence of that presumption (claim) being true. Any presumption can be dismissed by a formal challenge; all claims need to be challenged FORMALLY, on paper, paper form. <br /><br />Would you adhere to the McDonalds PLC company policy even though you don't work for that company? <br />NO<br />Would you take orders from the members of your local church just because you live within their parish? <br />NO<br />Would you allow the manager of ASDA to tell you what you can and can't do?<br />NO<br />..........<br />Then why are people taking orders from a bunch of criminals pretending to be a government; orders which are coming from men and woman who we have never met, and are not likely to ever meet in our entire lives, men and women who we owe nothing to! ?<br /><br />If you are afraid of these clowns then ask yourself WHY? <br /><br />Learn how to stand in your own POWER and lose the FEAR once and for all!! ", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2024-01-03T08:16:36+00:00", "source": { "content": "HM Parliaments and Government PLC is an all FOR PROFIT company listed on Companies House and Dun and Bradstreet as a business. The representatives acting on behalf of the company are NOT in charge of us. In fact HM Parliaments and Governments is just a private corporation, an IT and IT has NO more standing than McDonalds, or TESCO, or ASDA, or any other private limited company/corporation out there; they are NO different and they have NO jurisdiction (authority) over us whatsoever! \n\nActs of Parliament/Statutory Legislation is COMPANY POLICY, it applies to representatives of that company, i.e., MPs/Politicians, Police officers, Judges, NHS, local Council, Social services/Cafcass, and anyone classed as an \"Officer/representative of the state\".\nIt does not just magically apply to men and women (me and you); 67.5 million people (approx) in the UK alone did not sign in wet ink the legally REQUIRED 'Consent of the governed' which would need to be done every 4 years and evidenced on the Public Record; nor did 67.5 million people ever (individually) formally and legally transfer their Power of Attorney agreeing to be represented by HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State, which is the ONLY way any representation can take place.\nSo there are NO governed people, which means there is NO government, because one cannot and does NOT exist in absence of the other. \n \nNothing and I mean NOTHING that comes from the government is applicable to anyone unless you CONSENT to it by way of a legally binding contractual agreement that must meet all the fundamental requirements of a contract, and which can be presented as fact to support the very foundation of any claim of authority. \n\nNO contract = NO obligation/NO liability.\nThe words OBLIGATION and LIABILITY cannot and do not exist outside of a legally binding contractual agreement. \n\nThese State Representatives are operating under the presumption that if you are physically in the UK their Acts and Statutes apply to you and give them jurisdiction. Well that is merely a presumption, and the FACT of the matter is there will never be any material evidence of that presumption (claim) being true. Any presumption can be dismissed by a formal challenge; all claims need to be challenged FORMALLY, on paper, paper form. \n\nWould you adhere to the McDonalds PLC company policy even though you don't work for that company? \nNO\nWould you take orders from the members of your local church just because you live within their parish? \nNO\nWould you allow the manager of ASDA to tell you what you can and can't do?\nNO\n..........\nThen why are people taking orders from a bunch of criminals pretending to be a government; orders which are coming from men and woman who we have never met, and are not likely to ever meet in our entire lives, men and women who we owe nothing to! ?\n\nIf you are afraid of these clowns then ask yourself WHY? \n\nLearn how to stand in your own POWER and lose the FEAR once and for all!! ", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "👉To be joyful for another is to bless ourselves as well as him. <br />- Neville Goddard Radio Lectures <br />#5 “Feeling is the Secret”<br />_<br /><br />(Important line from the excerpt: ... be joyful for another ...)<br /><br />🔔When you are really happy for anyone's success, you are inspiring yourself for having the same and you are going to have it sooner.<br /><br />💥You can be happy for anyone's success by appreciating them.<br /><br />✨You can be happy for anyone's success by enjoying with them and being the part of their celebration.<br /><br />✨You can be happy for anyone's success by learning from them.<br /><br />💥You can be happy for anyone's success by getting inspired from them. <br /><br />✨You can be happy for anyone's success by looking for the similarities you both are having within yourselves.<br /><br />🔔What you look into another, you bless yourself with the same thing.<br /><br />💥What you focus on, expands.", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2023-12-19T11:32:06+00:00", "attachment": [ { "type": "Document", "url": "", "mediaType": "image/jpeg", "height": 612, "width": 500 } ], "source": { "content": "👉To be joyful for another is to bless ourselves as well as him. \n- Neville Goddard Radio Lectures \n#5 “Feeling is the Secret”\n_\n\n(Important line from the excerpt: ... be joyful for another ...)\n\n🔔When you are really happy for anyone's success, you are inspiring yourself for having the same and you are going to have it sooner.\n\n💥You can be happy for anyone's success by appreciating them.\n\n✨You can be happy for anyone's success by enjoying with them and being the part of their celebration.\n\n✨You can be happy for anyone's success by learning from them.\n\n💥You can be happy for anyone's success by getting inspired from them. \n\n✨You can be happy for anyone's success by looking for the similarities you both are having within yourselves.\n\n🔔What you look into another, you bless yourself with the same thing.\n\n💥What you focus on, expands.", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "" }, { "type": "Announce", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "attributedTo": "", "content": "<a href=\";t=all&amp;q=minds\" title=\"#minds\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#minds</a> <a href=\";t=all&amp;q=memes\" title=\"#memes\" class=\"u-url hashtag\" target=\"_blank\">#memes</a> ", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "tag": [], "url": "", "published": "2023-11-29T03:28:50+00:00", "attachment": [ { "type": "Document", "url": "", "mediaType": "image/jpeg", "height": 629, "width": 511 } ], "source": { "content": "#minds #memes ", "mediaType": "text/plain" } }, "id": "", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "", "" ] } ], "id": "", "partOf": "" }