A small tool to view real-world ActivityPub objects as JSON! Enter a URL
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to the server to view the underlying object.
"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
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"content": "<a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWYDEl5HVqc\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWYDEl5HVqc</a> The cancer industry is a scam, vaccination is a scam, dentistry is a scam (thanks mercury poisoning) and most GPs are glorified drug pushers. <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWYDEl5HVqc\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWYDEl5HVqc</a> Not only Mammograms but I got sick of being poked and prodded which left me the following days laid flat out from the pain it caused as well. I tried to get Thermographybut was told not reliable and its nowhere near me either but I call BS on that. The ultrasound also hurt and is not conclusive and the MRI can be down with saline and not the gandolinium which I cant detox due to MTHFR. Cutting or pushing until they pop is not ideal for metastising of the toxic pocket. Hands off boofheads. Transdermal Lugols Iodine and DMSO is doing well I dont get many days with pain its more if I get a chill on top as I cant regulate my temperate properly Ive noticed that I have issues and fatigue with detox but so far so good.Having some expulsion of grossness pop up from it which the cupping is also helping to extract as that can be painful but usually passes after cupping treatment and further trasndermal application.I understand that to be very prolific if deciding to use the Black salve protocol. Just be mindful not to do directly after hot shower as it opens the pores and the DMSO and Iodine can burn. (learnt that the hard way) Keep some aloe on hand but that stung for me as well so you need a cool shower to wash off if that happens and then apply aloe later and wait half a day before retrying transdermal appplication. Dont forget your Amygdalin and Bicarb can defintely tell the difference days I dont take the Bicarb. Also using frankinsense resin, colloidal silver, Mistletoe and a few other things. Fenben is next.<br />",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1051291718909767680",
"published": "2019-12-11T00:17:57+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWYDEl5HVqc The cancer industry is a scam, vaccination is a scam, dentistry is a scam (thanks mercury poisoning) and most GPs are glorified drug pushers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWYDEl5HVqc Not only Mammograms but I got sick of being poked and prodded which left me the following days laid flat out from the pain it caused as well. I tried to get Thermographybut was told not reliable and its nowhere near me either but I call BS on that. The ultrasound also hurt and is not conclusive and the MRI can be down with saline and not the gandolinium which I cant detox due to MTHFR. Cutting or pushing until they pop is not ideal for metastising of the toxic pocket. Hands off boofheads. Transdermal Lugols Iodine and DMSO is doing well I dont get many days with pain its more if I get a chill on top as I cant regulate my temperate properly Ive noticed that I have issues and fatigue with detox but so far so good.Having some expulsion of grossness pop up from it which the cupping is also helping to extract as that can be painful but usually passes after cupping treatment and further trasndermal application.I understand that to be very prolific if deciding to use the Black salve protocol. Just be mindful not to do directly after hot shower as it opens the pores and the DMSO and Iodine can burn. (learnt that the hard way) Keep some aloe on hand but that stung for me as well so you need a cool shower to wash off if that happens and then apply aloe later and wait half a day before retrying transdermal appplication. Dont forget your Amygdalin and Bicarb can defintely tell the difference days I dont take the Bicarb. Also using frankinsense resin, colloidal silver, Mistletoe and a few other things. Fenben is next.\n",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1051273372509413378/entities/urn:activity:1051291718909767680/activity"
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"content": "<a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhXuWmrJsMU&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2Ltk2n666nMWJCBTZx1LyDCnvO6ukrryPdbDxQR2iZ5pRNNVqeQ9amhvw\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhXuWmrJsMU&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2Ltk2n666nMWJCBTZx1LyDCnvO6ukrryPdbDxQR2iZ5pRNNVqeQ9amhvw</a>",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1051283227686297600",
"published": "2019-12-10T23:44:13+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhXuWmrJsMU&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2Ltk2n666nMWJCBTZx1LyDCnvO6ukrryPdbDxQR2iZ5pRNNVqeQ9amhvw",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1051273372509413378/entities/urn:activity:1051283227686297600/activity"
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"content": "<a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhXuWmrJsMU&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2Ltk2n666nMWJCBTZx1LyDCnvO6ukrryPdbDxQR2iZ5pRNNVqeQ9amhvw\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhXuWmrJsMU&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2Ltk2n666nMWJCBTZx1LyDCnvO6ukrryPdbDxQR2iZ5pRNNVqeQ9amhvw</a><br />",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1051282992714899456",
"published": "2019-12-10T23:43:17+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhXuWmrJsMU&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2Ltk2n666nMWJCBTZx1LyDCnvO6ukrryPdbDxQR2iZ5pRNNVqeQ9amhvw\n",
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"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1051273372509413378/entities/urn:activity:1051282992714899456/activity"
"type": "Create",
"actor": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1051273372509413378",
"object": {
"type": "Note",
"id": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1051273372509413378/entities/urn:activity:1051282915827212288",
"attributedTo": "https://www.minds.com/api/activitypub/users/1051273372509413378",
"content": "<a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmk8WKT7pww&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3Rp7gnOjIxKIXofa-FFsEP_X71EFuUS2siJtEjtt5gIuAI4djaxmnN4_0\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmk8WKT7pww&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3Rp7gnOjIxKIXofa-FFsEP_X71EFuUS2siJtEjtt5gIuAI4djaxmnN4_0</a> DE will detox parasites and aluminium, Boron nano tech and fluoride and the pineal gland, Vit C boosting glutathione will help detox, as will Epsom salts (you can buy bulk bags at farmers co-ops) and avoiding all wifi and smart products as much as humanely possible will be your best bet. Going rural also needs to be mindful as many rural areas have NBN towers that reach around 15kms with their frequencies (there was a great website to show this but it was recently shut down) not to mention as per Perth Observatory last week all the new satelittes (space X) that have just been released into the sky. Some of these towers are IN TOWNS and there seems to be no consideration whatsoever to their proximity to people or was that planned?! (Lovely little alternative towns like Bellingen) Eat organically, throw away your smart phone and get a land line, use an old modem (the new ones have huge EMFs, are 5G compatible and telstra turns wifi on even when your button is off to facilitate other customers with tesltra air). The frequencies can control us that has been made clear in previous protests like the water line in the US and even openly on military websites (Lockheed Martin). You wont be able to avoid this control in the resiliant Rockefeller cities so living in one will be a death sentance slowly but surely. If we dont have free will we are no longer protected by the blood of Christ but are under the Beast system. Heavy shit but there it is. Satan is the prince of the air and I still dont understand why so many truthers are not Christians as there is a clear and obvious conspiracy to sweep christianity under the carpet. Jesus wasnt born at Christmas (It was March or Sept) this time line helps to support the Illuminati BS propaganda piece Thrive and the relation to weather events and Jesus being THE SUN not the son of God. Only Dec 25th facilitates that but its not when he was born so it is complete rubbish and I have posted a video to discredit this rubbish recently check it out. Oh and dont be fooled by the NWO one world religion prosperity and other accept all others religions like the new ex satanic now reborn celebrities like Kanye are pushing. Wolves in sheeps clothing. You know its part of the NWO when the celebrities get involved. Look at the shit they have peddled so far.",
"to": [
"cc": [
"tag": [],
"url": "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1051282915827212288",
"published": "2019-12-10T23:42:59+00:00",
"source": {
"content": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmk8WKT7pww&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3Rp7gnOjIxKIXofa-FFsEP_X71EFuUS2siJtEjtt5gIuAI4djaxmnN4_0 DE will detox parasites and aluminium, Boron nano tech and fluoride and the pineal gland, Vit C boosting glutathione will help detox, as will Epsom salts (you can buy bulk bags at farmers co-ops) and avoiding all wifi and smart products as much as humanely possible will be your best bet. Going rural also needs to be mindful as many rural areas have NBN towers that reach around 15kms with their frequencies (there was a great website to show this but it was recently shut down) not to mention as per Perth Observatory last week all the new satelittes (space X) that have just been released into the sky. Some of these towers are IN TOWNS and there seems to be no consideration whatsoever to their proximity to people or was that planned?! (Lovely little alternative towns like Bellingen) Eat organically, throw away your smart phone and get a land line, use an old modem (the new ones have huge EMFs, are 5G compatible and telstra turns wifi on even when your button is off to facilitate other customers with tesltra air). The frequencies can control us that has been made clear in previous protests like the water line in the US and even openly on military websites (Lockheed Martin). You wont be able to avoid this control in the resiliant Rockefeller cities so living in one will be a death sentance slowly but surely. If we dont have free will we are no longer protected by the blood of Christ but are under the Beast system. Heavy shit but there it is. Satan is the prince of the air and I still dont understand why so many truthers are not Christians as there is a clear and obvious conspiracy to sweep christianity under the carpet. Jesus wasnt born at Christmas (It was March or Sept) this time line helps to support the Illuminati BS propaganda piece Thrive and the relation to weather events and Jesus being THE SUN not the son of God. Only Dec 25th facilitates that but its not when he was born so it is complete rubbish and I have posted a video to discredit this rubbish recently check it out. Oh and dont be fooled by the NWO one world religion prosperity and other accept all others religions like the new ex satanic now reborn celebrities like Kanye are pushing. Wolves in sheeps clothing. You know its part of the NWO when the celebrities get involved. Look at the shit they have peddled so far.",
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