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"id": "https://discourse.osgeo.org/ap/object/e63366b2d452001df8af27dd1cf800e4",
"type": "Note",
"audience": "https://discourse.osgeo.org/ap/actor/e12a97a00c04f88ba48156f05cd55220",
"to": "https://discourse.osgeo.org/ap/actor/e12a97a00c04f88ba48156f05cd55220",
"cc": [
"published": "2024-12-13T19:56:24Z",
"updated": "2024-12-13T19:56:24Z",
"url": "https://discourse.osgeo.org/t/pgrouting-contraction-hierarchies/111686/3",
"attributedTo": "https://discourse.osgeo.org/ap/actor/698c8043a23f42700545ea9c7bd6f21a",
"context": "https://discourse.osgeo.org/ap/collection/23ba824686812042edcb1ff2f421791b",
"content": "<p>Hi Aurélie</p><p>I had a fast glance to the code.</p><p>So before thinking on the final PR to pgRouting let me mention that:</p><ol><li>A PR of new functionality has like 5/6 commits, organized per directory: doc, sql, pgtap, docqueries, include, src, tools. That is we don't want to keep the whole history of the development of the code of the new functionality. (see this <a href=\"https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/pull/2647\">PR example</a></li><li>Maybe like the GSoC students, sometimes the whole work history needs to be kept, that you are doing on your fork.</li></ol><p>Now about the code, Normally its new code, as you can see on the above example. But your code is also modifying existing code. Which makes things a little bit more tricky.</p><p>When I have encountered that situation, the most recent on <a href=\"https://github.com/pgRouting/vrprouting/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed\">vrpRouting</a>, I have to do it in a series of PR, Basically from the PR #43 up to #64 is the work done in \"one\" branch of my fork. Other wise the review of the code is mostly impossible.</p><p>So, in order to prepare your code for merging to pgRouting repository, we can set a weekly meeting where we go thru your code and the steps that need to be done to make it work.</p><p>If it can be finish before the v4.0.0 release (on develop) that I am working on, would be lovely, other wise it would be on v4.1.0. So the sooner we get into working on it the better.</p><p>For the meeting time and place:Mondays at 9am on <a href=\"https://meet.osgeo.org/pgrouting\">https://meet.osgeo.org/pgrouting</a></p><p>We can have an introductory meeting on the 16th (please confirm). and then continue on January (On Dec 23 I am cooking for the Xmas and on the 30th I am on vacation)</p><p>RegardsVicky</p><br><br><a href=\"https://discourse.osgeo.org/t/pgrouting-contraction-hierarchies/111686/3\">Discuss this on our forum.</a>",
"inReplyTo": "https://discourse.osgeo.org/ap/object/81bc98696bf369d2dc7dbabe0087f1b3",
"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"